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Approved Submission [Species] Rixxicor


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Submission Type: Species
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=species:rixxikor

Faction: N/A

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? Yes (color version in progress)
Previously Submitted? No

Notes: This is an unpleasant, uncomplicated enemy species of insectoid alien invaders for use in the Eucharis and in other RP plots (e.g. Open RP forum). They rapidly reproduce so there's always some around that need killin' by our players.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Half redneck. Half cockroach. All irritating. Nice.

Something tells me this is inspired by a real person/persons you've met or had to deal with.
That pic is priceless! Laughed so hard when I saw it. Good read too. I like the concept of a really irritating species... When I have a can of Raid!

I did notice a small typo. You wrote their name as both 'Rixxikor' and 'Rixxicor'. Which one is correct?
Knowing Rixx, I bet both are correct. And picking the right one with the right Rixx is a pain in the ass and they deliberately use this to make things awkward for you.
Great idea! I added:

Hmm... Rizzikor. It seems kinda familiar. Almost like a variation of someone's name.

Lol. Is this your way of telling me I'm bugging you?!!
Reactions: Wes
It's been here over 3 days with no objections and no comments by any of the other tech approves so I'm just going to approve them myself.

GMs: Feel free to have colonies of them appear in your plots.
...Isn't that kind of cheating? Like, to approve your own stuff?

Lots of stuff sits here for weeks without objections or comments by tech staff.

Should that stuff be automatically approved too?
The same level of assessment should be applied for consistency and quality of content.

There are articles self-approved which don't follow templates or meet even basic spec for which no time has been given for technical discussion to arise.

I thought we were past that. I thought our focus was quality: The article isn't even written from an objective standpoint -- their sprig of culture writing is "you're going to hate these guys so don't even try liking them". There is literally no culture whatsoever mentioned. There's also no mention of how they were encountered by everybody else or their origin story: did they just magically flit into existence? How do we explain the lack of former encounters in writing?
The submission was not automatically approved. I posted it here to get it approved and also for people to give feedback because players have the right to comment on setting additions. I prefer to have other tech staff approve my creations but I ended up approving it myself simply because nobody else bothered to reply in what I consider a reasonable timeframe (3 days).

I wish everything could get evaluated this quickly and I apologize for the general slowness of the tech staff. I think a lot of people are either caught up in summer activities or in the start of school (I certainly am).
There's also no mention of how they were encountered by everybody else or their origin story: did they just magically flit into existence? How do we explain the lack of former encounters in writing?
In regards to your question, I don't see why you waited until after approval to ask. The reason there is no mention of being encountered is because they haven't been encountered yet in RP. The reason their origin is not clarified because their origin is deliberately unknown. In the near future they'll just arrive somewhere in a ship from beyond the Kikyo sector and then start spreading from there, probably first appearing in my RP (Eucharis) but possibly in other RPs. As for culture, their culture is being scrappy, rude, violent scavengers. This is repeatedly reinforced throughout the article. I plan to expand on them (as well as some of the older species) more using a worldbuilding checklist at some point.

Note for GM/thread creators: if you want to deal with a more organized, detailed insectoid antagonist NPC faction, @Riko is working on a nice one that's moving closer to readiness.
Why not expand your tech staff, Wes? There obviously aren't enough of them.

Thanks for the updates and thank-you for explaining.
Since when is three days of no comment sufficient to justify auto-approving. I have repeatedly had Tech Submissions sit for weeks to up to a month to get reviewed. By your own words you figure folks are busy.

As for the article, introducing this species as it is written is a mistake. You have given them an insane reproduction,
Any group of these that gets on a habitable world will overwhelm the population in months, since most likely they would land somewhere away from the folks there breed and then just roll over the inhabitants in an unstoppable wave of flesh.
Since when is three days of no comment sufficient to justify auto-approving.
I approved the submission because it was suitable for approval, not because of a lack of comments.
Any group of these that gets on a habitable world will overwhelm the population in months, since most likely they would land somewhere away from the folks there breed and then just roll over the inhabitants in an unstoppable wave of flesh.
It's very intentional. The whole point of this species is to create unending swarms of bug aliens to fight off. The Rixxikor aren't inherently evil, they're just driven to invade because their population growth is so unsustainable anywhere they go turns into an overcrowded slum. That would be a valid tactic they can use, provided there was enough food available to support them massing an army.
You don't get to approve your own things in a very short interval of submission. That's in bad taste. Otherwise, the other tech mods/assorted admins could just submit and approve things and be done with it, with nary a word of complaint thrown in. Plus, this didn't go through the whole "submission rubric" or whatever it's called that all regular submissions go through. You know, the "Is this article X, Y, and Z? Does this article have X, Y, and Z?" part. Somebody else needs to do that because ultimately, this is your project and you have bias towards it because of this - regardless of what you do or don't think of it.
The reason get to I approve my own stuff but nobody else can is because I manage the setting. I've asked for feedback on Rixxikor in the IRC channel several nights, and I've given people a few days to object in the NTSE if they had problems, and everything thus far looked good so I approved them. So it kind of pisses me off when people come out to raise concerns after the fact. If Nashoba or another tech mod wants to do a temporary recall of this submission due to the lack of an NTSE checklist, that's their right. However, it's not your place to tell me how to do my job running my site, Moogle, and I'd appreciate if any future posts in this thread were directly related to the Rixxikor and not to the submission approval process, which would be off-topic.
I am just gonna note there are people who wait to hear from mods weeks, so three days is not that much. Especially since species page is pretty big sub.

Also for Rixxcor, they reproduce too fast. A billion kids in three or so months? That just cannon be good for the setting.
@Rizzo: Hah

@ShotJon: Pretty much. If we can endure weeks, surely he can endure weeks. That's why we have a submission system and your users are already crying foul. Their reproductive rate is INSANE. More than a background nuisance: A reason to flat out exterminate them on sight instead of cohabiting with them given the food and resources available in the SARP. Within two years a hundred of these would out-number Yamatai's population by a factor of 3:1.
Hokay lets go.

Month one, one redneck roach: 4eggs per hour for 8 hours a day. 4 * 8 = 32 * 30 = 960. So almost a thousand kids from one roach on the end of month 1 per average.

Month two, we now have 961 roaches. So let's go.
961 * 4 * 8 = 30752 * 30 = 922560. Ho boy, almost a million by the end of month 2, bretty good.

Month three, million roaches making kids 8 hours a day.
922560 * 4 * 8 = 29 521 920 * 30 = 885 657 600. Holy crap month three and we have almost a billion. Now just for fun lets do one more month.

by same math we get 850 231 296 000 roaches rougly sometime after end of month 4. Now that is a population spree if I ever seen one, not to mention that they can eat pretty much anything and can function why laying eggs. Time to get over run by super ugly redneck roaches SARPverse. It was fun while it lasted.
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