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Approved Submission [Sourcian] Daiclonius Amelliaus


Inactive Member
Retired Member
<center>Daiclonius class Amelliaus (Gunship)


Designed for strafing runs and inter-gunship dogfighting, the Daiclonius is a large self-aware and highly maneuverable foe capable of maneuvers traditionally associated only with fighter craft, appearing to move similarly to a dolphin in the way it's limbs flow and motion to vector the engine thrust.

The Daiclonius excells in descending deep into enemy terratory and masking it's presence, striking targets of oppertunity or making hit and run maneuvers to disable greater vessels and dogfighting with ships of similar classification, effectively an anti-gunship gunship.

Though by default it includes no primary weapon, the nature of the Daiclonius means its armory can change to best suit the events around it, making it a highly prized possession among Aevalli alongside it's ability to transverse vast distances under very little power.

The Daiclonius is also capable of atmospheric flight and landings by rotating it's rear ordinance pods "prongs" to face the ground and lower front landing gear from beneath the nose.

Prepared especially for the battle of Salvation, the Daiclonius was a super-imposition unit designed to go deep into enemy territory in tightly knit well hidden groups, a favored tactic of the Sourcian who prefer tactical advantage and suppression to outright brute force.

A total of three hundred were built before the end of the battle of salvation, a culmination of wars against a number of races who had grouped together to fight the Sourcian on their own turf using their own tactics.

Losses were heavy but the Amelliaus demonstrated it's worth time after time as tactics changed and it adapted: brute-forcing it's way through numbers of fleets, carrying it's deadly cargo to strategic destinations.

At present, Daiclonius gunships are scarce and alone. Since the second incident, many have roamed without command or orders, leaving them paranoid, frightened and extremely hostile under the majority of circumstances.

Statistical Data


  • Class: Amelliaus (Partial gunship, partial fighter)
    Type: Super-imposition Amelliaus, suppression/ECCS system
    Designers : Unknown
    Manufacturers : The House of Retana
    Production: 300
    Resource Point Cost Per Unit:4150(?)

    Crew: Unnecessary for ship operations: the ship is automated.
    Pilots: N/A
    Maximum Capacity: Rooms can be forged, making accommodations for up to 30 people.

  • Length :208.38 meters
    Width :105.49 meters
    Height :27 meters
    Decks :6
    Weight : 75296.33 KG


  • Speeds
    FTL: Wormhole Based.
    STL: .95c
    Range: Effectively unlimited unless a critical mechanoid part is destroyed and the Daiclonius is starved of energy for more than 3 weeks.
    Lifespan: 450 years
    Refit Cycle: Vast modifications are possible but unnecessary for the ship's survival.

    Shield Rating: N/A
    Armor Damage Rating: 7

    Armor Sections:
    1. Main body, dorsal (Transic cannons, neural cluster, bridge)
    2. Main body, ventral (Transic cannons, hanger, landing gear)
    3. Main body, Bow (Primary targeting cluster,
    5. Main body (Neural cluster, Life support, Gravitor box)
    7. Main, center engine pylon (engine area, denial wave)

    6. Main, starboard forward ordinance pod (Rifle-Pods)
    7. Main, starboard engine pylon (engine area, macro-vents, denial wave)

    8. Main, port forward ordinance pod (Rifle-Pods)
    9. Main, port engine pylon (engine area, macro-vents, denial wave)

    10. Main, starboard rear ordinance pod (Rifle-Pods, vent thrusters, landing & masking prongs)
    11. Main, port rear ordinance pod (Rifle-Pods, vent thrusters, landing & masking prongs

Inside the Daiclonius

  • General Description
    Walls are either of a dull smooth metalloid surface, ribbed or bare revealing a complex crystalline structure. Beneath all three lies a spongy teal and orange material.

    Engine area

    • Occupying the rearward section, the engine housing merely contains the power source to the engine and is quite a tight squeeze for the most part with a number of access shafts and ledges dotted about the Core.
      The majority of the engine itself is actually external in the form of conductive pylons and ion vents.


    • An inaccurate depiction, the Bridge features a vast tactical system but no specific placements or furniture for personnel to situate themselves upon save for a ledge at the rearward section and a number of panels set which reach inward about the room.
      The role of the bridge is to act as a surrogate control system should the Daiclonius be commanded.


    • In some events, a Daiclonius may be used for transit of materials or personnel. A number of chambers are able to create ideal conditions for crew cabins, 12 in total, dotted about decks 4 and 5, either side of critical systems.


    • Directly beneath the engine housing in a secured area, a storage facility can be formed for cargo transport. In the majority of Daiclonius, this is instead a second engine housing, delivering more power to the engine pylons and weapons.

    Maintenance conduits

    • A number of small tunnels run through the form of the ship for emergency access to systems, both mechanoid and bioloid.

    Cannon junction

    • Situated against the very roof and base of the Daiclonius, the Cannon junction leads to a manual control system and storage capacitors for the cannons both on the dorsal and underside of the Daiclonius. Because the cannons are able to rotate and the payload may vary, manual gunnery control is also available though the majority of the time these systems rest forward or are controlled by the ship.

    Offensive override junction

    • A junction is placed which in times of emergency allows for all offensive systems to be powered down and for neural control of the ship to these systems be severed.

    Neural systems Junction

    • A junction set between the isolated neural cluster and primary control structure (otherwise known as the spine of the gunship). It allows modifications and upgrades to be installed into both bioloid and mechanoid systems of the ship or for the two to be separated entirely.

    Vascular systems Junction

    • A vast pump situated forward of the engine housing, the vascular systems junction pumps coolant and nutrient transport plasma through the bowels of the ship. If deactivated, the ship can sustain itself for up to 6 months.

    Digestive system

    • A throwback to it's biological origins, a digestive system is present within the bowels of the ship which can break down any biological matter through a combination of physical and chemical digestive processes. This system is normally dormant unless used as either disposal, torture or in emergencies.
      Once the digestive system is 10% through chemical digestion, it cannot be stopped and the contents will be destroyed.

    Passage ways

    • A number of hallways and junctions are placed between the rooms of the ship. In the event there are no rooms, the passage way can be replaced with a large primary weapon.

    Gravitor box

    • External of the engine room, the gravitor box shifts quantum phase to create a powerful graviton well at any given angle of the ship, allowing it to "fall" in the direction it wishes to travel. The phasic field created by the gravitor box is amplified through the engine room's systems and out through the engine pylons rear of the Daiclonius.

    Payload Launcher

    • The external pods of the Daiclonius contain a number of payloads which can be launched. Usually, these are razor sharp dense semi-crystalline-metallic forms created as a chemical waste-product of the engine room. The pods can rotate and lean against the structure of the body. A further two are placed upon the front-side of the secondary pods further back.

    Ordinance bays

    • The Daiclonius has a further two hanger-sized areas which connect directly to the payload storage areas which feed ammunition and launch a large salvo instantaneously.


    • One hanger place directly before the engine pylons which is hull-sealed and can comfortably accommodate three shuttles. Atop the roof is a caging system designed to rapidly deploy armored units into combat alongside drones.

Ship Systems

Internal skeleton

  • A biologically grafted flexible endo-skeleton exists beneath the structolloid hull, providing motion control for flexible parts and a framework to build around.
    This internal skeleton also houses the internal networks which allows the bioloid and mechanoid components to communicate with one another.

Structolloid hull

  • A biologically grafted metalloid hull, Structol (a type of Sourcian) is evolved and bred to absorb to exhibit traits of complex alloys and metallic structures yet heal like a living thing. Structol is able to rebound physical impact and deflect energy based weapons by using a highly constricted Casmir field across its hull preventing any object with an atomic mass from penetrating it unless it packs sufficient kinetic energy.
    When the hull is at full charge, it vibrates out of phase at the Planck scale, forcing particles and waves with a low density to rebound from it's surface, absorbed and thrown from it.

    The fully charged state cannot be maintained infinitely though it is self-sustaining until an impact is delivered at which point it must recharge after it's capacity has been depleted on the specific part of the armor.

    Structol is also highly flexible despite it's great thickness and able to extend and warp to envelop new components meaning the ship is able to continue growing long after it's conception.

Hull integrated systems

  • Integrated into the hull are a number of complex systems which allow the Daiclonius to mask its own energy patterns and output but also copy those of the craft it encounters. It is indistinguishable from other craft until in visual range should it choose to hide itself.

Life support system

  • A simple life-support system is able to change the temperature, gravity axis and specific air mixture aboard the Daiclonius. This system is often dormant until occupants are detected and is a separate independent system of the Daiclonius' intelligence network.


  • Powering the Daiclonius is a hybrid Zero-Point-Energy device cum fission reactor and capacitor designed to continue working during all circumstances, since zero-point-energy disruption weapons were popular among Sourcian foe.

    Pressure from the fission reactor is often vented as controlled thrust through macroscopic holes in the engine pylons and in emulated engines from the rear ordinance pods for atmospheric flight and combat maneuvers but cannot be maintaned for more than 6 hours before the core's expulsion chambers are depleted, taking a further 8 minutes to normalize before the process can begin again.

    This 6 hours can be reduced to 60 minutes of high-speed atmospheric flight, comparable to a form of after-burner by injecting the same waxy substance used in the cannon mechanism in a form of "full bore" thrust or in sharp bursts by flooding the vent chamber with a vapor of the heated liquid wax to create a sharp controlled accelation which can be vented in the direction the pod is pointed in.

    All parts of the core require high precision calibration from the neural cluster.
    If any major component is damaged, the efficiency of the core drops dramatically.

Neural Cluster

  • The brain of the Daiclonius, the Neural Clusters are a combination of aligned crystal structures which store neural data, complex cells, optic neural fibers and an optic computing system. There is also a quantum computing system strictly used only for combat intelligence, estimation and wormhole calculations.

    The Neural Cluster of the Daiclonius is effectively sentient with the ship as it's physical body and is free to make decisions of its own though psychologically trained to act for the good of it's creators and to attempt to understand their needs during transit despite the fact the Neural Cluster has no active language capacity beyond what the computer translates from spoken language into impulses.

    The Neural Cluster is also tightly bonded to a vast array of sensors throughout the ship's internal and external, both mechanoid and bioloid. This allows the ship to not only observe it's surroundings but also within itself into the entire electromagnetic spectrum and various types of resonance on various scales to detect a target or track bodies within itself.

Engine Pylons

  • Complex capacitors and coil systems broadcast the Planck scale disruption to draw ripples into the phasic patterns of zero-point-energy and amplify the Structol armor's Casmir-Barrier.
    With a heavy charge, the engine pylons can generate a wormhole through space though the energy required to do so means that both halves of the Core must be active which would drain the entire capacity of the Core capacitor in a single use though the greater the distance to travel, the higher the energy requirement is.
    While time travel is theoretically possible with this system, it has not been explored and appears to carry an extremely high risk.

Weapon Systems

Trans-phasic cannons (8)

  • The cannon is a complex weapon and yet lacks any moving parts. The trans-phasic cannons work by super-heating a metallic waxy build-up within the ammunition stores which is then electro-statically charged to hold the round together. Finally, the end round is fired similarly to a rail-gun and it's quantum phase is shifted dramatically as it exits the barrel.

    Though single shots aren't effective on larger targets as conventional weapons, the fact the cannons can repeatedly fire at extremely high speeds makes them extremely effective with suppression tactics when concentrated on larger targets.

    The Trans-Phasic cannons are capable of stripping down both sub-space barriers (by de-stabilizing the sub-space and forcing it to neutralize into normal space) and causing a biased distortion among complex graviton systems, drawing them away from their source rendering graviton based technologies useless unless the distortion can be normalized or over-powered.

    Location: Dorsal and underside, 4 clustered together into a turret which retracts into the body when not in use.

    Primary purpose: Rapid suppression
    Secondary purpose: Incendiary & explosive damage
    Damage: Level 7 Plasma Damage.
    Area of effect: Point of impact and splash area
    Range: 598,000 Kilometers
    Rate of fire: 1.5 bursts per cannon every second
    Payload: Self regenerating

Rifle-Pods (128)

  • Rifle-pods are small pods set into the forward and rear ordinance pods which fire a sharpened highly dense metalloid crystal with an explosive or nuclear payload at trans-hypersonic speeds in rapid clusters designed to impale themselves into the hull of enemy craft.
    Some types are designed to impale into a craft and then de-equalize the pressure by delivering an explosive compression, either blowing off the panel it is embedded into rising the air temperature within the craft.

    Rifle pods possess an intense tracking capability beyond the dexterous ordinance pods they are launched from as they are partially living Structol with basic intelligence capable of following a specific target.
    All ordnance pods include a moderate laser-cannon upon their tip to attempt to make the target falter or cause damage without the intended impact and can be detonated with an intelligent proximity fuse.

    Location: Ordinance pods (either side of the primary hull & further back)
    Primary purpose: Penetration & bombardment
    Secondary purpose:Explosive/Nuclear damage
    Damage: Level 5 Nuclear Damage.
    Area of effect: Point of impact and splash area
    Range: 400,000 Kilometers
    Rate of fire: Once every 3 seconds, pods firing in rapid succession
    Payload: Slow self regenerating, 70 full volleys before empty


  • By generating a wormhole and then shifting it's phase dramatically, the resulting shockwave near-randomly shifts the octave that zero-point-energy is fluctuating at, making it unpredictable and impossible to collect for up to 6 minutes at a time.
    The Core aboard the Daiclonius is pre-configured to collect from this frequency already at high speed, acting as a well which causes a denial-of-service for all active zero-point-energy devices.

    The weapon is highly impractical to deploy in poor odds as it drains the primary capacitor which prevents the Daiclonius from escaping. In the event the Core cannot fully reactivate for the duration of 6 minutes, it's primary weapon systems will not be 100% effective.

    Location:Engine pylons
    Primary purpose: Tactical Denial of service
    Damage: None
    Area of effect: The effect is more powerful towards the cause.
    Range: 550,000 Kilometers
    Rate of fire: Once every 12 minutes
    Payload: Unlimited

Vehicle compliment

  • Usually, the Daiclonius includes four Sourcian Warriors and a number of automated maintanance drones though the Daiclonius is highly adaptable to suit it's passengers.

OOC Notes:
So here's my first Sourcian submission. Wow.
I wanted something that while comparable to existing kit, it wouldn't abuse any "over-technology" like Zeusanium, Yamatainium or Aether of any kind.

You might note it has no main LOLOMGWTFKILL cannon which is quite unusual for a craft of this size in the SARP.
While one can be fitted, it's not part of the original spec and it's not recommended without another power-source.

I'm not entirely sure how much Wormholes cost and the resource point is an estimation myself and Doctor Tomoe made.

Again, this is my first Sourcian submission so help me hammer out the bugs, okay?

With some help from Tomoe and some reading, I've hammered out some additional systems to give the unit the desired performance characteristics it deserves (landing gear, macro-thrust vents, rear ordinance-pod vents) and I've added in a list of armor points. Now working on Wormhole kit.

This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Under the new rules this can't be approved because it has a new armor and a new FTL system.
Oh for fuck's sake.

I don't think the intention of these rules were so people could go up and say 'stop making these things, because they have these things!' Essentially, you're angry that all your new stuff is banned so you're going off and taking it out on everyone else.

Fucking STOP.
FM, this isn't Uso's doing. It's Wes' and I don't think he has a complete understanding of the situation.

Uso's not the big mean dragon we all seem to think he is. He's just a little eccentric.

Right when we had an an agreement on the NERD (we had a big misunderstanding, thinking it was Aether 2.0), the new rules are dropped in by Wes. While I know you mean well, Wes, I don't think they're not appropriate anymore since the drama was resolved as quickly as it happened and the NERD isn't the big bad tech we all thought it was.

Forte, Cora and myself are responsible for mis-judging you, Uso.
Uso, you're responsible for a failure to properly communicate your points.
Wes, you're responsible for being heavy handed.

The sort of misunderstanding that has just taken place between all of us participating is the sort of talk that starts war.

We come to the internet to be free of such poor decisions and idiocity and yet we seem to have brought it with us, taking one step forward and two steps back.

I think we can all learn from this experience and just get on with doing what we do best: having a good time.
Wormhole-making technology is not a newly established concept in the SARP. This passes.

OsakanOne, give me the hull values I wanted, please. I'd like to approve this.
The rule bans all new systems as such it would apply to this unless the wording of the rule is changed.
I still want my hull subsections, OsakanOne mentioned overall durability of 7. I'd like to have the locations (like lower hull, upper hull, right engine, etc...)

Also, I want the exact parameters for the wormhole generation...

Recharge time:
Cycle time/time elapsed between jumps:
Distance able to be covered in one jump:

That sort of thing.

And again: wormholes already exist in the SARP. I see this as no different than fold engines going at either 5 ly/m or 7 ly/m.
The rule bans all new FTL systems. Unless he got the parts to build the wormhole generator from an already exsisting company or whatever then it is a new FTL system and as such is banned by the rules.

The rules do not say no new methods of FTL travel. It bans the system itself.

Edit: Under the new rules this would still be a repetitive drive system because it uses wormholes. As such it would be against the rules if approved.

And I am a moderator, I have power to approve things in this forum and I reserve myself the right of rule interpretation for submissions I deem deserving.

I have no patience for the idiotic (spiteful?) prattle you are indulging in. Rules are not eyeblinders.

Until further notice, no submissions of new, practically repetitive propulsion systems, armor materials, and superweapons will be accepted.

Besides, I don't see any mention of 'companies' here. The concepts can be used; new concepts, however, are frowned upon. Use your head.
Then I would like to ask if you can choose to ignore or change the rules at any time to suit what you want then when do rules apply?

New FTL systems that have been used before in RP are banned according to the new rules. This is a new FTL system, it has redundency as wormholes have been used extensively before. According to the rules it shouldn't be approved.
Rules apply as a guide for me to decide what is acceptable and what is not. I consider there to be shades of grey in the interpretation since this site does not use bots for its operations, it uses moderators. As I have free will, I have the opportunity to judge on a case-by-case basis.

As far as I am concerned, this is a wormhole system made by aliens. The actual methodology and function is different here and there, but that seems fine to me as long as it looks balanced and non abusive. So far, this still feels like it'd be acceptable, but I want OsakanOne to give me the details over this so that I can see what's on his mind and steer him toward what I believe would be acceptable in the SARP.
OsakanOne said:
Forte, Cora and myself are responsible for mis-judging you, Uso.
Uso, you're responsible for a failure to properly communicate your points.
Wes, you're responsible for being heavy handed.

Ok, you're a nice guy Osaka. But, NEVER speak for me again. EVER.
I have no idea how to calculate armor values and I'd like Wes to sort the ruling out and for us to resolve this goddamn drama so we can go back to the way things were.

As for wormholes, I'd like to know what was common so we can set it all fair and just have everything fine.
It's not a question of calculating armor values. It's a question of deciding how many subsections your ship has. For example:

The Sakura:

Shield Rating: 7
Armor Damage Rating: 9

Armor Sections:
  • 1. Bridge Bubble
    2. Main Body Upper
    3. Main Body Lower
    4. Main Gun
    5. Left Pylon
    6. Right Pylon
    7. Left Engine
    8. Right Engine

The heck, Wes said the Sakura 's shield DR was DR 6 in the SRP listing for the Sakura gunships.

As for the wormhole thing, this is what I'd recommend based on what you told us thus far:

Generator cycle time: 30 seconds.
Capacitor storage: 2 jumps.
Recharge time per jump: 6 minutes.
Maximum distance traveled per jump: 12 light years.

Cycle time is the time required for the ship to effect the jump. This is twice as fast as Star Army fold drives which typically take a minute.

You could jump twice, which gives this some use in battle. However, the cycle time makes it too slow to make it of use to avoid area-effect weapons, so, this is more of a tactical maneuver option. That makes you very vulnerable to anti-ship weapons, but luckily, you have the denial wave to compensate for that (the Sakura needs aether power feed to fire her main gun, for example).

Recharge time is fairly long and made so in accordance to the denial-wave weapon (which counts as 2 jumps).

Distance traveled, for the time you spend recharging, is roughly equivalent to going at a fold speed of 2 light years per minute. I assumed you might have liked to go for more, but fold systems are notorious for being easily tracked/detectable - you might want to balance stealth for speed in this case. One of the significant advantages you gain over fold drives is that you can ignore obstacles like nebulas and just cross through them easily with a double-charged leap.
Kotori said:
Wormhole-making technology is not a newly established concept in the SARP. This passes.

I changed the wording for clarification to "new FTL methods."
OK, some systems added and ammendments made to existing systems alongside armored areas.

Next up, wormholes.

Could someone proof read for my grammar?

Spelling seems fine in spellcheck.
Added to the Wiki.
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