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[Species] The Araikahi

Captain Vaikon

Inactive Member
Submission Type: New Race
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=species:araikahi

FM Approved Yet? Um, no?
Faction Requires Art: Depends on if it becomes a PC Faction, which I would like but not essential

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? Nope
Contains New art? Yep
Previously Submitted? Nope

Alright, so I've had this idea in my head for awhile now and figured I would spin it up after I got finished with what I needed to grab with the Green Ocean (I forgot to post on Green Ocean thread on Sunday D, and when I started working on it it just exploded. So, I wrote down what came into my head, then went back and cleaned it up some. It might need some more work, but I hope to expand on this to go from factions to ships to armor to weapons. I know it'll be a good bit of work, but I got quite a good bit of time.
It should be an article on its own as it is a tech submission.
Alright. I'll group it up with this submission, and put the link in a category under the Araikahi page (hey look, I can spell it without copy-and-paste now lol).
I'm placing this submission in "rejected," though the submitter has the option to restore it by request.

The submitter hasn't logged in for a month.
I apologize for not replying. My life has taken a dark turn, and I hope to return when I have pieced it all back together. But for now, good bye.
Sorry to hear that. You're welcome to use our forum to talk about what's going on if you want to share with someone.
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