Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: Origin Sound or Fury?


Retired Staff
It was a Dark and stormy night on dawn station, the curious weather caused when one Aerin Tatst fell asleep with the weather controls left on. Her snores were taken as inputs, and, like magic, havoc was wreaked upon the inhabitants of Origin's headquarters.

Okay, so that was a lie.

However, it was truth that the currently scheduled weather on Dawn station was what one would call 'inclimate', and the Outlets all around the station were having an influx of vehicles, who's owners had, in the normal absence of rain (A logical thing on a space station) forgotten how to put the tops on their convertible hovercars back up.

At one such outlet, in one such service department, there was a bespectacled teenager, whom sighed as she, for the tenth or twelfth time that day, explained how the process of raising the roof worked.

You simply tell the car to raise the roof. It is voice activated. No, I cannot raise it for you, I'm deaf. Or didn't you notice the #$%#^ volumetric window?

The Nepleslian girl sighed, placing her face in her palm, and shaking her head. Yes, they were just civilians, but, so was she, and there was no reason for them to be so ignorant. It was obvious that none of them ever bothered to read the manual, and, if she so desired, she would probably find said manual in the glove boxes of the vehicles, still vacuum-sealed in their plastic wrappers.

"Mmm, yes, they are rather stupid aren't they?" a sultry voice behind the young girl asked just loud enough for only her to hear. If she turned, expecting a tall and buxom woman to be the owner of such a luscious voice, she'd be surprised. A petite and comely Nekovalkyrja stood leaning against the door frame with a hint of a smile on her face. "Mind if I come in?" Yuno asked.

The Deaf girl's glasses only informed her that a woman was behind her, and, used to not hearing or judging by voice, was not surprised to be surprised by the woman who showed up behind her.

Judging by the Origin uniform, you're allowed.
Was the simple volumetric message displayed by the Technician, a somewhat bland, unamused look on her face.

Absentmindedly she adjusted her Ponytail to help it keep out of the way, as the customer complained behind her, but she quite easily ignored the text displayed in her glasses.

"Oh, come on Karen, it's just a matter of politeness.~" the Neko replied teasingly. "I'll finish up this one if you don't mind." The Neko calmly waked up to the counter and handled the customer with ease. Unlike Karen, who couldn't hear, the customer's ears worked just fine and was like putty to Yuno's voice. Sending the man on his way and making sure nobody else was in earshot, the Neko sighed as well. "Let me's almost always the men that complain about this too?" she asked with a wry smile.

Just the dumb ones. Most of the complaints come from trophy wives and other bimbos who probably don't even know how to turn the wipers on either. Luckily those are automated, or my day would be worse.

Karen adjusted her glasses to center the display on her eyes properly, her disapproving expression never changing as she conversed with Yuno, though her body language was much more expressive than a voice could hope to be. She shook at times with annoyance, and her arms could probably hurt someone of they stood too close, and it was a good thing she was wearing sturdy boots, as heels would have been demolished under her angered stamps.

Not like you have to deal with these people face-to-face like I do.
the Nepleslian girl complained.

The Neko sighed again as she grabbed a chair and scooted up to the physically younger Nepleslian girl, seemingly genuinely interested in what she had to say. "Trophy wives and bimbos. I'm still getting used to seeing those. We didn't have so many of either in the Star Army. Though, our ship did have this one Neko that was more boobs than brains. Just one." She recalled with fondness. The Dare parties were particularly fun with her around.

When Karen spoke for a second time though, one of Yuno's ears quirked up with mildly confuzzled interest. "Face to face? What do you mean?" she asked, now leaning forward and resting her chin upon her palms.
Karen made a huff- the first sound she had made since Yuno arrived- and put one hand on her hip, leaning just a little bit sideways and placing all her weight on one leg.

You know, With the people directly here, in my face, complaining at me when they have no idea what I'm doing because they never bothered to learn themselves. Stupid people getting in my face because they think they know better when they're the one who broke it in the first place. People feeling superior because they were born with five or Six senses instead of the four I've got.

It was a bit of a lengthy explanation, but Karen wasn't rude enough to not leave it up long enough for Yuno to read. After all, no good would come of it if her target couldn't even see it.

"So that's what's bothering you." she merely stated. "Well, I suppose you do have it worse than I do. Though, in a few years Karen, you'll have it as bad as I do, and worse." the Neko teased, hinting at what was to come. "But really, since when's this stopped you from doing anything?" Yuno asked.

Karen rolled her eyes. Quite obviously. Even behind glasses.

My sister's not much bigger. I have nothing to worry about. Besides, it's better to have less in the way.
Karen stuck out her tongue at the Neko as she explained this, before answering Yuno's rhetorical question.

It's never stopped me, but that doesn't mean it isn't annoying and frustrating, especially on days like this. What's Station management thinking, Having a rain storm inside a space station? isn't there an underground irrigation system to keep the plants alive?

"Oh, how young and naive you are!~" Yuno cheerily spoke. The Neko quickly moved in behind the young girl and pinched both her cheeks at once briefly before letting go. "I see you haven't learned that size isn't everything. After all, I'm a little smaller than your sister, and still have a lot of trouble." the Neko explained.

"I know it can get pretty bad at times, Karen, but we all have good day and bad days. Besides...what's wrong with a little variety in our weather? If it rains enough, maybe it'll water their brains and have them grow a few sizes." Yuno went on, trying to comfort the younger girl uncharacteristically; anyone that knew the Neko also knew this wasn't how she usually behaved. Karen was one of the very few people she was consistently nice to.

Of course, your job doesn't rely on someone else having a bad day. The people come to me in a bad mood already, I don't get the fun of making them unhappy.
She huffed again, cracking her neck in a bored sort of way as she simply shrugged off Yuno's fake mothering.

I'll be fine so long as nobody tries to do anything to me, and even then....
Karen's sour expression turned neutral, but her body language had brightened up considerably, and, a hand from behind her back pulled out an extremely small pistol, wiggling it a bit before returning it to its proper place.

I'm capable of taking care of myself. How else do you think I survived Nepleslia with my dignity and chastity intact?

"Yes, but look on the bright side. At least they're cutting straight to business and not staring at you like you were the most delicious steak in the galaxy." Yuno pointed out, a four fingered hand waved, palm up.

The Neko couldn't help but give the girl a faint smile. She couldn't be helped but be reminded of herself in certain ways. The propensity for violence being one of their similarities. "Don't think it's as simple as that." The Neko playfully chided Karen, thinking back to when she herself sent a business chair ricocheting through a conference room. "You'll have a mess to clean up, and the cleanup's always a bitch."
At the Nepleslian girl's final word though, Yuno's ears frowned with her, drooping as her shoulders stooped. Somehow, the ageless Neko looked...older. "Glad one of us still has that." she smiled sadly.

That's what a solid punch is for. Much less to clean up.

This time Karen grinned, and cracked her knuckles eagerly, seemingly unaware of Yuno's melancholy. In a matter of moments, though, she was back to normal, an expression of mild disapproval. By now she had taken to looking around the bay, and wasn't exactly looking at her conversational partner.

Don't worry about me so much, kay? I'm ready for most anything. Certainly anything the station will throw at me. So what if I send a few wrenches through windshields along the way?

Yuno visibly pulled herself out of the little rut and cracked her spine, reinvigorated by Karen's liveliness. "It's kinda hard not to worry about you, especially if you might just send someone very important through said window instead of a silly wrench." Yuno pointed out.

"Even if they really, really, really deserve it." she spoke, thinking back to the mercenary she had to deal with not too long ago. Now that she did think of it, it would have been a very long drop...say, half a kilometer maybe? She grinned, but quickly dropped it as soon as she realized something.

"It's gone...quiet all of a sudden." Yuno pointed out, habitually tensing.

The rain stopped.
Karen pointed out, simply.

Nobody needs their top put up anymore. Though, I'm sure in a couple hours there will be at least one moron who can't figure out how to get it back down.

She looked sour as usual, but, despite her sudden energy, seemed to have calmed down again. She sat, crossing her legs, the raised boot of the upper leg shining with a bit of grease that had dripped from a car in another bay, which she had been working on before the rain had struck. She bounced said boot impatiently, despite her relaxed posture.
"Well now!" Yuno exclaimed, shrugging off her tension as the sun shone again. "I think we should just be glad that you don't have to be helping anyone putting up the tops anym - " The Neko stopped mid sentence as she went over what Karen had pointed out. Her shoulders slumped again. "They can't No! They can't be that stupid, can they?"
She gave out an exasperated sigh; Yuno already knew that answer to that. And it wasn't pretty.

"Look on the bright side. They're not trying to look down your blouse or anything; they're all too busy reading your bubbles!" she playfully teased. If there was an upside to being mute, this was it. The damn men (and occasional woman) would have to make a hard choice!

The display has a quick-text that says 'Eyes up here' and has an arrow to reinforce the idea.

Karen explained somewhat blandly, though her body relaxed more than was necessary in an exasperated sort of way.

This being despite the fact that I'm wearing a work shirt most of the day.
The Nepleslian girl seemed unamused by it all.

It's not like I can't tell. Eye contact is much more important for me than it is for you.

It was still bothering her. The fact remained that it was still gnawing at Karen, and the Neko couldn't figure out what to do to cheer her up. Sure, the usual thing to do back on the SAoY ship was to grope the person from behind and shout out something like, "Surprise buttseks!" or something, but this wasn't there. And this wasn't something she had experience with either. On top of that, she didn't think of Karen that way, nor dared do something like that to her either. 'What do I say? Yuno asked a friend long gone.

The Neko found she couldn't say anything at all as she watched the Nepleslian girl, ears limp.

As the Neko sat there pondering to herself, Karen did something rather unexpected. A Soiled, oily rag was produced from a pocket, and sent sailing across the room, straight into Yuno's face. Karen guffawed at the joke, much louder than would be considered normal, but it was rather apparent that she thought Yuno was being a bit moody and off, today.

Must've been the rain.