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Approved Submission SOFT 676


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  1. Yamatai (except Elysia)
Submission Terms
  1. I agree
Following my question about SOFT organization and Wes' answer that exceptions do exist to the new standard, I was able to wikify my non-SAINT SOFT team for future use. Haven't played with them in a while but wanted to have them ready for the upcoming Third Mishhu War stuff.

SOFT 676 is a quick reaction force deployed by Star Army Command. The unit is organized in the traditional SOFT fashion under Star Army Command rather than SASO, as this was a stated possibility in the question's answer. SOFT 676 isn't new, or new to Star Army Command, I just want them to keep doing what they've always done. The team exists as a sort of "normal Star Army badasses" to juxtapose with "sneaky Star Army badasses" SAINT SOFTs that I run.

The template is the SOFT 21 example with a history section added.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Not required reading, just some input from me on my retirement lawn chair:

  • I see Operation Kozan, Battle of Nataria, etc are mentioned, it would be nice to see some footnoted links to the actual RP. (Not required but I know Wes loves it when actual RP is linked in the footnotes. I like the block text you put in too though, nice touch.
  • I agree with the assessment that this group would have a legacy reporting structure. It pre-exists the current organization setup. Course end of the day this would be up to Wes.
  • Not required but it would be cool to see some NPC bios be made from the listed names.
Thank you for stopping by to leave a comment! Hope all's well with you.
I actually forgot to link the Kozan wiki page, so I added that along with a link to its RP thread. Thanks for the reminder. Not sure if necessary because it's just the team lead's backstory, but it's there now. As for Nataria, there wasn't anything specific in RP so it's just filler. It was said in the RP that many SOFT teams participated, so imo it makes sense that 676 was there due to being based out of Yamatai as a QRF.
Not required but it would be cool to see some NPC bios be made from the listed names.
I almost addressed this specifically in the opening submission post but decided not to. Since you mentioned it, it's planned to eventually give at least Taeko (the squad leader) her own page but the unit generally exists in RP as a collection of relatively flat characters who are treated narratively as a unit. This can be seen particularly in the quote I chose, which describes Taeko and another soldier walking like badasses across the tarmac after hopping out of their Corona Gunship. I think way back when I wrote that, I was imagining Top Gun and 80s music aesthetics. So to sum it up, they're kind of all one character called "SOFT 676" with their boss being the main highlight.

Ultimately I didn't think it was a big deal to do now because there are a few group/unit pages with just names. These girls have some good RP behind them (mostly Taeko and Fuji Izuko), so I felt it sufficed for now.
Reactions: raz
Thanks! Especially for your consideration in allowing this established Star Army unit to continue its service in the traditional SOFT format. Very appreciated

They technically work for Yui, so feel free to shoot @ me with some emergency orders for 'em if you create some crazy terrorist incident or minor incursion.

Moved out of the wip namespace and applying backlinks.
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