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Sonic Pulse Grenade


Inactive Member
GM-W1-0028 Sonic Pulse Grenade

Produced by: Gillian Manufacturing
Designer: William James "Jimmy" Gillian
Effective Radius: 12 meters
Cost per unit:25 KS

Information: GM is not active in the arms industry but the team heads had discussed plans to produce a grenade that does not utilize incendiaries or chemical smoke and could therefore be reused, but would not cause undue harm as it was intended for use in quelling riots and subduing violent criminals.
Intrigued, Jimmy Gillian took on the task himself, and was able to produce a final design before his disappearance. The sonic pulse grenade uses a simple tone generator cased in a durable shell with amplifiers placed equidistantly around a white stripe marked as the "middle" of the grenade (it is roughly spherical).
When the grenade is primed, a five-second count is given before it emits an ultrasonic tone that depending on the setting can induce effects ranging from mild disorientation, discomfort and nausea to headaches, joint pain and difficulty maintaining balance. It has also been documented in testing to cause temporary numbing effects in some subjects.
These grenades are purposed to disperse crowds and drive subjects towards law enforcement officers; since the safety of both officer and subject is at stake the aim is to cause as little harm as possible. All the effects it induces are temporary.
Each grenade has a battery on board which powers it for approximately seven minutes. They can also be deactivated by remote, allowing officers to retrieve them without being affected by the ultrasonic pulses.
Which police forces?

Is their equipment for officers to retrieve the grenades while they are activated? Some kind of armor or something?

How does it "drive subjects toward law enforcement?" It sounds more like it drives subjects away from the damn thing and into the hands of law enforcement, if they're ready.

What happens when criminals obtain a sample grenade and determine the frequency it broadcasts on? Will the grenade self-destruct before that happens?
1: Any police force that feel they need to use it.

2: the remote is to actually turn it off so they can enter the area of effect and pick it up. As for getting it back while it's activated, they could possibly use sonic nullifiers such as is employed by airport workers.

3: You answered your own question: they are trying to escape the effects of the grenade and into the hands of the police. Since they'd be trying to recover from the effects of the grenade they won't be able to put up much of a fight.

4: If they should somehow get their hands on one, they wouldn't be able to determine an exact frequency since it oscillates between ranges automatically. It's the same as the "seek" button on your radio.
1. Sorry, I wasn't clear. I meant which polices forces contacted GM about it. It seems odd to me.

2. Okay, so basic sonic nullifier equipment could work then?

3. I just wanted to make sure there were no subliminal effects. It's just a "OH SHIT BADNESS RUN!" reaction.

4. Okay, so it does use multiple frequencies. Does it oscillate by following a predetermined setting, something that could be determined? Or is it just totally random?
1: I would imagine whatever police forces exist on the Yamataian homeworld (it's late and I've been working so forgive that I don't remember everything right offhand).

2: more or less, but it's not guaranteed to work.

3: Yes. Run away from the bad thing.

4: Totally random within a set range. It never uses the same range twice in a row (but it will reuse ranges because it can only produce so many frequencies).
Hmmmmm ... gotcha, gotcha. Okay. I guess I'd just want a specific law enforcement authority named, as that might influence how it's used.
Zakalwe, take a step back and ask yourself: does it really matter if NovaCorp already has one? And if so should that preclude anyone else from coming up with and marketing the same idea? I should hope not on the latter.

I'm not doing this because NovaCorp POSSIBLY already did it. I'm doing it because it's a good idea and because no one company should have the market cornered.

Just because Ford Motor Company mass-produced automobiles first didn't stop other auto makers from starting their own assembly lines and selling their vehicles.

Honestly, it is getting a little annoying to see someone popping into a thread to tell the author that someone else already did it. That's not what the forum is for, at least so far as I understand it. If you really want to help out you should offer advice on how they could improve their submissions to set them apart from existing additions to the SARP. Otherwise you're just taking up space with a pointless comment.
Your point's well taken, Concerto, but chill for a second. It's all good.

No one company should have a corner on a market, you're right. But we're not really operating a market economy here inside the SARP. I think Thomas was mentioning his Sonic Grenade so you could look at it too and see if you wanted to do something different with yours, if necessary.
Zakalwe said:
NovaCorp already makes a Sonic Grenade I think. I'll have to look into it once I come back home.

Quit making useless drama over two relatively benign sentences. Zakalwe indicated there was precedent. This is useful for cross referencing at the very least.

What you are doing, Concerto, is what is generally referred to as 'going for the jugular'. Please don't.