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RP: SSS [SSS] - Project Kyasshu


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Saiki Kouan rode in the backseat of the Classico Hovercar with his assistant Takaramono. They were en-route to the palace for a meeting between Kouan and the Empress. For most of the trip Kouan was deep in thought. If there is one thing that life has taught me; it is seldom fair. We have come so far with building the Scientific Studies Service, and now this war threatens to undermine that. The areas we were preparing to work with the Star Army are falling to the Mishhuvurthyar. Not even Nataria was safe and that is only 10 light years from here.

Takara watched Kouan as he wrestled with his thoughts. Eventually she reached over and took his hand. “Saiki-Chan it will be all right. Project Kyasshu is the only way to ensure that everything we have worked so hard for does not fall into the hands of the enemy. The other section heads concur. We need to split up our operation and keep our most valuable assets protected. This plan is our best way to accomplish that and not be drain on the military.”

Kouan squeezed her hand, “I know Takara-Chan. That is why I want to get the Empress’ approval. It’s a radical step, and in these uncertain times I do not want anyone to think we are betraying the Empire.”

The Hovercar approached the gate to the palace and Kouan released Takara’s hand. They presented their identification to the guard and after a quick verification, were allowed to pass through. The Hovercar pulled up in front of the steps to the palace. When the driver opened the door Kouan muttered too softly for the driver to hear, “I can open my own doors.” As he exited he smiled and thanked the young man. Takara glided out of the back seat holding his briefcase. Together they walked up the stairs and entered the building.

When they approached the inner checkpoint, the Samurai said to Kouan, “Sir, you must leave your sidearm here.” Kouan looked down at his hip. He carefully removed the NSP and handed it to Takara. “Not a problem, I do not even like the thing.” He said to the Samurai. After passing through the scanner one of the Empress’ administrators was waiting to escort him to the meeting room.

Kouan walked down the hallway to his meeting with the Empress. It had been just about a year ago that he had met with her regarding the creation of the SSS. Now he had to meet with her to discuss its future. As he walked he secured the strap on his empty holster. Glad to have given that NSP to Takara, I only wear it as an example to the others. The Empress' administrator walking ahead came to a stop in front of the door that lead to the conference room where Himiko met with her cabinet.

Inside, Kouan found three Empresses: Himiko, Yuumi, and former Empress Yui, the commander of the Star Army. They were having an informal meeting about the ongoing war in Elysian Yamatai. When Kouan entered, Yui waved him over and gestured to an open seat.

Kouan was taken aback by the sight of multiple Empresses, Makes sense, with the war that they would be advising her. he thought. He walked over to the indicated seat and bowed deeply towards Himiko, "Empress, and thank you for agreeing to see me. I realize how valuable your time is these days."

"Good evening," Himiko replied, her crimson eyes looking directly into his.

Kouan rose from his bow, and sat in the seat. He removed his Uno Sunglasses and looked into the Empresses eyes with his amber ones. "Empress Himiko, I came here to speak with you regarding my plans to protect the resources under the control of the SSS. I wanted to you to be briefed personally before we started."

"Obviously I am not as informed as you three regarding the status of the war. However from what I have been made aware of I am concerned about my people, our labs and vessels falling into the hands of the Mishhuvurthyar and being used against Yamatai."

Kouan paused for a second then continued, "It is for that reason I am going to relocate a portion of the personnel, and our mobile facilities to a remote location. One that will hopefully be out of the path of direct conflict."

"Starships are fast and sensors are far reaching. Would obscurity really be as good as a defense as my warships?" Yui commented.

Himiko asked, "Where would you move to? Would you still be able to perform your mission adequately from there?"

"Taisho Yui, I realize that our forces are being heavily pressed to keep the enemy at bay. The decision to relocate is to keep you from having to devote valuable ships and manpower to the defense of our assets. We of the SSS wish to avoid being a drain upon resources at a time when Yamatai needs all it can get. Empress Himiko, the exact location has not yet been determined. We have several Tansaku out searching the area on the other side of the Chen Nebula. We will still be operating here on Yamatai with the Primary Campus, and the starbases moved will stay in contact with the facilities here. Our Tansaku ships will ferry supplies and personnel between both locations. We would not make this move if we felt it would prevent us from performing our mission. In fact we will use this opportunity to test some ideas our people have to help access resources and such that Yamatai will need in the days to come." Kouan stopped and placed his hands on the table.

"What about infrastructure?" Himiko asked. "There is nothing out there to support you."

"True, but that is a challenge we are prepared to face. We will use the resources on the Tsuuken, Daigaku, and Sapurai as our foundation. We will supplement our needs with whatever resources we can tap there. The Kisaki have manufacturing facilities that if we can find raw materials we can produce most of our equipment. They have produce growing areas; if we can find a suitable planet we will plant crops there to expand our production. Who knows if we are successful with our endeavors we may be able to ship food and supplies to where they are needed by Yamatai. Also we are having a Kisaki built in the KMS that will directly support the 1XF."

"Very well," Himiko nodded. "Proceed with your plan."

"Thank you Empress. I will give the word to my people to initiate Project Kyasshu. We will of course keep you and the SAoY updated on our status and location." Kouan said, as he stood and bowed. "With your permission I will take my leave, and allow you ladies to focus on other matters."

Kouan stood up and bowed then rising turned crisply and made his way out the door. He with the administrator escorting him easily reversed the path to return to where Takara was waiting. As he approached she held out his sidearm. Groaning he took it and placed it securely in his holster. “So how did it go?” she asked.

“I expected to meet with Himiko, and instead found myself facing Yui, Yuumi, and Himiko. It was definitely a bit intimidating. The Taisho seemed confident that her forces could protect us, but she seemed to accept our argument that we did not want to divert military assets to our protection during this war. So we have Empress Himiko’s permission to proceed. We need to get back to the Campus immediately there is much work to be done.”
The trip back to the Campus seemed longer to Saiki Kouan than usual. Of course that was probably more do to his desire to get things moving. He tried to relax while watching Takaramono worked on her computer pad.

"Kouan, the Kotoba, Meikyuu, Searcher, and Discovery are loaded and ready to depart. With your permission I will give them the word to launch." Takara looked at him waiting for an answer.

"Send them the orders that were drew up earlier. It is time we rolled the dice and hope that our gamble pays off." Kouan picked up his computer pad and pulled up the latest report from the Tanken Operations Chief regarding the status of supplies. Kouan was pleased the folks in procurement had been busy over the past months purchasing surplus equipment where possible to help keep costs down. If Kouan had his way the field portion of the SSS was going to operate on what it had in stock, or could manufacture.

Kouan composed a brief message to Tomi.
To: Raidon Tomi, Dir Tanken Ops
Investigate purchasing scrap or salvage material for use as raw materials for Kyasshu.

Saiki Kouan, Shuji
After sending the message Kouan pressed the intercom in the classico to speak to the driver. "Take us to the Staging Area, I want to watch the expedition leave," he said.
When the Classico stopped at the administration building at the Tansaku Staging Area; Kouan stepped out as soon as the vehicle stopped. He strode through the doors and made his way to the briefing area. He entered the room and stood in the back. Present in the room were the command crews for the first four Tansaku-class starships to head out as part of the project. Kalen Burgess was reading the prepared briefing. He noticed Kouan in the back of the room; paused and gestured for Kouan to come forward. Kouan waved away the request, and Kalen resumed. The briefing contained the new security protocols, the mission objectives, and other information the teams would need.

After the briefing the personnel all stood up and started to file towards the exit. If these people are going to put their lives on the line for the SSS I want, no I need to see their faces, and wish them well, Kouan thought. He moved to stand by the departure exit. Kouan stood there and as each member approached he thank them for taking the mission, shake their hand, and wish them good luck. The person would then bow to Kouan and then move on.

After the last of the crew members had passed he made his to the control tower. By the time he made it to the observation booth Takaramono had caught up with him. He stood there and watched as each of the research vessels lifted from the platform and flew off. Their objective was a star system just on the other side of the Chen Nebula.
Once the first group of Tansaku-class ships was safely on their way Kouan turned to Takaramon, “We need to get to the Administration building, we have a lot to do, and time is not our ally. I need all Department Heads present; we still have critical details to work out.” He said as he made his way to the exit.

In the Classico he pulled up his ICP and started reviewing the many ideas, suggestions and proposals that had been submitted for the project. The first order was to come up with a way to be able to detect vessels approaching the Kyasshu site, and alert the people so they stations could be moved if necessary. There were elements of many of them that were simply not feasible. The SSS did not have the resources or the charter to mount some them. However, he found elements from a few that if combined, and with a bit of ingenuity, could be made to work. He shared his ideas with Takaramono and she added her inputs as well.

Kouan strode into the main conference room at the Administration building at the Primary Campus. He quickly surveyed the faces and did a mental check to ensure that all were present. Once he took his place at the head of the table the discussion began.

After three hours of debate, discussion, and occasionally shouting; the SSS senior personnel finally worked out the critical details of the project. They were going to reuse some of the components of the unfinished Kiska-Four station that Kouan had put on hold at the onset of hostilities. The plan called for the command module to be reconfigured, and its crew capacity increased. A squadron of Kuma T8 shuttles would be deployed from this facility, named Bourou (Watchtower). Their mission was to maintain a perimeter of scans to track any vessels approaching the site. The shuttles would alert the personnel at Kyasshu and keep them apprised of the approaching vessels. The shuttles would not engage any hostiles; that would be suicide.

The next item they resolved was the matter of security, another module taken from the station would be called the Kanmon (Gateway). All SSS vessels going to Kyasshu would be required to stop there. The exact location was to be kept a secret, known only to a handful of personnel and to others on a need to know basis. Ships entering the region would go through a checkpoint, quarantine procedure. The ships would have an encrypted navigational program loaded that would provide guidance to the current location of the Kyasshu. Three personnel on the ship would have the necessary command codes to access it. With all the talk of spies, zombies, saboteurs, quarantine was being put in place and all personnel would undergo a medical scan. Once cleared the ships would follow the flight-plan to the stations. Ships departing would return to the Kanmon, and their sensor longs and records would be expunged of any data that would indicate the whereabouts of the Kyasshu.

While the ground work was being done, the Kisaki stations, Tsuuken, Daigaku and Sapurai were being prepared. Personnel were being transferred from the Primary Campus to establish a Secondary Campus aboard the Daigaku.
Two days later the YSS Kotoba signaled their arrival and scan of system SX-01. The results of the scan were somewhat disappointing. SX-01 was an old system, and all that remained were gas giant.

At the next meeting the Directors decided that SX-01 had some merit. One of the gas giants had a moon that could be used for the Kanmon facility they were working on. It would search as the gateway to the Kyasshu.

Meanwhile the YSS Kotoba and the other groups of the expedition moved on to the next system on their flight plan.

Meanwhile Kouan had a different discussion to have with the Director of Gakuin and Riezon. Their discussion was about expanding their roles, he wanted the Gakuin to start opening Satellite Campuses. These would offer the same courses the Primary and Secondary campus did, but at off-site locations for those people who could not move to the main campuses.

As for the Riezon, Kouan wanted to establish support offices for those Liaison personnel assigned to the SAoY in the field. The placement of which would of course be dependent upon the availability of space at a given location.
The initial Kyasshu expedition entered the second star system in the region of space that the SSS was moving into. The initial readings where promising and the four Tansaku deployed their VCMAD’s and spread out into the system designated SX-02. Their initial survey revealed three terrestrial bodies; and one small hydrogen gas giant. As the Kotoba entered orbit over the third planet the sensor readings. They deployed a VCMAD to perform planetary mapping. The commander dispatched a message to Director of Tanken; Raidon Tomi regarding a planet that met the requirements for establishing colony to start supplying the Kisaki with resources. After the initial mapping the Kotoba began a descent to the surface.

When Director Raidon received the missive from the Kotoba he promptly transmitted the movement orders to the YSS Tsuuken, YSS Daigaku, YSS Sapurai. The Kisaki-Class starbases had been preparing for this moment stock piling supplies, transferring personnel, and equipment. Within six hours of receiving their orders, the starbases would be on their way to SX-02. Along with the deployment of the Kisaki, the YSS Bourou was dispatched as well to establish their security perimeter.
Kouan was sitting at his desk when the word came down about SX-02 being suitable for colonization. He submitted an application to the Department of Colonization; he expected an immediate approval since the data showed there were ruins present. So he was understandably perplexed when it came back disapproved. The message stated that this location was prohibited by the Intergalactic Armistice Agreement of YE 30 (IAA)

Why would they approve our operating in space that the Empire promised to another government? Perhaps this is why Yui gave in so easily. Perhaps she hoped that we would create an international incident. No, I do not believe she would do that. Especially not when the Empire could ill afford to get caught up in more problems. Kouan thought.

He then pulled up the star map for the Kikyo sector; he shifted the hologram to show only the portion that was open to Yamatai operation. He chose a region of space that was completely unexplored, but also on the other side of the current line of NMX forces. It was also north of the Ketsurui Military Sector. The general concept of the Kyasshu was still valid to protect the Kisaki-Starbases. But, any settlements they put in place to support the SSS presence would be at risk. Kouan came to the difficult conclusion that they would need Star Army of Yamatai forces to provide protection for any systems.

Kouan then contacted Raidon Tomi, “Abort all operations in the Chen Nebula region, recall our forces, and prepare for new orders.” “But Saiki-San, we found the perfect planet to start our work.” Tomi replied. Kouan sighed, “There is a problem with it that we can not resolve. We will have to move our operation, after I put in a call to Taisho Yui.”
Kouan called the heads of the various departments into his office. Once they were assembled he looked at them and said, “Failure is not an option people, but neither is creating an international incident. Since we can not operate and establish facilities east of the Chen Nebula we must take a different tact. We are going to send half the Tansaku along with the three Kisaki-class starbases due east of Yamatai, through the Elysian territory and then once past the DION they will head southwest to this cluster of stars." He said pointing to a region of space on the western edge of the Kikyo sector. "The starbases will hold position just south of the Bag of Loot constellation, until such time as a suitable planet is found for us to setup operations.”

He got up and walked to the window, “Because this will place us behind the battle lines, I have reluctantly been forced to contact Ketsurui Yui-Taisho for Star Army forces to assist us with security and defense. I am still awaiting a response from her.”

“Saiki-Shuji, I mean no disrespect. But is this decision to move our forces so far away wise? Perhaps we should remain here inYamatai.” Taka Ronin the Director of Tansaku operations inquired.

Kouan turned to face his directors, “Taka-San, the wolves are at the door so to speak. Nataria, Tatiana are now occupied, as are Albini and Tami. While I am confident that Yamatai will eventually drive back this scourge, we can not allow what we have built to be capture, corrupted and used by the enemy. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and I am sure you will agree these are desperate times. The Mishhu vessels and our people who will be working with Origin to study them have arrived at Dawn Station. Moving to this region of space affords us with resources to tap that will help us to be self sufficient, and even with time able to help supply our people back here. Any other questions or comments?”

Kouan waited a minute to give any of them a chance to speak. “Very well you have your instructions, get our forces ready to move and get them on their way. May Fortune watch over them.”

Four hours later, the SSS starbases were ready for departure along with a dozen of the Research vessels. The fleet activated their hypespace fold engines and vanished in a flash of blue energy. Two hours and forty minutes later they would emerge into normal space and begin traveling via CDD.
Takaramono sat on the sofa in the Shuji’s office; she was ostensibly reviewing the daily operations reports. But in fact she was here keeping the Shuji company. So far he had consumed two cups of coffee, paced the perimeter of his office thirty-eight times, and asked what time it was five times. She watched him turn towards her, before he could make it six times she said, “They should be emerging from hyperspace now Saiki-Chan. So we should get a status report any minute.”

“To be honest Takara-Chan I do not know how the Taisho and Empress do this on a daily basis. They send people out on dangerous assignments. Then have to wait to hear if they made it or not. Guess this is why I was never meant for the military.” The communications unit in his desk chimed and he pressed the answer button.

The voice of the Director of Tanken Operations came out of the speaker, “Saiki-San, it is Raidon, they have exited hyperspace. Everything is proceeding as planned. The group is splitting up as directed. A group of ships is heading for a system we have designated SX-03, and another is headed to SX-04. The remaining forces are going to the holding position.”

Kouan let out a sigh of relief, “That is really good new, Raidon-San. Send them my congratulations.” “I will do so immediately, and then I am going to find a bar.” Tomi replied with a hint of a chuckle in his voice. Kouan switched off the unit. He walked over to the sofa and flopped onto the sofa. He rubbed his temples with his hands. “So, that part is done. I wonder what is taking so long for Ketsurui Yui to respond to my request.” He said.

Takaramono turned to Kouan, “Here let me do that.” She pulled him gently over so that his head lay in her lap. As she massaged his temples, “Well there is a war on, I am sure she will respond to it as soon as she is able. After all she can not simple wave her hand and magically make a fleet of ships appear.” “I know that Chan, I am not expecting miracles. I fully understand that it will take time to gather forces. However a simple answer as to her intention would be helpful. At least then we would know what we can expect.” Takaramono watched him close his eyes, she allowed herself to smile contently as her fingers worked to ease the headache that he was fighting.
The YSS Kotoba and the other three ships of its group entered their target star system. This was the first system in the western part of the Kikyo Sector the SSS was exploring. The crew of the Kotoba was understandably disappointed after finding out that the last system they explored could not be used due to political exigencies.

After dropping out of FTL they commenced scanning and launched their VCMADs. The initial report from the stellar lab did not bode well. SX-03 as it was designated had a K series star. As they continued deeper into the system, the VCMADs started transmitting data on the inner system. The weak small star and its lone frozen planet would not be viable for gathering resources.

The Kotoba signaled the other three ships to continue their scans while it provided the preliminary data to the SSS. The commander started considering which system he would take the ships to next.

Meanwhile the YSS Nebula and its escorts entered the target system, designated SX-04. The initial survey from the stellar lab showed that it possessed a G Series star of satisfactory size and luminosity and five planets. The commander of the Nebula signaled for the group to commence their scans and deploy their drones. The Theory and Kannen would survey the outer most, while the Nebula and Geology surveyed those inside the asteroid belt.

Six hours later the Nebula was in orbit of the third planet. All scans so far showed that this planet and star system was ideal for establishing a presence to supply the SSS operations in this region of space. Additional drones were deployed into orbit over the planet to conduct detailed surface mapping.
The YSS Nebula descended into the atmosphere of the third planet in the SX-04 star system. The heat from the starship’s passage left vapor trails in the upper atmosphere. Sitting at the helm was a light blue haired Nekovalkyrja. Kouseki XO and pilot of the ship navigated the research ship easily through the descent. It is an interesting challenge flying the Nebula without the benefit of a SPINE interface. I wonder if we could get the bridge modified. Probably not. she thought. She was used to the aerodynamics of the ship and compensated for the lifting body aspect of the hull.

In a few minutes the Nebula broke into the lower atmosphere and a sonic boom heralded its arrival. Behind them on the sensors Kouseki monitored the Geology following on the same flight path. They circled the largest continent at an altitude of 10,000 meters to get a detailed scan of life science and ground penetrating radar. Then after completing their orbit Kouseki proceeded to the designated landing site. Then the Nekovalkyrja turned to face the captain, Gunther Bordolf. “Captain Bordolf we are enroute to the landing site, estimate ten minutes to touchdown. All ship systems operating within design parameters.”

Gunther watched his XO fly the ship, in his opinion she was one of the best to handle the Tansaku. Damn glad we were able to buy off her contract when we did. The SSS had a small number of Nekovalkyrja in its employ. Personally I would give my years pay to buy out a few more. Perhaps I will. he thought. He watched as Kouseki brought the Nebula to their destination skimming over the sea that lay to the east of the landing site. He glanced at his console checking the altitude, rate of descent and velocity. Moments later the Nebula was hovering over the beach and descending the last twenty meters. The landing site was a large grassy field near the water front. He felt the ship settle onto its landing struts and make minor adjustments to its position. “Good landing Kouseki, lets get down and check out this place.”

Kouseki secured her station, and proceeded down to the vehicle bay where she found the captain waiting for her. With the inner doors to the ship secured she activated the landing bay doors. She walked down the ramp and into the verdant windswept field of grass. She paused to watch the grass move and sway like the equivalent of the ocean. Above her she could here the call of a bird in flight, and the air had the unmistakable tang of the sea. Nice to land on a planet and have the opportunity to take in the sights. She thought. She lifted her Type 31 Science scanner and ran a full life form sweep. The scanner showed plenty of life forms, quite a diverse biosphere. A second sweep with the emissions sensor showed no harmful emissions.

She turned to Gunther who had walked up along side her. “It looks like we found a good site sir. I recommend we bring in the Kisaki and get started colonizing this place. We need to give it a name, SX-04-3 is not really a name sir.” Gunther nodded at her comment, “Yes, especially if we will be setting up a permanent presence here. People like having a name for their home. How does Daichi sound?” he offered. “Daichi, it has a good sound and I like the meaning. She mentally sent a command to the Nebula’s MEGAMI to update the records to reflect planet three was now Daichi.
Over the next several hours an organized chaos took place on Daichi. Gunther stood in front of the Nebula watching as all the ships in the expedition were unloading their CRDM's. They were forming a temporary town out of them. The purpose of the town was to supply shelter and tools for gathering supplies and assembling the colony's first buildings.

In space above the YSS Tsuuken and YSS Sapurai were establishing a geosynchronous orbit. Once in orbit they would start sending town volunteers and equipment. The Sapurai would be used to process timber and cut it into prefabricated pieces for the homes they would be living in.

Kouseki walked up to the Captain, she observed him silently for a moment. "Is everything okay Bordolf-San?" she inquired. "Oh, Hello Kouseki, it is a case of yes and no. This is going well. But we still have not heard anything about getting some support from the SAoY. We are wide open on this planet, there is no defense network. Our ships are not warships, so if the Mishhu come calling we will have no choice to but to evacuate and run.
The next several days the site of the settlement named Ryou remained a place of constant change and activity. Teams of SSS personnel traipsed out into the woods armed with cutting implements, and started felling trees, others would strip the trees of branches, and then drag them back to the waiting ships. Once a ship had a load of wood, it would lift and head up to offload at the Sapurai for processing into building materials which would be loaded back onto the starship and returned to the settlement. The areas cleared of lumber were slated first for sites for constructing the various buildings the settlement would need. Once the initial colony structures were in place they would work on clearing land for farming.

While this was going on other teams were examining the local flora and fauna in more detail, determining which ones were safe for consumption, what might have medicinal, or material applications. The Himiko sea supported a diverse biosphere, and a group of scientists were at work developing methods to safely harvest them.

Gunther sat on the bridge of the Nebula, he was scanning the local area and waiting for the YSS Bourou. The Watchtower as it was nicknamed would be their first line of defense for the immediate future. Gutsy people on the Watchforce. Sitting out in space in nothing more than a shuttle keeping an eye out for enemy ships. All they could do is sit and wait, a Kuma T8 shuttle had no real firepower especially for fighting starships, and yet they had no problem getting people to volunteer for the assignment. Must be a need to feel like they are contributing. he thought. At that moment the Bourou was taking up a position on the outer edge of the SX-04 system. Once in place the rotating shuttle watchforce would deploy.

"Captain Bordolf, everything okay?" Kouseki asked standing at the entrance to the bridge. "Everything is fine, for the moment. " the Yamataian replied. "Really Gunther, you keep up that pessimistic attitude and you will give yourself an ulcer. The Watchforce will give us enough warning should we have to evacuate, and I am sure that the SAoY will provide forces in the near future. Our location has strategic value, it would be foolish for Yui-Taisho to ignore that fact."
The days soon turned into a week, and then another. The fledgling colony was taking shape. The Watchforce maintained their constant vigil protecting the Kisaki-starbases as well as the colony of Daichi.

Kouseki was sitting on the Nebula's bridge for her shift of monitoring the sensors and listening to the communications of the Watchforce. "First Officer Kouseki, there is a priority message coming in." Mei the ship's Avatar said bringing her out of her reverie.

"Thank you Mei, please decode it and route it to my terminal." she said, turning to face her station.

Kouseki smiled, This is just the news that Gunther needs, he's been brooding far too much. He may be the Colonial Governor temporarily, but he's been spending too much time planning for contingencies. she thought. She exited the bridge, "Mei, secure the bridge I am going to deliver the news to the Captain."
A week later Gunther stood at the improvised landing field, that would eventually be replaced with a more appropriate staging zone. He was looking up in the sky at a sight that made him feel much better. Overhead a squadron of Plumeria-class Gunships flew in formation and then began to descend. "It is a good sight Captain Bordolf." said his XO Kouseki behind him. "Yes it is, Kouseki. I am sure this will help ease everyone's concerns about safety and security some. Although one squadron is just a beginning, you and I both know they wouldn't represent much of a threat if a real Mishhu task force were to arrive."

Kouseki put a hand on her Captain's shoulder. "Gunther, it is what it is. It shows that Mikasa-Taisho values our position here. That is the only squadron of Gunships the 2XF has and she committed it here."

Gunther turned to face Kouseki, "And how did you come by that information?" he asked eyeing the neko.

"I may have left the Star Army to join the SSS but I still have friends within. And one of them happens to be on the Taisho's staff. And no she did not break any regulations to pass on that information. Hide would not violate regulations, the Taisho told her to apprise us discretely about the limited resources and that it would be a while before the 2XF is up to anything close to full strength." She stopped to watch as the lead ship the YSS Ranger came in for a landing; behind it the YSS Eos touched down. Once these two ships were down the other two flew off in separate directions. Kouseki looked back at Gunther, "Shall we go meet the Squadron Commander and welcome him to Daichi?"

Gunther watched as Nakashima-Taii walked down the ramp from the Ranger's cargo bay. Nakashima was about the same height as Gunther, but had raven black hair. When he stood a few feet in front of him he stopped and bowed. "Good day Governor." the soldier said. "Nakashima-Taii, I believe you are mistaken. I am the expedition commander for the SSS." he said wanting to clear up the obvious confusion.

Nakashima smiled and pulled out a document. "Well, under the authority of Mikasa-Taisho effective this moment, you are hereby appointed to the position of Colonial Governor. Temporarily until such time as the colonists have the opportunity to hold elections in 90 days. My people and I are to coordinate our efforts with your people, while we search for an ideal location for a base."
Kouseki stood on the bridge of the YSS Nebula, it felt strange to her to be leaving Daichi without Captain Gunther. But until the colony could hold official elections, he was effectively trapped and the Nebula had work to do. Once all hands were aboard, Kouseki gave the word for the group to lift. After more than two months on planet it would feel good to travel the stars. Their first destination was designated SX-05. At least after we complete this run, the Captain should be free to travel. Unless the colonists decide to make him Governor. I hadn't thought about that. I wonder if he's thought about it as well. she thought.

The Tansaku-class ships rose majestically over the settlement. She took a moment to look at the work accomplished. When they arrived there was nothing but trees and fields below. Now there was a growing settlement, and fields for growing food were being worked in the distance.

As the starships exited the atmosphere they could see one of the other changes to Daichi. There in high orbit was Chiharu Star Fortress, home to the 2XF. A number of warships were parked around the station. "Now that is a sight that I can get used to. A nice to have a real defense station in place." she said to herself.

The Nebula and its escort headed away from Daichi and then made the jump to Hyperspace.
The trip to SX-05 was relatively short, after all it was not even 20 light-years away. Upon dropping out at the outer edge of the system, the Tansaku personnel fell into the established routine. Initial long range scans were conducted by the ships, With only three planets in the system each ship was given one to investigate. The Nebula as lead ship claimed the second planet. The last ship in the group would conduct surveys of the planetoid belts.

After spending a couple of months on Daichi SX-05-2 was rather bleak in appearance from orbit. The majority of the surface was covered in ice, except for the planets tropical region. There was also considerably less available land mass in general. Well, every system can not be a great as Daichi turned out to be. The asteroids might be useful for harvesting, and well there is life below. I just know I wouldn't want to live on this world. Kouseki thought.

It felt strange to Kouseki to be sitting in the command chair, as the Nebular made its descent to the surface. She watched the crewman at the helm and resisted the urge to advise him how to fly. They came in from a polar orbit and flew over thousands of miles of snow, ice and rocks. There trajectory took them to the largest landmass that was not ice-locked. The pilot brought the science ship in for a landing on a cliff that overlooked the sea.
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