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RP: SRSS Yggdrasill SRSS Leviathan: Exploring Kenichi's Star

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Kylen Phylar

Inactive Member
After giving the rocket a tow, Ken pointed the freighter back towards the last star system they were in, Kenichi's Star, and sent out a message with Intent To Leave on it. Once it was out to all other armed ships, he punched it, setting the auto pilot to hit max speed as soon as possible, for the correct coordinates.
As the ship arrived in the Kenichi's Star System, scanners honed in again on the massive tree-planet...thing. Nothing had changed since they left, save that a hurricane was forming on Mizuho's Tear, and the tree on the other world seemed to rise and fall with the tides...
Arin didnt feel spacesick when the Sojourner dropped out of CCD, she had been travelling with the group for a while now. However, the representative felt a small pain in one corner of her forehead where she hit the floor during the pirate attack. She took one of her hands off the engine mantainence panel to touch it.

Ah, I have not really thanked the captain for getting me out of that mess. I really should, the next time I see him in person...

Seeing that the lights showed all green, Arin took a moment to bring up a videofeed of the planet. At first she thought it was a funny loading screen, but after a few moments rubbed her eyes and brought her nose up to the volumetric display.

Is that a GIANT TREE!?
Aendri stood off to one side on the bridge, feeling slightly useless. I wonder what is on this planet?
Eve strode onto the bridge, having gotten Shaun to a bed...

"I guess I'm acting XO then...alright, all those who wish to do so, prepare to go down to that planet. The analysis on the atmosphere indicates breathable air with a VERY high oxygen percentage, and no harmful agents microscopic organisms."
Arin scratched the back of her head.

I'm getting ordered around by a Savtech, just wait till I tell the guys back at the company about this.

Making sure she had the bare essentials (Datapad and ESG) on her, the representative rang up the bridge. "Eve, do we need to bring down safety gear or is the terrain hospitable?"
"The terrain seems to be quite forested, so being ropes, fasteners, and cutting/climbing materials...I wish we had a Neko or Yamataian assisting. They could at least hover..."

Eve replied, giving a sigh...a habit she'd picked up from the people around her.
"Hmm? Oh, Excellent. Then your powers will be of use to you...Hnn...I had you listed as a Geshrin....ah, that was your predecessor. I must get the Commodore to keep better records. Well, in any case, we can descend via shuttle, or in Power Armor. It doesn't really matter, as I detect no predators down there or anything really dangerous."
Aendri stood straighter, and worked out a kink in his shoulder before speaking again. "In that case, I vote we go in power armor. That way, if there is something down there we can't detect, or if we decide to split up into groups, we can cover more ground and be safer."
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