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Approved Submission [Species] Rixxicor


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Submission Type: Species
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=species:rixxikor

Faction: N/A

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? Yes (color version in progress)
Previously Submitted? No

Notes: This is an unpleasant, uncomplicated enemy species of insectoid alien invaders for use in the Eucharis and in other RP plots (e.g. Open RP forum). They rapidly reproduce so there's always some around that need killin' by our players.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
And that's why we have a submission and approval system, folks.

So lots of people can look at a thing so one person can notice something the rest don't that could create a serious problem.

@Rizzo: Why do I read all your posts in the voice of Inspector Gadget?
Oh nostalgia~
@OsakanOne no idea but I can work with that!

What if they had queens and only a queen can lay eggs? It would provide strategic targets for attack stories and maybe even a coordination for a bug invasion.
They don't have queens because they're entirely decentralized. They're like internet mobs. They have no leaders, no spokeperson, no home, and no known origin. They're biologically gifted so each, as an individual, are not forced to rely on anyone else and each can raise their own empire, which competes with others for resources. Destroying part of the mob only pisses off the survivors, and they can regenerate and reappear in large numbers a couple years later because as long as one lives, the species can proliferate again. While this race may look humorous at first, they're supposed to be a real threat, and the threatening part isn't their physicality or intelligence or technology. It's that they're incredibly numerous. So their ability to raise huge armies in months (when ideal conditions exist) is important.
Though, having multiple sub-types would be cool. something to make it more interesting. perhaps a queen isn't necessary, or perhaps any regular "worker" is capable of becoming a queen given the right circumstances.
Hmm... Wes, you jus' gave me an idear.
<cracks open can of beer and adjusts worn out trucker cap>

If a certain Yamataian black ops group were to attack a very large gathering of these guys in an unsanctioned operation would they try attacking Yamatai Prime despite being pathetically outmatched in every way? And since they're sentient, would Yamatai view the unprovoked assault and killing of a Rixxicor as murder?
The Rixxikor are already sort of the ultimate nemesis to Yamatai because Yamatai is a society big on rights, providing for people, and, to an extent, the value of life. Whereas the Rixxikor have no regard for life, will just multiply until the drain the resources run out, and will just take advantage of any legal rights Yamatai gives them. Yamatai will probably be forced to declare war just so it has a legal way to deal with them by force before they overtake the population of non-Rixxikor and turn the known galaxy into space-Somalia via economics. The problem is wars are traditionally against governments, not a species, and Yamatai is not looking to be accused of genocide again like it was after their attack on the Freespacers.

Rizzo: It's possible.
Wes, I agreee that there is no need for queen of any sorts. The way it is, is okay. But. I do think they replenish their numbers TOO fast. And sure, among them the chance of one raising an empire or orginising them is very little sure, but what about outside? Mind control and brainwashing is a thing in SARP (*looks at Lazarus*) and someone could try to take control of Rixxikor to make their own army of Zergs.

So I suggest this. Lower the speed they replenish their numbers. Sure let them mature in a month, but make one Rixx lay only 5-8 eggs in a day, not an hour.
Or introduce high infant mortality to semi-compensate. Bonus points if you do it because their parents got hungry.

Good enough for hamsters? Good enough for Rixxor!

As annoying as they are, be sure to introduce sub-breeds later when we start gunning them down that are a bit scarier. Like we've only seen scouts/drones so far of their big dothocracy and there are some mean ol' rixxor that are a just a lil harder to mess with.
And sure, among them the chance of one raising an empire or orginising them is very little sure, but what about outside? Mind control and brainwashing is a thing in SARP
Yes, this is possible and encouraged. In the article, it says they're easily influenced (because they don't live long enough to get old and wise) and that they often end up being used as disposable mercenaries. If you can convince just one Rixxikor to join you, then there's a good chance you'll have a steady stream of expendable bug-thugs hatching. Because of their high rate of multiplication, you probably want a certain level of fatality for the missions you send them on. Hiring Rixxikor is playing with fire, because they could turn your evil lair into an overcrowded Rixxikor favela.
Are they an egg-tending species or egg-abandoners?

Egg tending species carefully tend for their eggs, cleaning them (like fish cleaning fish eggs from fungus) and protecting them.
Egg-spreading species care very little for their eggs once they are out- you are on your own, bye. This would be like salmon laying eggs in a stream etc. They usually pick a habitat where their young will have a maximum chance of survival- but if you lay eggs every couple of hours, it's bound to be more like going to the loo, rather than having kids.

So my suggestion would be that they just lay eggs- but then abandon them. Too much hassle to care for that many eggs, ALL the time. That would mean very few young , from egg, make it to mature age. Maybe 1:1000? or even less.
It would also mean that given very good circumstances, the death rate among young could be close to zero, too. On a new, fertile planet, before it's overpopulated, before local bacteria and fungi adapt to taking advantage of the plentiful eggs, the death rates could be low, then escalate.

I'd also add that the eggs are delicious, just for irony's sake.
I still think they breed way too fast. 5-8 eggs a day is still fast as hell, but it is much more workable.
Are they an egg-tending species or egg-abandoners?
They abandon eggs they way that sea life does, just leaving them strewn wherever conditions look "acceptable." This is species with fairly selfish instincts. I could see them eating eggs of other Rixxikor (or maybe even their own) when other food options are unavailable. Rixxikor that don't have known offspring want to create lots of offspring. Rixxikor that do have known offspring get reckless and want to fight stuff. If a Rixxikor thinks all his kids are dead, he'll go back into egg-spamming mode.
I'd also add that the eggs are delicious, just for irony's sake.
That's disgusting, but I'll totally consider it.
I'd also add that the eggs are delicious, just for irony's sake.

Oh wow that's genius. That'd explain their mortality rate!: If they're left in a single place, they eat a lot of their young; If they're nomadic, their young hatch. It'd explain why there's such an even spread of them.

Though, they do need some redeeming features: If you're making a mook for shooting, you have to at least add one flaw to that plan that makes us feel bad for doing it.

But yes, controlling them in a rabid state could be a fun way to make a planet of guard-dogs.
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What if some of them were really good people? They could have small colonies that moderate their population and keep the community clean. That way not ALL of them are bad, just most of them... Like stereotypes.
Rixxikor that don't have known offspring want to create lots of offspring. Rixxikor that do have known offspring get reckless and want to fight stuff. If a Rixxikor thinks all his kids are dead, he'll go back into egg-spamming mode.

If they just drop their eggs where ever in the manner you speak, then this behavior would not happen. Because they are not nurturing their eggs. They just lay them and they're on their own. After all, how would they know what one of their children look like unless they stay with them?
@Wes - i saw that you were looking for a place on the map to put the Rixxikor in, and i have a suggestion.

Lets imagine that the eggs are in fact a delicacy, but at the same time consuming them is viewed to be a disgusting habit, maybe even illegal. That would mean they once in a while get smuggled in, to various territories.
Would also mean that once in a while, there is a Rixxikor outbreak pretty much wherever- in sewers, garbage dumps.
It would allow them to be put on the map where they would be most interesting at the time.
I'm thinking they taste like chocolate-dipped chunks of sweet and salty country ham. But they've not been encountered yet, so there's reason any Yamataian would have views on the eggs or access to the eggs right now. Also that would bring them to the core worlds first, which could be kind of a pain in the ass, whereas I was hoping they'd primarily be a problem of frontier areas.
In reference to the lack of replies early on, I'd point out that quite a few of us made our distaste for the idea plain in the IRC before the submission had ever been put up, and felt that reposting it here and now would have effectively no impact if speaking against it didn't matter BEFORE it was submitted. No offense, Wes, but you have a habit of pushing stuff you've put work into through, regardless of people's dislike for it, and that makes it a lot less likely some people will bother to post again at this point.
Wow. This is a letdown. It's just as Aendri said. I've been gone for a little bit, and this is what happens? Just wow.
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