Star Army

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RP: Kohana [Spring Festival / Blood Paw's Hometown] Reminisce


Inactive Member


Mercenary camp
A black wolven Kee'Awloo strode between the tents of his comrades, heading out from the encampment into the forest. He was stopped by a Sha'Nai at the trees.

"Where are you headed?" he asked.

The wolf shrugged. "I need a walk. Maybe I might make a visit to the Festival south of here," came the answer.

The Sha'Nai nodded slowly. "Alright, I'll alert the others-"

"No, that won't be necessary," the wolf inturrupted. "We can scout it out later. Let them rest for now."

The Sha'Nai narrowed his eyes, but nodded and disappeared into the shadows. Bloodpaw watched the spot where the ferret had been for a moment, then drew the hood of his cloak over his head and set off into the forest.

The Spring Festival
The location of the celebration was far from the camp, but Blood Paw reached it in time for the afternoon festivities. He kept his hood well over his head; even though his red markings were disguised with charcoal dust, he didn't wish to rely solely on that to avoid being recognized.

He eventually stopped by a local tavern just before the evening meal, hoping to beat the rush. He easily found a table alone and was soon easing his thirst with a bit of regional flavor. As he sat nursing his drink, he reminesced about Festivals had been a few years since he had been able to attend one without disguise. He smiled as he remembered what had transpired after one festival in particular. "To you, Devo," he mouthed, raising his drink a little and taking a swig before losing himself in memory...

Four Years Ago...
Blood Paw ran out of the temple, hushed voices could be heard behind him from all the monks who had just witnessed what had transpired. He thought it would be a great time to go out and explore more of the wooded area of the surrounding country side. He thought it was just for fun but in his sub-concious he knew it was because he wanted to be alone after what had happend. He passed many farmilliar places including one of his favorite swimming holes but he passed them all. Going out of the boundries he usualy stayed in. He looked around making sure no one was there and then sat down on a fallen log and wept. He was tired of the monks chatising him for not being patient and there constant bickering. He was tired of all that. He just wanted his freedom and to have fun but the monks didnt understand and were constantly on him about his strange behaviors.

An old wolf was going through his sword kata nearby. He preferred the deep forest, the way it aided his focus and flow. But at the sound of the crying pup, Strong Paw cocked an ear, then went to investigate. After returning his practice sword to a long bag on his back as he drew near, Strong Paw frowned when he saw the young wolf weeping on the log. "Why are you crying like a blind newborn, boy?" he asked, a little gruff at this inturruption to his excercises.

Blood Paw shot up in the air obviously supprise at the old wolfs presence. He stared in disbelief at the old one. His tears dried up and were replaced by suspician. "Who are you?" he asked silently. "I wasnt crying." He planned on out right denying it. He didnt plan on word getting back the village about him crying out in the woods.

The elder wolf was still imposing, despite his age. It was clear he had cut a commanding presense in his younger days. These days, even though he still had an aura that demanded respect, there was something that let you know he wasn't always business. "You weren't? Then you were examining the small rainstorm that left that puddle there?" the old one noted, motioning to the tears that had fallen on the log. His frown softened from annoyance to a bit of concern. "I know you, don't I? You're that Blood Paw boy, Shar's son..." His voice drifted off a bit before continuing, ignoring the question to his identity until a later time. But first, there was another question he wanted answers to. "Why aren't you at the temple? Lessons shouldn't be out for the day, not for a while yet."

Blood Paw stared at the stranger after he thought he heard the old one say his mother's name. He frowned after the strange old wolf said something about the temple and how he should be there. "After some thought I have decided the temple is not for me. I prefer freedom." He was curious and decided to ask another question. "Who are you? And why are you so close to my village? Are you visiting someone?"

"My name is Strong Paw, and I live nearby. That is all you need to know," came the reply. "Now, about this...You've quit your lessons?" Strong Paw looked a bit surprised. "But the temple is where you are prepared for your future, to achieve your dreams." He looked at Blood Paw carefully, then motioned for the younger wolf to follow him. "Let's walk," he said, turning to walk back the way he came. Now the youngster could see the hilt of the practice blade at the top of the bag on the old one's back. "What dreams are you chasing that you think you can catch without the wisdom of the Temple?" inquired Strong Paw as he started walking.

The young wolves eyes lit up when the old wolf asked him about his dreams. " I want to be a warrior. " He said as he tagged along behind strong paw. " I want to learn to fight and be quick with my paw. " He did a fake lunge at a near by tree. He smiled.

A smile crept onto the elder's muzzle at the sudden burst of enthusiasm. "A warrior, is it? And what, in your opinion, makes a good warrior?"

Blood Paw puffed out his cheeks and stepped on his tippy toes before putting his arms out. "A warrior has to be big and strong like this." He said trying to immitate a To'Yaree. "And he has to be good with a whole bunch of diffrent weapons" He said before picking up a stick and swinging it around his head. Almost hitting Strong Paw.

Strong Paw paused as he watched Blood Paw's description of a warrior. "Hmm, true. And every foot soldier in the To'Yaree armies knows these things. But," he said, looking at the youngster with a questioning eye, "you don't want to be a rank-and-file soldier, do you? No one dreams of taking orders their whole want to be something more than that, don't you?"

The young wolf shook his head up and down. Frowing. " No I dont like taking orders I like giving them, And rank and file dont sound to great... I want to be a mercenary. " He smiled dreamily seeming to not be there.

"A mercenary?" This really did surprise Strong Paw. He's a bit of a rogue, this one, he thought to himself. "Well, if you're going to give orders, you're going to have to know what you're telling your men to do. And that means knowing more than just how to wield a weapon well," said the wolf, starting to walk again. "You need to know about tactics, how to out-think and out-maneuver your opponent. These are things that the temple monks can teach you, from their libraries and history books of battles." Then something occurred to him. "Why were you out at the log? Did that have anything to do with why you are abandoning the temple?"

Blood Paw looked up at Strong Paw after he spoke of the temple again. " I... I had a argument with the monks about.. nothing.. It doesnt matter.. I dont.. can I tell you later?" He continued to try and match the old wolf stride for stride but one of strong paws strides was like four of his so he had a bit of trouble.
