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RP: 188604 [Space Bar]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zack
  • Start date Start date


ON> Nepleslian Bar,

"So, it is you two right?"

A Neko would sit down across the bar from Murph and his friend. Green hair, purple eyes, and a tight fitting dark blue outfit that clung to her body even tighter than the predatory smile across her face. A few of the patrons at the bar could see her hair color, and would shoot her dirty looks... after all many still didn't take kindly to Yamatains coming to this world, much less walking around on it. There was certainly years of history there... though that wasn't stopping her from coming here and taking a seat at the bar.

"You saved up some money, and now you want to open a bar of your own... "

She would pause for a moment, looking over them one at a time,

"And do stop me if I'm not talking to the people I chatted with online... that'd be super-awkward..."

There would be a brief pause, the neko tapping her fingers on the bar,

".... Anyways, I've got need of a bar but it is on another planet quite a ways from here and quite a bit off the beaten path. If you're interested, I could help front the construction materials, local costs, ect. You fill the place with booze, run it, make the locals happy and you can keep whatever profits you want from the place. It ain't gonna be perfectly safe but..."

She spun around in the stool, waving her hand over the rest of the bar,

"It isn't like this place is any better. And at least with me you don't have to let some stupid rivalry or gang come and burn your place down just because you wouldn't pay them protection money."
Auspe looks over Aneko and listen to her proposal, making sure not to miss any details,

"So that's it, huh? We just head back to your planet and we set up a bar. What's in it for you? You said we get to keep the profits, but what do you get out of it?"

Auspe takes a sip of his drink and sets it back under the counter and goes back to shining a glass, before looking up at her,

"I mean I'm not going to complain. I'd be honored if that was all it takes, but even then, there has to be a catch... right?"
"I get a bar on my backwater world.... and I stress back water. They've got one type of drink and it burns. No one there can make a Nepleslian Mule even if they had the proper materials and quite franking having a proper bar is going to do a lot with regards to making that place livable and making the population happy.

In other words, It is in my best interest to have someone there doing this job. It is a lot easier on me if you guys just do it and I don't have to babysit you." Uso replied.
I look up straight into Neko's eyes

"You better not be lying to us, we have had to deal with scammers in the past and I would prefer not to have to do it again,"

I said patting my energy pistol on my side

"Now how can you guarantee me that I am going to be going from a business that is booming,"

I say motioning all around me

"To one that is getting me and Auspe here the same or equal profit?"

I asked Neko
"Oh and one more thing we do not have to deal with many gangs here, After the first one came in and tried to take some money and we stopped him fast, they dont bother us"

I said motioning to a helmet above the bar with the gangs symbol on it
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"Easy there Tiger."

Auspe pats Max on the back

"My brother here is a bit too tense. He doesn't mean to be hostile, it's just that, from our past experiences we haven't had the best of luck when it comes to trusting other people. What we do need to know is how will we be protected? Will it be a 'keep your rifle under the counter' kind of setup or will you be willing to supply us with some kind of security?"

Auspe reaches back and grabs a random bottle and pours out glasses for the himself and the other two and pushes them to the others and down's his own and places the glass in the sink
"I'm offering you bar ownership. Don't care if business is booming here, you aren't going to see much benefit if you aren't working for yourself."

Uso would take the glass that was offered to her, and take a quick taste before continuing,

"I can't say you'll have round the clock guards, but I've got a vested interest in keeping the place safe, and I'm sure if you can handle yourself here, you can handle yourself there.

I'm not going to say this is a sure thing. Yeah its a risk... but you're looking at an untapped market. If it fails, it fails. If it goes well, you're looking at more money than you'll know what to do with."
"Well, I personally want to get off this planet. It's not got the best memories. And, as a matter of fact, the amount of crime in this city has gone up the past few weeks. I don't think it'll be that long until this planet goes under. "

Auspe sits back on the counter where the alcohol is located and leans over and runs his hands through his hair a bit roughly

"So wait, are you saying that we'll be one of the only businesses on the planet? Is your planet heavily populated or sparsely?"
"Well I'd like you to think of this more as a GRAND BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY!" Uso lifted her hands high up into the air to make her point, before slowly setting them back down and taking ahold of her drink,

"You know, instead of being rats fleeing a sinking ship... You'd be the only game in town. I've got my own thing going on, but right now its more like agriculture, real estate, and construction rather than bar-ownership. The planet isn't as populated as Nepleslia, but its got a few billion people, and I'm hoping to bring in more external commerce soon.

Ground floor on a grand scheme to make it big."
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