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Approved Submission [Species] Mudulcis


Banned Member
Inactive Member
Submission Type: Weaponised Species
Template Used: Species

FM Approved Yet? No? @Wes
Faction requires art? No

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? No
Previously Submitted? Yes, abandoned. https://stararmy.com/roleplay-forum/threads/mudulcis.59898

Military weapon in the form of alien exterminatus. Prepare to have nightmares of things throwing up into your mouth and paralyzing you.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
What sort of RP will this provide? Any plot plans with this?
I do, related to the Agartha subfaction I'm currently running through approval. It's a couple of arcs down the line from what I have planned but I thought I'd get it approved with the other stuff.
Okay. If I remember the correctly, the previous concern was that this wasn't the type of weapon the Star Army would be interested in buying. Since this is a corporation (IIS) that's making it, what's the profit motive for this? Who is the (intended) purchaser?

Current rules say new species require art. Do we have a game plan to get art for this? Some sort of sketch would be OK if you're able to make one. Let me know if you have something in mind.
Oh man I actually forgot the art for new species was a thing x_x I need to get three art pieces it seems.

The intended purchaser is, for example, if someone needs a planet they're mining free of life to make their job easier. Drop one of these on it, wait a week or two and it's barren.

Of course, I'm sure there are people out there who could find another usage for this. The main warfare bonus would be that while killing a population, 100% of the planet's infrastructure and resources are left intact. A underdeveloped nation could find much use by capturing higher technology for example.
I feel like mass murder weapons should probably be illegal but I'm not sure the YSE senate has got around to that yet...

For what it's worth, I'm considering dropping the art requirement as part of the Setting Submissions reforms I've recently promised, as part of the streamlining.
Maybe that could be a topic in the IRC. The Founder of IIS is a really psychotic guy so it's not beyond him to make this in some sort of black site without the rest of the company knowing (I've got a plot arc where he gets deposed and probably tried for stuff).

But I'd rather it be above-board, it's probably likely they tried to develop this for the YSE (like the original submission) but sorta got left with it when they refused? I can think of a few alternative reasons (I mostly would like them so I can use them for an Agarthan thing tho ><)