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Space Distortion Drive System.


Inactive Member
Just posting this to get it into the approval process... it'll be applied to the RP when the situation seems fit.
Space Distortion Drive System.

Designer: Lorath Psionics House

Information: A FTL drive system reliant upon spatial distortion through the use of focused energy patterns.

Technical Information: The Space Distortion Drive System is reliant upon a matter/anti-matter fuel system; the anti-matter fuel for this reaction is contained within a magnetically sealed container. The reaction of the matter and anti-matter is accomplished by a pair of injection devices, the matter injector works much like a simple fuel injector found in an internal combustion engine, meanwhile the anti-matter injector is lined with a series of magnetic seals and the tubing of the injector is insulated with a strong and focused magnetic field. The matter and anti-matter are allowed to combine inside of a reaction chamber lined with energy siphoning coils that are designed to absorb the radiated energy given off by the reaction from the matter/anti-matter mixture. The reaction is contained by another magnetic seal system, if the reaction is kept unchecked the magnetic containment system does have a potential to breach, and cause a ship destroying explosion. When the energy from the matter/anti-matter reaction is collected, it is then channeled directly to the drive system. The drive system is comprised of a series of specially formulated crystal-like rods that resonate at an ultra high frequency, as these crystals resonate they release a series of energy waves, these waves cause a reaction in the matter of the vessel the drive system is propelling, the reaction causes the atoms and molecules of the vessel to slip into a "sub-spaceâ€
Didn't you already post this?
Nope, I just mentioned it to you... I posted it just now because I don't want anyone cooking up the same idea and beating me to it >_>
Somebody already has. See Star Trek. ^_^;
Ahem... their method is much different, also I did not use the "dilithium" or "Warp plasma" along with several other systems required for the Star Trek warp drive system.

<_< Additionally, the method of how Star Trek warp drive works is different, they change their gravitational constant and mass along with using more of a reverse method from mine, they push through subspace while pinching it together. My method is more of "riding" subspace while existing inside of it.

None-the-less, its a completely feasible concept, and one of the few methods of FTL travel other than inter-universe-dimensional hopping and using "gates". :? Unfortunately most other concepts of how to even come near FTL speeds results in attempting to rape physics itself and make Albert Einstein flip over in his grave.
Well, it's also basically the same thing as CDD drive, which i already in widespread use in the SARP, so the tech itself is approved.