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RP [SoA: Idol Wars] The Dream Realized; Sinful Bean Forms the Anisa Idols!

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Inactive Member
RP Date
YE 40
RP Location
Yamatai Space - YE 40
Planet Anisa, Southern Hemisphere
Tōttori, Irata Continent

"So we have one of those now?"

One of the local farmers - a minkan with a delivery ferried by grav-sled - looked over from the path and across one of Tōttori's least used roads to the small but well-known sign for Doki Doki YSA!. In particular, he was looking at the buxom and very strangely well-endowed Neko wearing a white pantsuit that was unlocking the building. Her high heels were out of place on the dirt path; likely some elitist from the military who had retired and taken the lofty life. Long blonde hair whipped with her head as she growled and grabbed the doorknob in frustration before twisting and rending the metal lever free and forcing the door open. The minkan awkwardly and nervously smiled and went back to minding his own business as the black-skinned woman grumbled in protest before heading inside. But more on that in a moment.

To most, Tōttori was a place with little going on; even on the Irata continent of the massive agricultural world, it was an inconspicuous hub. But its importance was undeniable; in the entire Irata continent, Tōttori acted as a major shipping lane; many of the Trinary Star shipping lanes flowed through trade hubs in this town. It was a noisy and industry-oriented place; one sorely lacking entertainment. Perhaps that was what made the Kuvexians target a Phod working here - desperately seeking a vacation for his family - and started all of this. They saw Yamataians stuck in the daily grind, doing their part and finding things mundane on an important world but in a forgotten part of it.

But back to our story; the large-chested woman thudded her way across the quiet business. Shibui Mame - codename Sinful Bean - was the conductor of all this espionage-play. This was even her ideal dream job; getting to retire and run a maid cafe... albeit with her completely absent-in-size chest and getting to test and see every playful twist on the lovely maid-fashioned uniforms of the SAoY that ended up in a Doki Doki.

True to theme, the decor of the Anisa Doki Doki YSA! was simple; they were imitating the curvature of the Fuji-class Expeditionary Gunship. The building itself was very spherical and oblong in imitation of the teardrop vessel; it even had two floors! An all-time must for asserting the size and dominance of a beautiful Yamataian vessel! Tables and booths lined the bottom floor's curvature walls with a pathway cut through the heart of the building to allow folks to approach the cafe counter and see the giant arched monitor detailing each Morale Officer's popularity points.

Not that they had any yet; all of the random assortment of hires were to-code with the chain's expectations, all of them in the back of the bottom floor in the staff area; preparing and getting ready for work!

But with their larger building, their entire merchandise selling section encompassed the second floor... but it also encompassed a first in the Doki Doki YSA! franchise; its very own idol performance stage and area. Much of the second floor's floor plan was dedicated to rows of seating, all splayed out for a small but well-designed arena with plenty of holographic projectors and panels lacing it to allow for all sorts of extravagant lightshows. This floor would be where they'd sell merchandise; where they could insert any requisitioned surveillance equipment into dolls and send it home with some gullible Kuvexian plant trying to scope out the place. It was here that they would best their foes and change destiny.

Mame thumped into the door leading into the back; her red eyes half-closed as she grumbled. The silly chest she wore was to help ensure not a single soul recognized her; black Neko such as her were rare, after all... and having chest melons was useful in far more ways than one.

Heading through her personal office and into the garage, she tiredly looked out over the three vans. All of them were covered in Doki Doki pink - bearing the chain's logo along the vehicle's roof siding - and had large, blank slabs of ready-to-design canvas on them.

They would not only be the vehicles for any public events the chain held such as "Flash Plumeria Morale Checks!" (where they set up street events for Morale Officers to help or attend public events with entertainment), but they would also eventually be the official buses of the Doki Doki Anisa Idol Group!

Not that the name was final; all of these SAINT-modified vehicles would get a good and proper design once all that stuff was ironed out. Walking into the bathroom of her fine building, Mame made her way into her personal stall.

Which was actually a code-restricted and SAINT-identification reading entryway into the SAINT command house buried in the foundation of the building. Beneath the Doki Doki YSA, with plenty of stealth and reclusive anti-detection measures, they had constructed a simple observation post. With a push of a button, it could be completely sealed off and put with countless meters of dirt through a valuable "fall away" feature... a good way to ensure that even if they broke in and tried to expose them that the SAINT operatives could resist and buy time to either be extracted or get a diversion until they could be recovered.

It was here that Mame finally reached into her suit and pulled free the G-cup imitating false-bra; tossing the garb onto the table where the ghostly image of her sprite companion - Baku - watched silently.

"Hopefully the first batch of operatives get here soon, Baku." Mame mused, plopping down into her chair within the 10x10 room to watch the two typing figures of her minkan servant and junior working with one of the other few agents left to tend to the command post. "They're all small, so we don't have to worry about space. They can all sit in one chair! That is, if they don't get lost... I hope they don't get lost. That'd be a... what's the word?"

The minkan raises a finger, drawing her ruby gaze.

"The word is shame, Chusa Shibui."

"Ah, yes... shame. I always forget about that word; considering I don't feel that emotion, it's hard to believe it exists."

Mame looked to her security feed, linked to the store above. To small, mini-Neko like the ones she asked for? The world of Anisa could likely be breathtaking; after all, much of its surface was covered in ricefields. To a mini-Neko, those would be like rice swamps! The idea of them getting lost if they strayed off the path was an easy deduction... but her machine eyes watched the cameras hoping to see them arrive and make their way through the Doki Doki YSA! that would soon spread their cover identities far and wide.

Today was the birth of true idols; Shibui couldn't help but enthusiastically hum at the reminder that they were her idols. Even if it was just a cover for the operation, this was like a dream job. Apart from getting to destroy those fishy alien merchant-thriving scumbag Kuvexians, anyway. Hopefully they came in-character, too; it'd be nice for the Morale Officers who do the normal day-to-day work for the cafe to meet their future STARS!

@Reynolds @Speeder01 @Noodlewerfer @SageShooter @SirSPT @SirSkully
Tōttori, Irata Continent

Himiko huffed a little as she continued to float through the air, bag in her hands. She had been floating for a while now, having unfortunately getting lost in the rice fields that those already within the cafe had been so concerned about. It had taken her an hour to escape the first, another two hours to escape the second and had it not been for the passersby, she would have probably succumbed to the third rice field she almost flew into. But she had gotten lucky with the friendly folks who had pointed her the way to the new Cafe, and as she crested one last hill to see the building she let out a squeal of excitment!

Not only was this her first assignment, it was also a chance to maybe even get noticed! She wasn't sure just who all was showing up, having not taken the time to look over the mission dossier of her co-workers, but she was pretty sure she was probably one of, if not the best singer there. She didn't care so much about the SAINT side of the work (Even though she probably should have...) She just cared about having fun! upturned bangs from her pixie cut black hair seemed to flutter as the giant of a mini neko finally made the doorway of the cafe only to look around with wonder.

She had been in an older Doki Doki YSA back in Kyoto, the cafe having been modeled after a Sakura class Gunship, but this one was so cool. Even if someone had even tried to stop her, Himiko would simply shoot past them in an excited hurry to scope the place out. A renewed sense of energy saw the mini-neko zipping around the shop like a pixie on speed as she dropped off her bag near the back and began to explore. Up and down between both levels, she couldn't seem to focus on just one spot for more then a few moments.

Eventually she would settle down on the stage, walking around a little before she flopped to her butt with a sigh, eyes half shut and a goofy grin on her face. She was actually on a stage!

Sure it wasn't big, it wasn't fancy, it would probably never have thousands of screaming fans in front of it, but it was her first stage! She just sat there on the stage swaying her feet back and forth in front of her as she waited to see if others were going to join her, or if she was going to be met by their handler up here? She still really wasn't sure where to go. She had gotten lost in rice fields after all...
Takiki Iki, a SAINT she may be, was not the most skilled of navigators. It was less she was unskilled at it, and more that the many sights to see along the way to her latest asignment were... distracting. It wasn't often she got to see vegitation heavy worlds with lots of people around. She spent, perhaps far more time then neccesary sight seeing, only occasionally reminded by a custom sized alarm set to annoy her every few minutes to tell her to keep on track.

Indeed, if it weren't for her setting her own schedule to be followed and electronically reminded about, she may not have come in character, with a tiny little E-book to read, nerdy glasses, and an outfit that absolutely screamed stereo typically... smart. Of course, she didn't disagree that she was smart. But playing it up felt sort of... Well, it was an asignment. One she would complete to the best of her ablity. Besides, she'd always liked dancing anyway.

After many blunders, many of which the small neko would choose not to discuss, she did indeed arrive at the cafe... eventually. Of course when she did, she entered with a kind of awkward seeming glance around, walking along the ground casually.
Tōttori, Irata Continent
What appeared to be some kind of mini-neko android was floating through the rice fields looking for the cafe. "Scanning..." She said, hovering upwards to look around. Her electrical cord for a tail swished around until she eventually spotted the building. The real robot lowered herself back onto the ground and quickly dashed toward the cafe, eventually arriving. After searching around the inside, the chrome gynoid walked onto the stage where she saw another miniature neko. "Robosumi reporting in," the 6.5 inch tall and very authentic robot stated.
Tōttori, Irata Continent

The cafe's door swung open once more to reveal yet another vertically challenged form carrying a little bag with her, Yuki Watanabe's pink hair was gently tossed by a breeze that managed to slip through before the door shut - the mini SAINT operatives pale blue eyes widened as she took the whole scene in, her jaw dropping down in sync with her sweater-clad arms as the realisation hit her.

That stage was for her, of course it was for whoever her fellow idols were too but... wow.

It was one hell of a feeling, the soon-to-be-idol had to shake her head to bring herself back into her senses - straightening her posture before raising a hand up to give a large and very enthusiastic wave towards the stage. "HIIIIIIII," Yuki called out to her fellow minis that lined the stage, pushing off of the ground to float toward them rather rapidly.

Yuki's pink hair shifted to a much more vibrant shade of pink as she touched down, holding the mini-sized duffle bag across her knees as she looked between the other mini's. "I'm Yuki! Yuki Watanabe - it's nice to meet you all!" Yuki half-yelled at them, dropping her bag with a soft thud and wrapping sweater-clad arms around the nearest mini.
Doki Doki YSA
Tōttori, Irata Continent

For a year now, Yoshimi had been stuck with boring assignments that seemed to be an insult to her occupation. She had been trained to fight, to kill. Now she had been retrained to sneak. To be hidden in plain view. To sing for some reason. It was going to be fun. She wasn't an expert but in espionage by any means, but the the whole premise seemed so odd that it was bound to be interesting.

She didn't want to cause too much of a scene (yet) before the big operation, electing to make her way directly to the Doki Doki meet up point with the others. She pushed her way inside and saw the other minis already on stage. She grinned to hide the fact that she looked the shortest in the group.

"Heyo everyon-"

Wait, need to be rough, tough, take no guff idol.

"I mean, good grief. Is this all there is?"
Doki Doki YSA
Tōttori, Irata Continent

Wow, everyone made it. She was genuinely surprised that they all walked, though; why were they all so inept at acquiring the use of public transportation? Were her operatives already spoiled rotten idols, unable to acquire such transportation on their own? This wouldn't do; idols being spoiled was a luxury only afforded once they made it big and retired! It wasn't part of their up-and-growing success plan!

As the group all made their way up and started to converse, a stompy giant approached Yoshimi from behind; the once-more big-chested disguise of manager donning their SAINT leader well as she patted the little frowner's head.

"That's enough, Yoshimi-bean." Yes, she used an informal and unorthodox honorific, so what? Wanna fight about it? "All of you; gather around my glorious idols!"

Kneeling down and patting her lap for Yoshimi, her mind reached out and linked with her posse of smalls; advantages to being catgirls with machine minds and basically mechanical telepathy built in through communication networks. It was appropriately more secure than speaking.

I hope everyone has prepared themselves; idol life is a difficult cover, but you were all surely informed and given proper upgrades to accommodate this new cover. I am Chusa Shibui Mame; announce yourselves while you come to me and provide a good show for the employees.

The big-boobed blonde smiled, opening her arms wide, beckoning them forward as the morale officers all peeked up and toward the second floor at "their manager" and the pet project of Doki Doki YSA!; none of them aware that they were in the room with trained supermachines built to kill Kuvexian insurgents. But all of them were smiling and glowing at the outfits and presence of the mini-Neko; after all, they were all going to be nakama during this operation. Even if all the morale officers were locals, they were all working under one roof... just with different tasks.

@Reynolds @Speeder01 @Noodlewerfer @SageShooter @SirSPT @SirSkully
Doki Doki YSA
Tōttori, Irata Continent

Yuki released her fellow mini from the hug, even though she was made of metal for some odd reason - Yuki gave the one known as 'Robosumi' a warm embrace before their towering manager made herself known to them. She received the 'mental' communication loud and clear but didn't send one back, nor did she give any indication it had been given to her - meeting new people was something the Neko with hair that currently burned a brilliant pink always loved so she was more than happy to introduce herself whether it was formally or something like this, truth be told she honestly preferred it this way.

Yuki began floating toward their lovely host with a very genuine smile on her face and her arms outstretched for a hug, "Hellooooo, I'm Yuki, Yuki Watanabe - it's great to finally meet you, miss!" the cutesy mini introduced herself rather jovially, giving a small twirl in the air for showy purposes before coming in for that hug. The eight inch mini was somewhat busty herself, but she perched herself atop the buxom manager's chest and wrapped little arms around the woman's neck or at least what she could before gently nuzzling her pink-topped head against their manager's cheek.

This wasn't some false persona the SAINT agent had adopted for the job - this was just Yuki on a day to day basis so it wasn't too hard to see why she had been picked for this placement, besides the fact she was a mini.
Doki Doki YSA
Tōttori, Irata Continent

Dressed as she was in a miniature track suit that had the front of the jersey jacket opened, it showed off a cute sports bra and tanned skin. She stood as the others began to filter in, waving to everyone with a confident grin on her face. She was a giant by mini standards, standing a full 11". There were some strange ones joining them, including an android? Wait, weren't they already pretty much androids? So a robot? Himiko blinked a little at the redundant idea but her attention was torn elsewhere as the Chusa made her presence apparent.

First went Yuki, giving her introduction properly with a bit of show to it. It was a good inspiration for the next Neko to go, which just so happened to be the fantastic Himiko. Grinning in her self confident way she seemed to have about her, the girl floated up in front of Mame with her arms crossed and jersey open down the front.

"Himiko! Yamasuri Himiko here, glad to get a chance to have some fun." She said as she seemingly puffed her chest out in pride. She wasn't well endowed even for her size, but that didn't matter much to the little neko as she floated up and planted herself on the head of the larger neko. Arms crossed and legs spread in a power stance, she seemed to already be challenging the other girls within the group.
Doki Doki YSA
Tōttori, Irata Continent

Takiki iki jolted as she received a sudden hug from her fellow operative- it wasn't out of place for an Idol to behave that way, but for a saint operative- and a mini at that, the red little imp had to restrain herself with every fiber ot her being to not let her close quarters combat training come into play- afterall she had rarely, if ever interacted with fellow minis. Close contact was a new thing for her. To others however, it may appear that the nerdy looking neko was simply very very shy. Knowing this as well, She decided to play it up by hiding her face, despite the total impossibility of a blush ever being able to be seen on a face as red as hers.

When she was finally released, se breathed a somewhat exaggerated sigh of relief, and waited for a brief lul in the introductions to step in herself. "T...Takaki Iki here. I'll be in your care." The apperently shy imp gave a bow, giving a glance to the one who had aggressively hugged her previously. She herself was hugging her tablet almost protectively as she did so. Instead of aproaching their manager after her initial introduction, she chose to stay on the spot- afterall she might be caught up in that whirlpool of happyness and hugs if she got too close, although she was sure any potential fans would love it. She made a note on her tablet to occasionally remind her of this idea.
Robosumi definitely looked like she was made of metal, but something was just a bit off about her when she was hugged. She didn't seem to have that distinctive metallic feeling on touch. She confusedly looked at Yuki, and then asked "Have I become a STAR already, darling?" She proceeded to fly up to Shibui which was, well, it was a pretty long way up. With a flick of her electrical cord tail she said "My name is Robosumi and I am an android." She was smaller than most of the others at 6.5 inches tall, but at least it wasn't like she was just a mini-neko in a robot costume that made her 1.5 inches taller than she actually was. That would really be something.
Doki Doki YSA
Tōttori, Irata Continent

Yoshimi let out a split second look of disgust at being called a bean by their manager.
"Say that again, say that to my fucking face."
She intantly went back to smiling gleefully without missing a beat. She hopped up on the manager's lap, puffing up her chest in imitation of their great overlord handler before speaking. "I mean ha ha! Just kidding! Getting into my part is all! I'm Yoshimi, Ida Yoshimi! and I'm here to kick ass and sing! But don't mind me if I'm being a meanie beanie, that's just me playing my part as the one that's rude and swood with a take no bull attitude!"
Doki Doki YSA
Tōttori, Irata Continent

Swarmed by idols, the Head Bean can't help but smile; of course she understood that they were only doing as asked. Her little beanlettes were here to do the greatest service a member of SAINT could provide (even if some folks can't grasp the importance of it, @raz); combat the enemies of Yamatai. It just so happened they were all adorable idols, even if one was a rowdy and tough delinquent.

The massive woman - in comparison to them - gently scooped them all up into her arms now that they were within reach. She didn't need super power to snatch out the cocky one, magnets to collect the robot, or a net to gather the floaty girl; all she needed was her normal-sized hands. Her massive decoy chest was soft as they were pulled flush to her business blouse and suit jacket. Such a flat-chested girl like her could not bestow such a wonderous experience naturally, so she enjoyed getting to partake in this smothering greatly. The employees had made their way up the escalator by now, watching the group with starry eyes.

They were just big people with normal jobs; they'd never stand close to the shine of these imperial death-soldiers in miniature idol disguise.

Rising to her feet, Shibui walks right on over to their stage before putting them down. They were all adorably plopped down in order from left to right; Momosumi, Takaki, Yuki, Himiko, and finally Yoshimi.

"The cute and the tough, the smile in the crowd~," Shibui mused, her eyes closing and almost making her look like some anime-inspired character whilst both of her hands pushed at her cheeks. "My precious idols, this should be your formation! What do you think?"

The ding of the door opening distracted Shibui - the woman looking over her shoulder with a glimmer of killing intent in the ruby glare - before the source of the new arrival made itself obvious. All of the Morale Officers turned and gasped, putting on large smiles as they all raised their arms and turned toward the first floor.

"Ohayō gozaimasu! "

Shibui's eyes and face darken in unison, the woman's happy demeanor growing coldly serious.

Our first customers; everyone must smile and wave. Our performance... isn't ready for them yet!

And on cue, they'd see them. While some Morale Officers moved down to the lower floor, other folks came up. Minkan men, women, and aliens alike; all of them with dirtied but slightly cleaned up faces. The batch who came up were being led to tables and looking at them; some broke ranks to make their way toward the stage. The hard-working farmers of Anisa had come to their opening day and some even now saw the uniqueness of the idols. Shibui's tension was easily felt in her whimpering over the mental network, even if she outwardly seemed impervious to any shift in confidence.

"Welcome, ohayō gozaimasu! I'm the manager of this new Doki! Doki! vessel-cafe - inspired by Yamatai's lovely new ship the Fuji! My name is Manager Oku Mame; if anyone needs anything, please let me know! Our traditional dances and songs are still an option, but please; come say hello to a Doki! Doki! YSA! first - our special Anisan Idol Squad!"

It was their first Meet-And-Greet; a staple of idol culture. And there were plenty of folks coming over with expectant eyes and open-hearts.
Himiko flailed a little as she was squished into the chest, fighting against the others as she sunk into clevage. A nice deep breath of air when she was released and plopped down on the stage, she looked left and right before she realized she wasn't in the center. It had to be a mistake right?

"Hey uh I think ya pu-"

"Ohayō gozaimasu! "

Himiko jumped a little, wide eyed at the sudden greeting before she turned to the leader. It seemed she was throwing them to the wolves pretty quickly, but Himiko was up ti the challenge. With a grin on her face and her jersey jacket still open she stepped forward and waved. If they couldn't see she should be first, she would make them realize it.

"HI! It's so nice to meet you! I'm Himiko pleased ta meetcha!"

Himiko walked to the edge of the stage, the 11" mini-neko exuded confidence as she made sure to greet and say hi tk every person that walked up.
Yuki let out a cute little "eep" of surprise as she was hugged into the mountainous woman's hefty bosom, taking a second to get her bearings before the pink-haired neko tried to stretch her limbs out and hug what little bit of the fleshy orbs she could wrap her little mini arms and legs around. The cuddly mini wasn't sure how much time had passed between being being lovingly smothered to when she was being plopped down on the stage, it could have a been a few seconds or a few weeks - Yuki would have loved it to go on a moment longer though, it was so nice and warm...

Why was she put down in the middle though? had it been intentional? she wasn't particularly tall or strong or anything like that so there must have been some mistake.

Yuki's little head turned towards the growing crowd as people began flooding in and shouted out greetings, her pink bob of hair taking on an almost neon-tone as she realised the people were all so excited just to see little old them.

"Hellooooooooooooooo everyone, I am Yuki - it's amazing to meet every single one of you!" the 8 inch tall mini introduced herself rather enthusiastically, waving with both hands as she moved across to Himiko. The Pink-haired pile of hugs crouched down briefly with her tail whipping around playfully, adjusting her weight a little before pouncing toward the Athletic mini with the tanned skin - Yuki began trying to wrap her legs around Himiko's waist and her arms around Himiko's neck to cuddle her back with a large, overly-friendly smile plastered across her cutesy face.
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Doki Doki YSA
Tōttori, Irata Continent

Being picked up and crushed in the bosom of their handler and manager along with the others was not a particularly enjoyable experience for Yoshimi. However, she had to play the aloof and tough one in the group as so she pretended to not care as she found herself struggling to breath. Once she was set down on the the stage, she dusted herself and looked around at the others with a smile before realizing what they were standing on and who was in front of them.

Then the smile dropped and was replaced by a frown. If she had a hat, she'd tip the bill of it down to cover her eyes. She settled with crossing her arms and leaning back.

"Tsk, what a waste of time."
To say the least, Takaki was upset when she was hugged to the chest of the much larger manager- did she not know how to properly handle people of different sizes?! And so she squirmed, and tried to push away to no avail, But before she knew it she was released and plopped down, in formation no less. One part flustered, and one part in character, she clutched her E-book to her chest protectively, and jumped when the greetings came to her ears. Of course,

"T-takaki Iki here... UUuu its- nice to meet oyou too-" And that was when she spotted one of her fellow operatives about to tackle another off the stage. She acted fast and hopped forward herself to hook one hand on the back of yuki's shirt to pull them back from the brink of falling off the stage- that would just be emberassing for everyone involved! Even if they weren't hurt. Her other hand was of course, still firmly wrapped around the E-book attatched to her chest. Without it flailing off to the side to act as a counter balance, that might be a slight problem in keeping them from falling off the stage- if she didn't activate her gravimetrics and hover backwards, her feet still on the ground. Just the tiniest bit to counteract their weight.

But, Takiki acted like this was natrural, and gave a wave to the crowd with her E-book, a grin on her face as she did.
Robosumi was so surprised that she yelped "Beep!" as she was hugged into the much larger neko's chest. She didn't even make an electronic beep either, she just cried out the word beep. When she was put on the stage it looked like her apparently robotic leg had partially come off, as it looked bent to the side and she wasn't standing properly, not standing to her fake full height on her right leg and leaning to one side as her left leg remained intact. The robot silently pulled her right leg back up and fixed it, though, in the process, there was a small peek of what looked like an uninjured and extremely pale organic neko leg hidden inside the robot costu-... chassis. The gynoid looked at the crowd, hoping none of them had seen that, and said "HELLOOOO there, did you all come here to see us?" It looked kind of strange when she talked because her metallic looking face didn't have a mouth, or even a nose, the only thing indicating she was actually speaking was how her blue eyes flashed along with her voice.
The attack from behind for a second kicked in her instincts, everything screaming at the mini-neko to grip, throw, and attack. Her hair seemed to raise up just the slightest on her furred ears before she smothered that instinct and acted cute. There would be that momentary reaction where it looked like she was going to react, but it would seem like a little bit of a stumble as she threatened to teeter off the edge of the stage before the two were snagged. She turned to the side, about to say something, before she spotted Robosumi's little costume mishap.

She gave the girl a small odd look and tilt of her head before she turned and grinned back to the crowd, doing her best to downplay the near violent mishap.

"She's so light I can barely even feel her." Himiko said with a laugh as she started to run around the stage a little with Yuki on her back, playing piggyback with the mini-Neko.
Doki Doki YSA
Tōttori, Irata Continent

The crowd had many responses - albeit mild - that all echoed one sentiment. That this was a welcome sight... especially the two that were now running around and piggybacking. Though the groups of men and women that were more mature sat and waved, whispering among themselves - albeit very audibly to the group - while the younger adults rushed toward the stage. One of them practically bulldozed their manager, the false-chested woman stumbling away and into a booth with an angry scowl. It seemed to take everything for her to not throw the young man who now was lowered and studying Robosumi; this was truly a test for all of them. Fighting the very instincts that made them so dangerous to enemies of their nation would be a constant reminder and challenge... one that would make what was effectively a fairly simple cover job more challenging.

"This one looks so tough; is she supposed to be the badgirl?"

"You think she's tough? That one is huge! Himiko is easily the toughest idol!"
"Robosumi's thigh! I saw Robosumi's thigh!"
The feverish group wasn't bigger than about ten or so but it was their first fans; the first group that could and would lead to them evolving their cover identities and - with luck - eventually overcome Kuvexian efforts against the planet of Anisa. They all had plenty of attention of course whilst the crowd shifted and went between their favorites. The traditional questions, however, all piled out; they wanted to know things like birthdays and favorite hobbies... but they could feel their handler's glare enforcing a single requirement. They weren't supposed to spill their beans this early; they needed to hold onto information for releasing at opportune moments. Idol culture relied on releasing things like that as part of exposure and fan connection; using it now would be like wasting a valuable tool of their operation and their capacity to truly take hold of the populace by their idol-loving throats.

A single clap rings out over the voices, drawing all the people's attentions as Shibui turned to face the posse of mini-Neko.

"Everyone is very excited, surely... but I think I would like to request everyone please remember this is their first outing! The idols will be looking forward to utilizing our special Idol Transport Service line of vehicles to attend local festivals in the coming days for their initial performances! We hope all of you will join us; but in the meantime please go sit down!"

The crowd's energy lowers but only enough for them to stop getting in the idol's faces and quickly move to seats and watch all of them. The morale officers were already delivering orders of food and drinks to some of the tables and booths, allowing the noise to grow from the temporary silence into a nice din. The busy establishment was going to be a home away from home; all of them had - of course - received specialized lodging. Shibui simply had to show them to it. Carefully moving and plopping onto the stage beside her idols, she put a smile on her face to appear pleased.

All of you did quite well. But I saw your instincts almost takeover, Himiko; monitor that for the future. Harming a fan would be catastrophic and bring the spotlight onto us in a hard to redeem manner. Takaki and Yoshimi; you both did well enough in your covers as well but we will need you to be more vocal with them. Yuki and Momosumi did well assuming their roles and were excellent energy sources. What do you all think of this area?

Her mind shared a simple file across their connection; an outlier of the blueprints of the building. The rails running through this place that were adept for them encircled much of the establishment; various dummy panels in the flooring would also allow them access to the ventilation that ran through much of the building. It was an exceptionally well-designed fortress that could withstand attack and - based on the file's zoomout - even was fitted with various sensor monitors surrounding the complex.

This upper floor will be where we station you and two agents in the possible chance we're discovered and attacked; a pair of dummy hatches will allow access to the garage if we're unable to defeat the attackers and have to withdraw. The armament we have back there and the armored capabilities of the modified vehicles ensures we will have no issues escaping if necessary. The bail-bags are being prepared as we speak to be given to you upon your relocation to your quarters. It's a safehouse that we'll transport you to via underground chutes that run out to a SAINT safehouse; every day, we'll have stand-in robots dispatched under guard to a more public location. This should allow us to keep your true residence secret as well as provide bait for any rabble - Kuvexian or otherwise - that might try to mess with you all. Not to mention double as a secondary escape method. We've gone through a lot to prepare the place for the operation... and I want to make sure everyone truly understands what's at risk here.
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