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Species Design: Phods


Inactive Member
Foreword (or, Why Phod?):

I'm creating this species for two reasons:

One, the Empire has so far encountered civilizations both advanced and primitive, but have yet to encounter one with 20th Century Earth-equivalent technology. The Phods will rectify that. Their homeworld, Ohara, is meant to be a simplified, romanticized model of Cold War era Earth. Certain differences from the real one will inevitably show up, as I am not a historian, and also don't want to overly-restrict player behavior. Additionally, I refrained from putting in a WW2-equivalent event. It would be a sad and sordid story that took too long to tell, and I wanted to keep the metaphors focused on the Cold War.

If I'm feeling adventurous and the Phods are well received, I might turn my eyes on a Jules Vernian / Age of Steam world eventually.

Two, the destruction of Fenyar left a hole in my personal mental model of the YSA species line-up. We are missing chefs! This will not stand. :) So the plan is to have the Empire discover and eventually absorb some piggies. Yep. I said "absorb some piggiesâ€
I really, really like this. You've done an EXCELLENT job creating these guys. I'm impressed, and I want to send the Nozomi there at some point. Once scenario I had in mind is that the ship experiences a power loss for some reason and has to land/send shuttles and work with limited equipment and find a peaceful way to deescalate their cold war and introduce themselves without causing paranoia and shock.
Thanks Wes. ^_^

I was originally going to make them able to fly, but there's already a semi-flight-able species, and I'd never hear the end of those "when pigs fly" jokes.

And yeah, first contact will be interesting. We should wait until winter break though. I want to have enough time to do it right. :)
Nope, never read it. A good portion of my adult life, if I can manage it, will be spent reading science fiction. So no worries. I'll have time. :)

It's nice to know I'm channeling a book that's won a Hugo and a Nebula though. Thanks Seki. ^_^
And being Chefs they could cook themselves. Hmmm food that cooks it self *takes typical Homer Simpson drooling position*.
Douglas Adams beat you to it, at the resturant at the end of the universe the waiters are creatures that will joyfully kill themsevles and be served to you!

April 29... bring your towel.
The cow talking about how he's been force feeding himself so his his liver is tender? That was a fairly disturbing scene.

Also if you are reffering to the film, I have little intrest in it. Although I feel as if the plot will be great since he wrote it, I think they have hideously mis-cassed, the special-effects look good but done wrong, and Marvin is all wrong. I know he says he has a brain the size of a planet, but that doesn't mean give him a massive head. I think they dummed it down personaly, visualy speaking.
Um, no. The Phods will not be serving themselves for dinner. Thanks for the suggestion though. ^_^;;

And yes, Douglas Adams thought of everything.

PS: Yes I know I still have a plot to run. >_< What can I say? I'm a bad GM. Sorry. Um, things will improve after Tuesday of next week. That's when my animation project is due.