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RP [SOFT 555] RISE'ing To The Challenge

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Inactive Member
RP Date
YE 40
RP Location
SOFT 555 Hangar, Undisclosed Location

"Almost heaven, ol' Anisa!"

Clad in her idol-manager suit - the mastermind running Operation Bakuwana and in effect the entire system of Anisa in her overly-confident cranium - Shibui Mame watched her left-hand man Shigo as he continued installing and hooking up his modules. The Doki Doki YSA was linked to this hangar with the specific intent to allow him to take an underground elevator between the two... and to help facilitate an emergency response with the fully-armed SOFT 555 of course.

Mame's classy black shoe pushed into the minkan male's back to thump him face-first into the console with a pained grunt before scowling back at the now more stern and scowling neko behind him.

"Wh-what did you do that for!?"

Her hand left her dainty hip, swinging a finger demandingly before her red eyes glared down on him. "I need you to hurry up so we can get Baku over here! If Baku isn't connected, then we don't have our logistics operational! You should know better!"

Her eyes turned toward the hangar as its massive doors whirred open and allowed the entry of the Okii-Neko; the rest of the team was arriving! Including her best buddy from long-distance chatting! The minkan felt another push on the butt before she turned and clicked off into the hangar proper, putting on her best smile whilst sweeping her fingertips through her lengthy ponytail and throwing the golden sea of hair out of her way and over her back before settling down near the rear airlock. She'd sent Truly Venus along to gather up more operational gear and meet the rest of the team but truly wondered if they had even spoken on the flight. Hasewega Sara - her most greatest of never-met pen-pals - was going to be the team leader but Venus was at least as well experienced as her superior. The two of them were the anchors that would hopefully make the other two - Leshi Maevo and the daughter from an old friend back in "the nesting days" Aeta Nanao - into proper members of SAINT.

To put it lightly, her nerves weren't quite sure what to make of all of her duties. She wasn't shying from the challenge of course; she was the one that had requested to head up and operate SOFT 555 out of her backyard to assist in supplementation of the Operation. But she also had RISE sending over some goon to get them fitted and make certain they're prepared to even use the Shibui. Odd how something existed that was named after her... or at least she assumed it was named after her. She had clearly come before that pesky suit, after all. But the black-skinned Neko knew that the tech's name wasn't as important as what it stood for. Her job was important; all of them were important. Destiny was giving her what she wanted but that made any mistake ever more critical.

And considering their first task would be infiltrating and capturing an informant they had finally scraped out of that Phod's mind from so long ago, it was nothing but vital to say that these four would be not only a starting point for a new legacy of SAINT and the SOFT teams organized within its ranks.

They would be vital to the success of the Operation; just as the idols would maintain the morale and handle matters of "publicly" tackling the Kuvexian efforts, SOFT 555 would be the hammer... or the sword to their shield. Her precious idols would protect Anisa while these deadly and dangerous four struck out at the enemy.

The click of the airlock and the transport opening up - with the ramp descending and gently clunking to the floor - broke her concentration, her arms flinging out wide and a giant smile leaping to her face as the hangar lights flickered and Baku's Sprite image finally projected into existence right beside her.

"Welcome back, Venus-san! I missed you and your massive- OOF!"

Mame vanished as a purple haired blur slammed into her but not the wild and hand-filling mess she expected. Nanao had tackled her, her purple hair spilling around them in the stringy lengths that raced down her back. She rubbed her cheek into Mame's hard; ears twitching as she pulled away and smirked down at the dark-skinned Neko... until Mame's scowl scared her up and onto her feet.

"S-Sorry M-Mame-san! I-I was just so excited to see you after hearing all about you and-"

"It's okay! Ugh! You talk more than your mother did!" The dark-skinned Neko slowly pushes herself up and then rises up onto her feet just as Shigo exits the control room for the hangar and starts across the floor toward the shuttle. "Why is it all the chatty ones end up as scouts? How do we actually avoid detection with you all blabbing!?"

Mame's hands swept over her suit a few times to get rid of any dust she'd picked up, Nanao flushing red and gently shifting the bag on her shoulder and down her back around to squeeze in her grip. Something was telling Mame she should start to worry for the rest of the team... but with luck everyone would be okay.

With luck.

(@SirSPT @SirSkully @Reynolds)
SOFT 555 Hangar

Hasewega stepped off the shuttle after Nanao, albeit less forcefully and enthusiastically than the scout. While she had some excitement for actually being to lead a SOFT team, she had to keep up an air of calm professionalism against the pure kinetic energy that was the rest of her team. Someone had to set an example.

The minkan let a "tsk" as she apprached the pair, glancing over at Nanao through her SACOS before dropping her bag to her side and giving Shubi a salute. "Jôtô Heisho Hasewega Sara, reporting in."
SOFT 555 Hangar

The SOFT team's resident blue panel was the next person to step off the shuttle, taking a moment to look around the space and take it all in with one hand against their ride's hull - though you'd be excused if you thought the choppy blonde curtain of a fringe that covered Leshi's grey eyes obscured her vision in some way, even wondering how the hell she had flown a Plumeria on her previous assignments with all that hair was warranted.

Though she was there for a reason and an important one at that, so the Morant-born farmgirl lifted her hand away from the shuttle's hull and briskly walked over to introduce herself, making sure her uniform was neat and tidy - "Nito Hei Leshi Maevo, reporting for duty," the lightly tanned blonde human spoke, likewise snapping off a salute of her own.

Despite the angelic wings tattooed onto her back and the pilot's panel she wore there was nothing quite like being planetside, the grassy planet just felt like a place she belonged, despite not having the exact same country roads as back home - Leshi couldn't wait until there was a chance to fly something dangerously low to those lush fields.
While the others made their introductions, their ride was being powered down, the post-flight ritual taking just a few moments longer than usual. Their pilot was still getting acquainted with this new ride, after all. But, she appeared soon enough, ducking reflexively to avoid any possibility of her modestly towering coif scraping the top edge of the doorway. Even if there was likely more than enough room to spare. That massive head of hair was followed by Venus herself, the Neko smiling wide, glancing back at the ship before quickening her pace to reunite with the others.

"This whole sneaky thing is gonna take some getting used to. The big kitten flies nice enough, but it's not exactly a Nodachi. Or even a Kawarime." Tru turned her grin towards Leshi after that comment, expecting the fellow pilot to understand how she felt, even if she'd only been a passenger for one short ride so far.

Her gear had already been delivered and stowed on an earlier trip, when she'd arrived with her miniature companions, so she didn't have any bags to handle at the moment. But. "The shuttle's full of all that extra...stuff...you ordered, Producer-san. Nana-chan can handle unloading everything, right~?" The well trained idol upped the intensity of her smile an extra 20% in an attempt to seem extremely convincing.
SOFT 555 Hangar

"Nanao, get to work."

The biggest bean waited until the clumsy relative had nodded and made her way back into the shuttle before turning to the group; it had taken her a while to choose what she wanted to make sure everything was just right. It'd be on Nanao to handle the worst of the workload as the greenest member of the task force... but above all to ensure that operations proceeded as planned. Besides the point, Mame wasn't going to make the only subbordinate who would be sitting in Ops do all the work. Shigo may be green but his skills and cooperativeness was far more critical than field agents who couldn't poison her coffees.

Not that poisons work on super-soldier catgirls anyway.

"Everyone, listen up." The Big Shibui flips her command switch with a brief pause, steeling her gaze and looking toward Leshi almost very specifically. "We're going to be doing our first op - all hands necessary - to scout out a potential Kuvexian holdout. The four of you will take one of the vans from the idol operation to one of the bigger cities in the area. No hard-surface armors but you're going to be using the stealth suits to push into a compound of five buildings about the size of warehouses or small offices."

Of course she wasn't going to ask if they were ready - SAINT agents were always ready. All they did was be better than everyone else. It was what they were created and born to do. Be the best.

Mame quietly raises her hand and turns its palm skyward however and gives them an opening for one important question however.

"We have to match our operational motif for your team so I need everyone to tell me; what type of butterflies would you want to be?"

Hardcore stuff.
SOFT 555 Hangar

Hasewega listened patiently as the briefing was laid out. She was already planning loadouts, possible points of entry, and any questions that may be pertinent to the situation at hand.

But the butterfly question caught her off guard. The agent visibly did a double take, her focus disrupted on the subject matter. Words seemed to be taking shape in her mouth but none were spoken.

"Monarch." She said after a few seconds of hesitation. "Chusa, is this important to the situation at hand?" There was a hint of irritation, but she tried to not seem snappy.
Venus shifted to one side, clearing the path Nanao would be taking with those supplies. Normally she'd pitch in and carry her weight, but those supplies weighed much more than her! Anyway, the new boss had an important question for her!

"Um, hmm, ah..." She was looking up at the air above Mame's head, obviously consulting a list of possible choices. "Hmm, there's one called the Hairstreak. Oh, and a Painted Lady, also known as a Cosmopolitan. Sounds fancy." Tru blinked and returned her attention to the conversation, smiling at the little group.
"Nothing like a Nodachi... but aww man, I was going to pick Monarch, hmph~" the human muttered the last bit under her breath a little as they were each asked to pick a butterfly to represent themselves with, or at least one that sounded cool and with her first option being taken Leshi decided to lean a little more towards one that just sounded cool.

"...White Admiral I guess? they're pretty common back home, pretty neat too if you ask me," the pilot suggested with a hopeful smirk, eyes still hidden behind her wall of a choppy fringe with a hand planted on each hip, truth be told Maevo-hei had no clue what she'd pick if this one was denied for whatever reason.
SOFT 555 Hangar

Their boss definitely enjoyed seeing everyone coming to terms with their ideas for operational names but it was time to get started. They had prep-work and schedules to maintain lest Mame's busybody assistant and sprite fret over tedious things that may somehow escape the impossibly fantastical machine-mind of Yamatai's finest. It was time to get to the grit of what it meant to be SOFT -- being the hardest and best-trained killers Yamatai and SAINT arranged for. No one else could even compare to their greatness or they'd have to fight a bunch of catgirls who could punch holes in minivans like it was a Saturday stroll.

"Alright -- Monarch, Hairstreak and White Admiral." She looks over at Nanao as she works. "And Ringlet. Operational codenames for myself and my Baku here are Mother Nature and Father Earth. The snake man we got for the operation is going to be Caterpillar while Nanaki..."

She looks back over at the nerd and then around at the building.

"Palawan. Because he's awesome for doing all this boring tech stuff."

The black-skinned woman claps her hands together and looks over Hase, Venus, and Leshi... and obviously the fourth wheel of their team. Her patience and no doubt theirs had been fantastic up until this point but they now had to be faced with the realization that they would be infiltrating and quite possibly killing dirty Kuvexian sympathizers if they refused to repent for their foolish Yamatai-abandoning ways.

"Alright! Load up and let's go, people!"
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