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'Sophia' Bio-Neural System


Inactive Member
NovaCorp has historically used bio-neural interfaces to a great degree, and most NovaCorp personnel have one, inserted into the back of the neck, and if they wish to pilot a craft to the best of their abilities, another one in the lower spine.

However the problem with these devices is there where quite large, and uncomfortable to put in, weren't attractive (very important in Ephesus' eyes), and where dragging behind the technology available to NovaCop.

Thus he designed the Bio-neural interface, Sophia.

Having Sophia introduced into the body comes into several stages. The first is the injection of a dose of nano-bots into the blood stream, which builds up a lattice into the brain. These nano-bots allow for data-storage, allowing it to be a backup for memory, and also allows the remote access of computers.

The second stage is the implant of a small symbiotic organism into the brain. It is injected as a tiny egg into the arm, and passes through the blood/brain barrier and grows slowly throughout the brain, replacing some of the neurological connections in the brain, and working hard in order not to damage the brain. This symbiotic organism serves as a form of long term storage of memory, as well as by working to optimise the brain for interaction with the lattice, and increase the brains processing speed. This does not aid normal thinking tasks, but more allows the brain to process the data input from the bio-neural interface.

The modified memory of the subject works as part of a two way system. First all external stimuli is fed both through the normal parts of the brain, and also through the lattice. The lattice keeps in ‘short term' memories, although it actually also keeps long term memories the reason for the distinction will be made clear in a moment. While the natural memory is kept functioning and remembers the same things as it always does, the lattice provides a functional eidetic memory, remembering everything the person hears, sees, smells, touches, tastes and thinks. This gives them the gift of total recall. The lattice then begins to write its information into the biological portion of Sophia, which is used as the long term memory. It also remembers everything, and grants the gift of total recall, the difference being that this is the failsafe in case EMI or EMP removes the lattice's memories. As such the system is wired that even if the subject is hit by an EMP or the Lattice is otherwise nullified, the subjects memory will not suffer beyond the lack of total recall for short term memories.

Rather than using the rather bulky central ports in the back of the neck and lower spine (they where actually only the size of a small coin, by Ephesus was still unhappy with that), they where replace with much smaller ports, each one around the size of a piece of lead within a pencil. There are four of them running down the spine of the neck, and three more along the spine, one just under the shoulder blades, another in the centre of the spine, the last at the base. In addition, instead of using the theoretically damaging connection to the spinal column, these ports send tiny tendrils into the nervous system around where they are, but don't touch the spinal column itself, rather working indirectly but through actually working more efficiently due to increased harmony between the technology and the body. These ports are utilised primarily through small snake like wires the thickness of a pin inserting themselves into them.

The finished system has many advantages. One is that since the lattice, one it is installed, begins to ‘save' all of the subjects memories and personality, as well as scribe this into the biological element, and bring it into a form where it can be transferred through remote connection or bio-neural interface. This creates a ‘back-up' of the person at that state of time, which can later be used to bring a clone of that person back with all its memories. A full back-up takes several weeks after the Latice has been established, and it has to be commanded to do so.

The remote access works through what is basically an advanced broadband wireless connection established by the lattice. It allows the user to speak to most advanced machines ‘telepathically', as well as accessing such things as the internet, or other data storage facilities, surf and also download information into the brain. This can be used for the acquisition of skills through the two part process of the lattice first having it available to access, then the symbiotic organism begins to write it into the natural memory, making it almost natural to call upon (however it still gives a rather disjointed feeling, since it is not your experiences you are calling upon). Another advantage is that multiple users of Sophia can use something akin to telepathy through communication across this. Great pains are taken to make this connection secure, through the use of extremely complicated ciphers, usually on a qausi-random frequency. In addition there are numerous fail-safe's within Sophia to deny any would-be hacker access into the users memories or their mind. The simplest is that with any sign of intrusion, Sophia shuts of its wireless connection, but it contains within its system several extremely dangerous computer viruses' it can use as an ‘immune system' and attack invaders. The very nature of Sophia and its programming also makes it extremely hard to hack or even to use of you're not the user (to whom it seems simple and second nature), an insane maze. Another favourite tactic is to call in a NovaCorp ships AI to deal with the intruder.

It also serves an important purpose in allowing man and machine to mesh together well, since Sophia allows the human mind to function at the speeds of a computer far more efficiently than earlier models. The greatest advantage is that a user can operate machinery and computers as if it was simply an extension of itself.

Price: Made for NovaCorp personnel.
*Blinks again.*
*Blinks thricely.*

Ok... I could say something, but it'd probably be construed as rude, blunt and not nice. So, can someone else field how much of a brainfuck this thing is?

Not to mention how and why all the new Nova Corp Tech is being exclusivly desigined by only ONE person in the entire company.
Yep, things are always designed by Ephesus.

Do you actually have any points, Chris, rather than simple insults?
I understand it and to be honest I very much like this. Kinda reminds me of one of the Ironman series suits. Except without the living thing in Stark's head. So this gets.....
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Zakalwe said:
Do you actually have any points, Chris, rather than simple insults?
Back on topic: Is this designed for humans?

Bio-neural interfaces tended to be large, somewhat clumsy, things when applied to humans - nothing like the relative grace posessed by the Neko systems like SLICS.

This is an attempt to give humans a high quality bio-neural interface, as well as providing some other advantages which I thought made sense at the time.
I still think its a damn good idea. Improving human technology so we can deal with more situations is always a good thing in my eyes.

Zakalwe, please note: Miles Gunn's SPINE connection.

Not to mention the other goodies already fielded by Nepleslians. B)
Neko grace is already being used by Nepleslians.

This. All of this part. I don't care about the rest. Most anything can be grafted onto a brain somehow, like ESPer abilities, but that's a whole nother level of just plain dumb.

Please explain how an egg can guide itself along the human bloodstream into the brain. Last I heard Eggs can't really guide themselves at all.

Let's also not forget we're now talking about a seperate living entity inside the host's brain, which apparently grows (to a point) by replacing (eating?) the greymatter and neural pathways formed. Explain how this creature can actually replace and replicate the neural functions and memories it replaces when it grows?

Also, wouldn't this thing cause discomfort or pain when or if it moves about inside the head, or when it grows and much expand it's living accomidations. Or how about the drawback of having something eating a person's brain? That would probably cause minor/major motor fuction/memory problems untill it can replicate the pathways it replaces.

Oh, and Wes...
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1, In the same way Sperm do really. The egg itself can detect its surroundings by way of chemicals and can move itself towards the brain through the use a sperm like tail. The egg is really just a small bundle of cells – very small.

2, No, the egg does no devour any of the brains matter. What it does is that it grows slowly in between the cells – there's more than enough room. It then inserts itself in to the nervous system by effectively creating its own and the hijacking into it – through the use of ‘connector' cells. The nervous system works just like normal nerve cells, and it stores memory chemically – in just the way that normal cells do. It just happens that the symbiotic organism is much better at organising these – and allows for more efficient archiving. I'm not really certain it should be termed as a ‘creature' actually – it's a symbiotic organism.

3, No, it doesn't cause pain. Partially because it releases a minor painkiller which deadens any pain their could occur. However the organism actually grows slowly and gently enough – and without triggering the body's immune system (the organism is usually engineered for the users DNA) – to prevent any pain.

4, It doesn't eat the brain, as explained above.

5, It doesn't cause any malfunctions in the brain – the organism is only a back up to the grid in any case – and as such isn't in such an area of constant use. What's important about it is that it allows the storage of information without fear from an EMP or similar attack. It doesn't replace those sorts of pathways.
You wrote all that and none of it seems unfeasable to you?

Dear lord this place is doomed.
I'll be quick and blunt: Organisims need to feed and dispose of waste, moving from the blood stream to brain tissues would result in damage to the blood vessels, and any bleeding in the brain would result in "bad things".
It's a living "thing" that apparently doesn't take up any room inside the confined space of the brain within the confining space of a skull. It doesn't need to eat, drink, breathe or manage waste, and it can replicate neural pathways, and it's better at archiving and accessing the memory engrams then the brain itself.

Tell me, Where the hell is genetic/nanotech science ANYWHERE in this SARP advanced enough to make THIS?
I'm going to recommend this submission remain unapproved.

At first glance, I found it could be remotely feasible if I blamed it on Sci-Fi... but just reading that gave me a headache - imagining something growing in the brain of someone really grosses me out... but this doesn't bear much relevance to why I discourage the approval of this tech.

Firstly, Zakalwe took a convulted way of explaining the thing. I also don't think something not 1/10th of the size of a brain would be able to give a substancial resistance to EMP. Also, it's yet another excuse to have people have telepathy. We already have other artificial means, like the nepleslian cybernetic components for example.

Also, I see this as another cheap way of allowing people to have it easy to make ST backups. There's already the two other powerful methods of making mental backups at a distance: the NH-23 Empress PANTHEON nekovalkyrja body (Yui) and that thing the Lorath royalty has. I don't thing anymore is needed.

Also, I'll admit to being annoyed that everything Novacorp concieves does comes from Ephesus. If NovaCorp is a Corporation, it'd be nice to see more people developping things aside from Mister Winged-Turkey-With-An-Addiction-To-Coffee.
It takes up some room - but there's more than enough room in the brain - especially when it spreads itself very lightly over the brain - it isn't compact. And it does need nutrients - it feeds off nutrients supplied to it through the blood. It uses the circulatory system just like anything else does.

As for archiving memories - if I can remember correctly Neko's have an eidetic memory - certainly their are cases of it even in RL. These people (or beings) are capable of having far more organised memories than that of normal people. This simply does something very similar to that. Instead of some memories being very vivid (a gruesome murder you've seen for example) whereas some fade away (trip to the grocers) the organism stores all the information and makes it equally easy to recall.
I have no problem with the 'egg' moving through the organism and settling someplace in the brain... I mean, it's not like the fertilized human ovary doesn't do something similar and then starts to subdivise to make a growing multi-celled organism.

Also, I sort of buy that thing about getting nutrients the same way the rest of the brain does. Osmosis should be within the realm of possibility.

However, the place where that settles is made for a new lifeofrm to form and grow, while the brain is hardly the place for it. There are capiilaries and immune reactions to take into account here.

I also have concerns about this submission trying to do too much. I have a really dim view of it doubling as a mental backup device, against it protecting from EMP and it providing telepathy... but having it serve as an augmentation to allow someone to better manage his memories in the manner you described in your last post could kind of acceptable in my eyes... if it was just that.
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