Star Army

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RP: YSS Resurgence Snow Ghost's Counsel

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Inactive Member
RP Date
YE 45.1
RP Location
YSS Resurgence
Thia stood in a infinite void of darkness. Text the colour of arcing electricity cast her in a chilly blue hue as she scanned through the Resurgence's crew roster. The muscles around her eyes twitched as the names flew past until she held up a hand and, like a magic spell, everything froze. In front of her face was the singular name Koyama, orphaned even from a family name.

Spreading her fingers, the list faded away and the name floated up and to her left, its place at the center of her vision filled with a 3-space volumetric projection of the Neko rendered from her most recent ST backup. A shiver crept up Thia's neck and along her shoulders as she stepped forward and looked more closely at the woman she could've sworn she'd met before. Her meticulously-kept database of faces she'd seen turned up nothing, but the projection matched a ghost story someone told her years ago when she was laying low in a tiny mountain village.

Sweeping her hand as if she were clearing a table sent the projection to one side, then lifting it like a conductor bidding an orchestra to ready themselves brought up a form that she filled by typing in the air before sending it with simple thumbs-up. Whether the ghost would accept her invitation was another matter entirely.

Pulling the projection back in towards herself, she twirled her finger in the air and Koyama's official record started scrolling in front of her eyes, or at least the parts she had clearance to read. The word engineering jumped out at her, and with a click of her jaw, the dark void around her was suddenly filled with a narrow corridor between a bulkhead and a piece of machinery whose function she couldn't identify, but that she'd seen once in the Resurgence's bowels. With another click of her jaw, the air beside her shimmered and her desk chair, which she knew actually existed in her office where she was, appeared next to her. With another click, the lavish couch the Empress had sent her also appeared.


"Yes, this ought to do nicely," she whispered quietly to herself.

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Thia’s invitation almost seemed to be declined. The first officer hadn’t appeared before her. Nor beside her in this faerie tale of an artificial space. Instead, the Nekovalkyrja appeared from behind. She was drifting along in silence. Her hands clasped behind her back, the councilor went unacknowledged for a time. The target of her session seemed to inspect her surroundings with a practiced critical eye. Very much like a feline introduced to new surroundings and spaces. Unknown territory to explore but unsure of just what lies around the next bend. The machinery caused her to pause a moment, her sole reaction a cluck of her tongue. Her back was to Thia. Perhaps considering her a non-threat, but her hands were visible and it seemed her fingers beat to some unknown tune as one tapped to a steady rhythm.

In her silence, the woman’s head finally tilted toward the couch. Slowly did she then turn to grant the Nepleslian her attention with the eyes of that same being mentioned in the stories she’d heard during her stay in a quaint little mountain village. A gold that glinted in her choice of lighting with an almost reddish hue as if they were ready to melt and puddle prepared for the mold. Her potential patient’s expression was devoid of emotion in the continued silence, save for whatever Thia’d loaded into the background. Ever so slowly did the woman seat herself, hands coming free to rest on her lap with her ankles locked, yet her back hadn’t so much as brushed against the plush couch.

The emotionless expression so practiced by the ruling clan’s guardians dropped only a fraction. Curiosity about the eyes. Her ears leaned forward slightly to tell Thia she had her attention. All in all, Koyama waited. Unspeaking but willing to listen. It was Thia’s move.

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