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So how bout those Lorath


Inactive Member
I'm new here and would like to do tech writing.

Are the Lorath open for submissions?

They don't have a help wanted sign like the other factions, but they don't appear to have activity in months.
Reactions: Wes
Actually Generico, Doctomoe has been advertising for players several times, he is especially looking for grunts and any new players. (I suspect he wants to do somekind of introduction to SARP with the Lorath's help but I am not 100% sure) The Lorath are a very proud and majestic species with a deep history. They are also in their own way responsible for some of the most important medical technology the Neps and Yams use.

I am sure Doctomoe would be glad to have another tech maker for the Lorath.

Also Uso you forgot to mention:
  • Generally Contact Fay for the shark-dolphins Azoreans or doing any aquatic technology. You can also contact Sentient Race whose current working on Azorean corporation. Or myself who is work mainly on...
You might want to also consider the tech challenges: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=tech_challenges

for places to start with tech design. Unless there is something in particular you want to make in which case you should talk Doc Tomoe (for the lorathh) Myself (for Nepleslia) Wes (for KFY) Abwhercommander for the four armed guys, Ira (for the garts), CadetNewb (for Origin) or Kokuten for the Iroma.

If you let me know what you're looking to make I can give you a better direction to go in.
Actually Generico, Doctomoe has been advertising for players several times, he is especially looking for grunts and any new players. (I suspect he wants to do somekind of introduction to SARP with the Lorath's help but I am not 100% sure) The Lorath are a very proud and majestic species with a deep history. They are also in their own way responsible for some of the most important medical technology the Neps and Yams use.

I am sure Doctomoe would be glad to have another tech maker for the Lorath.

Also Uso you forgot to mention:
  • Generally Contact Fay for the shark-dolphins Azoreans or doing any aquatic technology. You can also contact Sentient Race whose current working on Azorean corporation. Or myself who is work mainly on Azorean art and weapons. We are small but we pack a bite.
  • Definitely contact Fred if you plan to do any tech for villains like the NMX or mishu. As any rp is only as good as its villians, Fred is the genus whose ideas and support have made SARP continue to be an exciting place.
  • Contact Scot if your interested in a making bounty hunter or bounty hunter technology
  • For cute fluffy ewokish race called the Phods (contact Wes)*

Last but not least.... When making tech I would definitely get in touch with Wes or any of our wonderful setting tech managers as they are there to help you make rpable tech.

*Common guys it would be cute if the Phods made tech. Like little fuzzy underdogs
The Phodians are porcine humanoids with feathers. I wouldn't call them fuzzy so much as feathery. And isn't that mostly just on the arms... vestigial stuff?

Phodians are really SARP's running joke on the expression "When pigs fly".

From what I've heard, they stand out in a few ways: their society is a tad ganster-ish, they are great cooks, and they are part of the Yamataian Empire to the point where their people can serve as crew onboard Star Army warships - most often in the caretaker capacity.
About the Lorath.

Yes! Another tech writer would be welcome, just consult with me through PM, or on IRC about technology which you may want to develop, and I would gladly give guidance on delivering a proper 'Lorath' feel to the product in question, if the product is desired.

Furthermore, yes, new players are encouraged to join up and veteran players as well. I can't become inactive, until I get some blood in our ranks. If anyone has any questions, please, feel free to direct queries to my PM box or message me on IRC. When I am available, I will address your questions.
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