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Approved Submission [Species] Dralu


Inactive Member
Submission Type: Species
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=species:dralu

Faction: None (Raiconian Alliance technically maybe?)
FM Approved Yet? (Yes/No; Who, When) By me.
Faction requires art? (Yes/No) Sure?

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? (Yes/No) No.
Contains New art? (Yes/No) Mhm.
Previously Submitted? (Yes/No; explain reason if rejected) Probably Not.

Notes: NPC race Raiken plot points. Its use may change. I have the Rolas Byza'roshya plot to complete, then Vero Emkal arc, then this one. Perhaps I'll place this arc before or during the Vero Emkal arc. We'll see.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Are we going to see more about this race? Not that we have to; I just want to know what to expect. This all seems pretty normal, straightforward.
If by more you mean additional articles, yes. Though I'm not 100% sure what I will be doing with the race, I'll plan to create at least a culture and star system article. Probably one about the various flights too.

Whether or not I plan having it as a played race? Eh, depends if people want to play as it.
I realize I'm not staff on this site, but from my perspective, I found a bit that doesn't seem to add up.

The Dralu Page said:
Throughout their history, the Dralu have resorted to words and compromises before bearing arms, usually with the council of their elders.

And just a couple lines down

The Dralu Page said:
Dralu are deceitful by nature, using lies and trickery to accomplish their goals. Conflicts between flights and individuals are resolved with a 'cloak and dagger' touch. Open combat is usually frowned upon. While armies and soldiers are small in number, assassins, thieves, and other such occupations are rather popular.

These two lines don't, off hand, seem to be able to work together. Mind you, I'm not saying they can't be reconciled as is, but a bit more explanation would make it easier.
A second potentially PC race, when your first is not fully off the ground, is ill advised. We also have yet to have someone FM two whole races. I'd keep this NPC as your antagonists.
@Rhysis, the first line says they don't resort to OPEN combat, or that's what it is supposed to imply. While they do not usually fight each other in the open, they are avid in the cloak and dagger game. Each flight leader could be related to a spymaster in a way.

@Doshii - Regardless if they are played or not, they will not be their own faction. As stated in first post in the notes, they are designed for a plot point. I'm just planning ahead. I just write whatever I feel like writing at the time.
The firebreathing confuses me. How are they igniting the gases? Do the metal caps on their teeth act like flints?
You would be correct. They can do it without them, getting rocks into their 'gizzard' would leave metal on their teeth which would allow them to ignite the gas. The metal caps are much better at igniting though.
So the fire breathing isn't what you'd call natural. The gas is, but they evolved to use their environment to create a method of fire generation ... ?
It is supposed to be a natural process. As stated above, putting rocks in the gizzard would leave a lot of metal residue on the teeth, if the rock was metal-heavy. Perhaps in the early days, they noticed the connection but didn't know the science behind it, so they would take to seeking out these particular rocks or just rubbing flaky metals on their teeth just to act as flint. As tech evolved they would make the metal caps. By then, they might actually know what their body was doing.
The necessity of metal is a nice addition. I've done some work with several species of dragons before and the ability to create fire (or toxic gas or whatever they ended up using) was always 100% internal. That makes it difficult to work against the ability. This, at the very least, allows for a weakness. Given enough time without rocks or removal of the caps and voila, no fire.