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so, uh... I'm Von. *awkward wave*


Inactive Member
A friend of mine referred me to this website c:

I'm not the most savvy scifi writer, having come from a heavy fantasy styled rp background. I've always been interested in getting my foot in the door, so to speak.

Just wanted to say hello and that I appreciate any help offered. I've never been a member on a forum site like this before. I feel like a fish out of water. ^O^; I want to make a character but am unsure of what race would be preferable for the style I want. Looking to make a sort of bounty-hunter like female character (I know, cliched, sue me lol). Not looking to make someone who is a full-on cyborg type, perhaps maybe a few small altercations to suit her mercenary lifestyle (a prosthetic limb or similar). I want her relying on her own, naturally born skills for the most part, as well as from help of her weapons and devices, obviously. Nothing too cybernetic, maybe enough to just make her life a wee bit easier while still making her feel like she's independent of such symbiotic, enhancing technology. I see her taking pride in her own strengths, naturally given and refined wither own hard work and training, not just uploaded and instant.

Reactions: Wes
Hey Vonsiel and welcome to SARP. The site can seem a bit daunting (actually more than a bit) but it will become a matter of just knowing where to look once you get used to it. I would recommend this page to you, it will link you to most of the important pages you need starting out. Also just a little help, your character idea you pitched is very well suited towards the Nepleslian culture, so you might want to look there first to see if that might be the race you want to make your first character with.
Welcome to the site. I can sympathize with the way you are feeling, as I am a heavily fantasy background person myself. Just take it slow and don't be afraid to ask questions of others and read the wiki. As stated by Syaoran, it sounds like Nepleslian origins would suit your character idea... but I'm sure other good ones will well up as you go along.
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