Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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Approved Submission [Species] Hedoro


Inactive Member
Submission Type: Species
Template Used: Species
Submission WIP URL:
Submission Destination URL: (use the board's built in field)

Faction: N/A
FM Approved Yet?: N/A
Faction requires art? N/A

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles?:
Contains New art?: No
Previously Submitted?: No

Notes: There's no art at this time but it's being worked on, and I don't want people to waste money if the species won't be approved. I'm sorry if this is an inconvenience.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
This review is for: Hedoro with URL:

The submitted article is/has…
[✓] A very high level of overall quality
[✓] A general topic sentence under the title header
[✓] Artwork (Required for new species; Strongly recommended for vehicles and hand weapons)
[✓] Needed and/or useful to the setting
[✓] In the proper format/template
[✓] Proofread for spelling and grammar
[✓] Easy to read and understand (not a lengthy mass of technobabble)
[✓] Wikified (terms that could be a link should be a link)
[✓] No red and/or broken links
[✓] Reasonably scientifically plausible
[✓] Reasonably neutral point of view
The submitted article is/does not…
[✓] Overpowered (or cutting tech for a faction with little or no roleplay)
[✓] Obtusely redundant
[✓] Contain copy pasta descriptions of systems or interior compartments
[✓] Unauthorized by faction managers or player-controlled corporation
[✓] Contain references to IC events that have not occurred (SM must authorize retcons)
[✓] Use second-person language (“you” or “your”) unless it is an instructional guide aimed at players.
[✓] Use bombastic language (“virtually immune,” “nearly indestructible,” “insanely powerful,” “horrible effects”)
[✓] Use an unbalanced header/text ratio (many headers but sections are one-liners)
[✓] Use major unapproved sub-articles that should be submitted separately
[✓] Lacking Detail
[✓] Images hosted on sites other than (Photobucket, Imageshack, etc are not allowed)
The article has…
[n/a] Speeds in compliance with the Starship Speed Standard, if applicable
[n/a] Damage Capacity and Damage Ratings in compliance with the DR Guidelines
[n/a] The in-character year of creation/manufacture. (Should be current year. Future years not allowed).
[n/a] The Standard Product Nomenclature System, if applicable.

Three Day Approval Timer in Place
i promise there will be art soon, I need to secure some funding tho pls donate to my patreon

jk im just waiting till i get paid and getting some things put together, planning to get several pieces to show off colour, the mimic abaility so in shaps of other species, and also one with clothing probs to show they can wear it too

if anyone has any like, descriptions to submit to the cause to save me some effort its greatly appreciated
What's the plan to bring them into contact with the known SARPiverse?
They are an uplifted species, and in their history I described them as having been pulled from their planet by various groups at various times for various reasons. In essence it's up to the players, be it GM's or FM's or the people playing a character of the species. I believe @Ametheliana wanted to do something with them regarding a plot but I don't recall the specifics.
additionally i know @Ethereal plans to make one and I think she's ending up in Horizon? either way we actually have a JP in progress as his char was originally going to be a random alien but has been conformed to this species
wow has it already been 2 years

Anyway on to business, i was contacted by Jab this morning about some concerns with this species they worked hard to make and the utter lack of use within the setting so far

I was asked if I would "house" them around the nesh area, essentially this means they "originate" from nesh or near nesh space, it DOES NOT mean I will be restricting them from the rest of the setting at all as that goes against their created purpose, simply put i will be a sort of caretaker for the species moving forward and I will likely in corporate them in some of the outer neshaten planets or systems.

For official confirmation I'm tagging @Jabonicus as the creator

I wont be getting around to it today but i will likely edit the page very slightly to reflect this change, not sure if an NTSE mod has to double check and re approve it but i figured at least we should make it all open on the forums so that it doesnt look like im trying to stealthily steal assets or anything

For any further clarification im happy to answer questions based on the discussion i've had with jab already
I approve of this decision.

Ultimately the purpose of the Hedoro and their design philosophy is to be easily used and accessible for a large number of things in the setting. The core idea I tried to preserve was that anybody could use them, as the species itself lacked a solid government or a solid ethos that drove them in any given direction aside from personal and individual decisions.

The Hedoro, unfortunately, have not been used, and I can only assume that I made some mistakes in their design or creation to cause a lack of interest after their creation when compared with initial support. This move of their home planet makes no changes to their accessibility, and only increases the number of people able to use them, especially given the circumstances of Neshatan and their limited range compared to other species and nations.

If you have any ideas or interest in the species or their incorporation in the setting, this shouldn't cause any issues as the only thing this change actually does is solidifies where in the galaxy they originate from and makes them better accessible to players of the site.
I feel like they haven't been used because no one's sure what faction they're supposed to be used in, among other reasons. I think since the Neshaten consistently refuse to interact with Yamatai other than a first contact a few years ago, putting them in the Neshaten space effectively locks them out of 90% of the RP plots on the site (anything not Neshaten).

Also I think some people see them as a fetish species for slime sex RP and adult RP but adult RPs currently make only a small portion of the overall RP activity on the site. Maybe some more D&D style art instead of anime would help with that?

Finally I think people aren't playing them because most people here don't know that they exist or just don't know what the intent of their creator is and we spend so much time worrying and discussing things OOC that without explicit permission no one wants to risk touching someone else's stuff without asking.
as i already said, im not going to lock them into the neshaten space, they're not becoming the sole species of neshaten faction they're just gonna have their homeworld nearby, they'll still be accessible to any other faction anyone wants to use them in

as for fetish species, if people look at a slime and immediately think to use them for ERP that's their thing, getting new art is currently not a priority for me because, i dont have a job and dont really want to be spending money on something like art when im living away from home

also, nesh and yam relationship has nothing to do with how they can spread through the rp, they wont be controlled by the nesh, and GH who is also in the area will be helping them out as well, im simply helping jab out by helping to take care of them not changing them or claiming them
@Wes I apologize for the tag but I wasn't sure if you're watching the thread or not.

I feel like they haven't been used because no one's sure what faction they're supposed to be used in, among other reasons. I think since the Neshaten consistently refuse to interact with Yamatai other than a first contact a few years ago, putting them in the Neshaten space effectively locks them out of 90% of the RP plots on the site (anything not Neshaten).

They were written without a faction host originally because I didn't want to lock them into any specific group. Placing them in Yamatai would inherently limit their presence in other factions, as would placing them in Neplesia, or the NDC, or the Kuvexian territories, or anywhere else.

I apologize if there has been some confusion Wes and I probably should have clarified that better, but the Hedoro are not, and would not be placed under any factional limit or banner. The species homeworld does not have a strong structured government, and it will not gain one through this process.

Other nations do visit and inhabit Neshatan space and areas near it, so I personally don't view this as locking them in anywhere. Just because the Neshatan faction isn't on good terms with Yamatai doesn't mean that Yamatai is prevented from visiting Hedo. The goal here is to open up the species to active interaction and usage. Neshatan does not have the range nor the political influence of other factions, so the Hedoro homeworld being in other spaces would effectively minimize if not cut out Neshatan itself from interaction.

Also I think some people see them as a fetish species for slime sex RP and adult RP but adult RPs currently make only a small portion of the overall RP activity on the site. Maybe some more D&D style art instead of anime would help with that?

As for it being a fetishized species, unfortunately, I wasn't really too aware of that when I made them. The support I received in making them made little to no reference of their sexualization, and outside of the specific mention of their inability to breed with other species, which I simply felt was something to note given the clinical tone of their reproductive methods, sexuality is largely left out of the article because it wasn't meant to be the focus of the species. I'm not someone who ERP's or really does anything in the NSFW sections of the forum.

I don't really understand your perspective on the art style, since as far as I can tell it uses the same art style as other factions on the site. Practically all the art of characters and species uses some form of anime based art style, which is why the Hedoro share that same theme. Their humanization in the specific images was more meant to enforce their sapience as a species, as I was afraid that portraying them as primal shapes and more traditional depictions of slimes would cause people to confuse them for animals without much intelligence. Paired with that is just simply that I'm unfortunately not really wanting to spend money on art of a species that isn't known or used. If they grow more popular and see use then I'd certainly put forth the money to give them a better look.

Finally I think people aren't playing them because most people here don't know that they exist or just don't know what the intent of their creator is and we spend so much time worrying and discussing things OOC that without explicit permission no one wants to risk touching someone else's stuff without asking.

As for people not knowing they exist, I don't really know what else to say about that. I decided that this was probably the best thing I could do to kind of introduce the species to the rest of the site, so I think this action addresses that concern. If it's about people not wanting to touch other people's stuff then I'm really not sure what I did wrong, as I specified both on the forum in this thread and in the wiki about their versatility being for the express purpose of anybody being able to use the species for anything.

If people want to use the Hedoro for anything they're absolutely welcome to contact me. Even if it's about RP concepts that I'm not one to write about. When I made them, I didn't want to exclude anybody or what they would think of. The idea behind the species is that when I asked if people wanted a slime species, they originally said yes, and I made them in a way that I thought would best foster them across the site. The way I thought it would work best was, instead of making a niche of direction and focus, making the species itself a bit strange but making the scope of what they could do quite wide. The idea was that the strange niche would be in the species itself, not in what they could or couldn't do.
This is the first time ive ever seen the hedoro who have been brought up many times in the discord in the past as ever being considered a fetishized species.

As to why they haven't been used its all for both preference and interference.

Preference that since they arent a relatable beautiful self-insert species where you can just make your ideal image as a neko, etc. It takes a certain niche of person to make any non-humanoid species tho a hedoro would be easier to like compared to a delsaurian or phod or kodian.

Interference because certain unsympathetic people who dont really have much tact or care tend to shoot down a lot of what people ever bring up on the discord where the hedoro have been mentioned the most which kills the motivation to continue a conversation or topic. Especially more passionate people like jab who dont hold so well when people are being antagonistic towards them and their work that they put their time and effort into as compared to you or me.
just an update, since im slowly doing some wiki work again i have now completed the changes to this article as mentioned a couple of months ago, i added 2 mentions of the neshaten without changing the page intention or design and this was mentioned in the page change notes as well, feel free to check revisions to confirm if anyone wants to make sure

as also mentioned i'm going to be making a few NPC's of this species to have mentioned in news posts as employees of horizon and a couple of unaffiliated ones who hang around nesh though it'll likely take me a while
I would have been more excited to play with slime people if I had seen Jabonicus want to play them. Outside of not knowing how they should be played in RP (through modeling by Jabonicus himself) I also didn’t feel their species were ready to play from the wiki alone. People got comms and the cores weren’t in them or player characters didn’t stay the sizes the wiki stated and it was hand waved. To me it meant the boundaries and rules for play with them were too fluid to know what to work with. Also they didn’t have a disclosed homeworld or something to that effect and as Wes may be trying to say, that is hard to work with as GM.

A non-newtonian fluid is cool!!!! But I don’t know if these were played as slimes. They were like naive, slippery humanoids when I saw them as PCs. If you have a desire to set a record straight with how they could be played through rp, I’d read it @Jabonicus. Until then some people might just not know who the Hedoro are and how to play them.

I'm not really sure what you mean with the characters not lining up with the wiki. There's only one NPC of the Hedoro that's approved, and on the wiki there are only two characters who have been unfinished for around seven months and were never submitted to any faction to be reviewed or approved, and never played with as a result.

Only two IC threads exist with a Hedoro PC, both concurrent with the same character.

When I made them I thought I had expressed that I was only submitting them because other people wanting to play them and asking me to create them, as with the track record of my own experiences on the site, I wasn't comfortable making something entirely for my own use. I'm really sorry if that's not what came across.
In the end it's okay as they're going to get a cool place in Neshaten space, which is cool for them. All my nitpicking about the past ain't changing that!

I have had a bit of time to think about the Hedoro and figure out what happened! I did want to see them played and even try to do some mission about them but it never appealed to me, in the end. I guess you may have said you didn't expect to play them but I always held out hope you would be interested enough to do so and give a glimpse- that's my bad!

There's always a future and hope for something fun. Hedoro seem fun and so I can't wait to see where their place to have a future is here : ]