Amaryllis said:
Kai said:
I think the Confusion is that for Yamatai, Fighting and Physical is one skill
I know my post is deviating from the original topic, but I would like to point out that that is not the case right now. I don't know when it changed.
I would like to second that.
Bernhard and Kokuten's
Bastilen were all approved with Fighting and Physical rolled into one. I also have a couple characters who have "Fighting" but no "Physical". That reminds me, I need to update the ranks for Bernie and Laura.
I want to point out that we don't issue PA weapons (HPAR Master Sets for example) to soldiers who aren't assigned a power armor. No armor, no guns.
I also think that some of your "Fighting" description goes better in the "Strategy" skill section. Specifically what he knows to do tactically. Fighting and Physical is all about what the character is physically capable of doing, not mentally.
Going over my PM, I realize I forgot to say I'm always on the fence about snipers/designated marksmen. If this was a light infantry plot, I'd have much fewer reservations. But since we're power armor infantry, a lot of weapons have the range to take out distant targets and optics are easily digitally enhanced.
At this juncture, I find the character a little lacking. Everyone should be able to fill out the 7 skills to make a more interesting character. I like how he dislikes Yamataians and Nekos (a fact that many new players don't pick up is that Nepleslians
really Nekos). But I feel like, with some help, you can go the extra distance to create a stellar starting character rather than a cookie-cutter one. Below is a list of some points which you can expand upon.
1) Why does he idolize ID-SOLs? Tell us a bit about the reasoning.
This list is your friend. Brandt must surely know more than just those four skills considering how he grew up. Rogue? Domestic, engineering?
3) Expand on why the parents missing and when in his life this happened. That's a mysterious element - play it up.