Star Army

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Approved Submission [Species] The Senti

This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
I have personally seen what the Senti culture looks like, along with their people. The diversity in how each flotilla interact makes them have completely different rules, depending on the flotilla. This could range between Pirates, Merchants, Colonist, or even immigrants. Most of the people being very accepting of joining nations if entertained or convinced. OR, they wander through territories without care for local peoples or laws. Basically unlicensed traders XD.

Sure, they follow under the humanoid category, however I would personally like to see them being accepted and see how they can be integrated into the setting!
Good Morning. Let's begin, shall we?


  1. Alright for your introduction, which by the way is well written there are some missed opportunities in terms of integration into the SARPiverse and the Wiki.

  • Something along the lines of their territory is widespread in the Kikyo Sector should be said to provide a link into the universe. Or even something about the Kagami Galaxy would help give us connection.
  • Could also change that first line to something like The Senti is a species of iron-based, carbon-metabolizing hominids found in the SARPiverse.
There are a lot of opportunities in the article for links to things into our universe. Having an article that provides integration into the existing universe is very important. It shows a connection.

2. Footnotes

Due to the extensive amount of information added to footnotes in this article, the information should just be worked into the main article. It would make the article easier to read.

3. Naming Conventions

In terms of naming conventions, I think it would help if we had some examples of their names listed out. (Eventually, you could provide links to actual characters).

4. About Senti Floatillas and Spacer Myth


First Contact was made? By what faction? In what YE? The opportunity here to link them to existing factions and provide us with a date for reference in terms of when this first contact was made.

5. Size

The larger Senti sound very large and powerful, I think some kind of limitation should be put in place to make sure these don't become the default.

Overall, I don't see many issues with this species. The main things have to do with grounding them in the SARPiverse and Wiki structure issues that can be easily remedied by you taking some time going through the article and a bit of reorganization. Remember the more integrated an article is the better. Anyway, let me know when you've addressed these issues and I will take another look at it. Status is Pending Approval.

I, however, do have a serious question here:

I have personally seen what the Senti culture looks like, along with their people. The diversity in how each flotilla interact makes them have completely different rules, depending on the flotilla. This could range between Pirates, Merchants, Colonist, or even immigrants. Most of the people being very accepting of joining nations if entertained or convinced. OR, they wander through territories without care for local peoples or laws. Basically unlicensed traders XD.

Sure, they follow under the humanoid category, however I would personally like to see them being accepted and see how they can be integrated into the setting!

  • You personally have seen what the Senti Culture looks like? Where? I don't see anything in freeform/open roleplay to see them in soft canon. Where did you see them? Is this being imported from another site?
Okay, so I'll make those edits at my earliest convenience.

As far as your serious question goes, Sent culture and biology was widely playtested on an alternate RP being beta tested for @Dragon_God. I found them to be quite popular in initial testing.

The larger Senti have more mass to move, and thus caloric needs magnify exponentially, largely causing their metabolic crash at 330 years max. I will rewrite that section to reflect this, and consult with Dragon on the best way to make a precent or centennial the best options for play, rather than bicents and tricents.

There are also significant modifications to make the Sarpiverse Senti more distinct in appearance, behavior, and faction allegiance.
Last edited:
Remember wiki articles should avoid the use of "you" unless they're a guide article giving directions to the player.
Are the senti on another website already?

They were playtested on a much smaller scale in a discord server run by @Dragon_God And originated in Figment. Unfortunately all other RP sites involving any variation of an iron based humanoid species called "Senti" have gone belly up or they were not popularized when I left the site and took my creation with me.

They have been a work in progress for nearly a decade, now.
I have played them as ancient and wise botannicids, as conquerors, as a lost dominating empire, and as subspecies of human.

Different cultures, different experiments that failed or were premature. There are only two universes to find Senti, now. A single, small flotilla as its own faction, allied and militarizing in ISRP, and here. Unalignable drifters, voidwalkers.

Unfortunately, they never rose to a level of popularity that they had people really contribute to them. Even Dragon's kinda had me do my own thing with them, rather than have his word on what he wanted to see. He did design the flag, and its hallback to their home trinary star system.

I affirm that the Senti are solely my creation, have always been so, and ever shall be. The version on SARP is free for others to find their lore, whether by building it themselves or putting me on the spot.
The Service Pistol has been removed as an item from the Senti culture, being replaced with an ornamental and functional knife more befitting a culture capable of violence, but more likely to use that ability for constructive ends.
Hello Again,

A few more fixes:

  • Words seem jammed together here (formatting error)
  • What Yamataian border world/system. Most systems are linkable in the wiki?
  • I think you might have a better impact here if you describe Senti ethics rather than telling the player about their ethics. I think this paragraph needs to be reworded.

  • We don't use dice here on Star Army could you find a different way to present this that melds better into how we do things? Maybe just a % chance

  • The high birthrate common triplets and quadruplets work now while this species is just emerging but I could see this rate of birth creating issues down the road. Maybe cut it down to a common occurrence for twins?

  • I think the Character creation guide should be shifted above the Playing a Senti Section if not its a little redundant, How to Play a Senti is pretty much part of what I would consider being a Character Creation Guide.

The Knife

I almost think at this point the knife should be submitted as a product. That way we have things like its damage rating and how they make it. It seems to be an important part of their culture and I think this might give it some more justice.

We're getting closer here, but still Pending Approval. Let me know when I can take another look. Please try to watch your formatting and grammar, you're very excited about this submission maybe slow down a little and take your time to review the article, grammar, and structure a little more.
Almost forgot!, our Wiki Quality Plugin has the following to say -


So if you could consider breaking this down into a couple subheadings in your longer sections that would be great!
Okay, so while I really don't want to do the knife as its own article, it will solve the backlink issue, and will be a separate submission.

That said, did some reorganizing and tinkering, merged playstyle and character creation, moved life cycle above immunology, broke up the OHGODS wall of text with subtle and clever heading descriptors similar to a standard dossier, and did some tidying work on the territory and known pirate behavior.
Hello! Let's see if this submission meets the requirements for inclusion in Star Army's lore...

[ ✅ ] 1. The destination URL should be a page in the appropriate namespace and titled lower_case_with_underscores
[ ✅ ] 2. The article is in the appropriate format and article template
[ ✅ ] 3. The article follows our wiki-style guidelines, including No forced line breaks, text after each section header, etc.
[ ✅ ] 4. The article is easily read and free of errors in spelling and grammar
[ ✅ ] 5. Links to other wiki articles are present as appropriate and are not broken
[ ✅ ] 6. The article fits into the Star Army universe's space opera theme and technology levels
[ ✅ ] 7. Images in the article are hosted on Star Army's wiki and sourced responsibly (contact Wes privately if there's a concern)
[ ✅ ] 8. The article is original and doesn't contain copy-pasted content from other articles.
[ ✅ ] 9. The article complies with Star Army's rules in terms of damage ratings, speed limits, etc.
[ ✅ ] 10. The Faction Manager(s), if applicable, have posted approval for this article in this thread.

This NPC Species is Approved. (Burial Steel should be submitted separately)

Please be sure this gets linked to NDC articles, Species Lists, and other places it needs to go.
Looking to update some missed information in immunology, namely that

"Generally speaking, their blood chemistry is inhospitable to parasites and bacteria, and their main immune system support is provided by a symbiotic blood borne bacteria that acts as a general virophage, feeding on complex proteins found in viral shells. However, they do have a latent immune system similar to humans to assist in the response of their bacterial mainline defense.

They are very adaptable, capable of switching biological processes on the fly for short term survival, from swapping genders to swithcing their blood chemistry, or even releasing an emotional stabilizing chemical in high stress situations, even to self inhibited growth due to these stress hormones. These often have massive long term detriment."
Sure, that's fine.