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RP [Star Army] Always and Forever


The Smollest Smol
Yamatai Star Empire, Raccoon Shuttle "Krugelor"
En route to Fort Minori

I'll add the date later

Sora and Miko were sitting next to each other in the shuttle. She'd been requested by her commanding officers to transfer to Fort Minori shortly after the Kaiyo II's previous mission, and SOFT 501's first mission. She was leaning against him just a little, kind of sad to know that these might be the last hours Mikodimus and she were to spend together for a very long time. Well... Together, in person, for real. She sighed, one wing sort of instinctively behind Miko-not like it could go anywhere else. "So..." She spoke slowly again, the woman's normally robust and energetic voice weighed down and moody, "Yeah, I... Don't know what to do, Miko..."

"Yeah, it is hard news to take in. Felt like the crew was really melding so well together." He was not his normal perky self even if he was trying to stay upbeat about the news. "All you can do is report in at Fort Minori and hope for the best. Who knows, maybe orders will come and be something even better." He spoke in a more positive sounding voice. His arm was behind her, low across her back. It was sinking in that this might be the last time for awhile they would get to see each other. Miko had been growing very fond of small amount of time they had spent together.

Sora sighed again as the shuttle hummed around the two soldiers, the pilots minding their own business. The shuttle was actully quite empty, as it had originally gone to the Fuji-class Starship to deliver supplies and other items. "Yeah... we'll have to see. I'm hoping I can get orders, soon though. I never really liked just sitting around." The towering woman thought for a few moments silently. "I'll be looking for an assignment, as well. I'll try to keep you posted..." She leaned against Belmont a little, her black hair draping across his shoulder.

Miko took his hand and rubbed it across her face, brushing the hair out of it. "Please do share where you are stationed so I know where to write to. Or look up on the news the great adventures of Sora." He pressed against her more, trying his best to comfort her during this time. "So unlike you to not be all smiles. Should cheer up cause you never know who might be falling in love with it." He said in a gentle voice. It was hard on Miko but he knew orders were orders even if he did not agree with them.

There was a nice little laugh from the tower of a lady, her voice trying to lift itself out from the moping mood it had been brought in to. "And what do ya mean by that, you goof?" She snuck a kiss right onto Miko's cheek.

"The part about being on the news or the fact I love your smile?" A sly smile crossed his face as he gave her a soft kiss on the lips.

"Well, when you put it like that, both!" Kissing him back gently, the archangel let him hold her in his arms comfortably for a while. "Y'know, it'll be kind of weird to not be on a starship all the time, now that I was just starting to get used to it. And now I'm heading back to a planet to stick around down there." Her hand gently squeezed Miko's. At least things are a bit more consistent down there, which is something to look foreward to."

"Enjoy it while it is here. There are always fights ahead so is nice to kick back and relax for a while." He said as he enjoyed her closeness. "Though don't you go getting soft on me. At least not till I get back and we can settle down together." A chuckle crossed his lips. Yet the look in his eyes was a little more serious.

"I don't plan on it." She chuckled back a little, squeezing Miko's hand just enough to hurt a little. "You better keep yourself sharp too, since I won't be around to watch over ya!" She sighed a little, "I'll be looking around for what I can though. I'm sure there's divisions looking for a good ol' soldier around! And when I find a place, you'll be the third person to know. ...After my command staff and myself."

"You know it, will keep being the best cook I can be. Learn to make some really good dishes. You know, what is one of your favorate foods to eat?" Miko asked as he smiled at her. While her grip was tight, the pain was nothing compared to the weight forming on his heart for her.

"Really, I've always had a preference to the noodles. Especially stuffed ones, like ravioli." She smiled somberly. ""What, you missed me getting into an eating contest with Arbs over them or something?" There was a playful wink.

Miko taps on his chin for a second. "Stuffed noodles huh, I think I can come up with something good. And I believe I remember this eating contest or at least hearing about it." He leans in closer to her. "Maybe something else can be stuffed." He gave her a silly wink knowing how poor the joke was.

The woman snorted a little, her face twinging a little bit more red as she chuckled. "Miko, you silly boy, save that for another time!" Her hand patted the top of his head a couple of times. "Though I'm sure there's a way to arrange for us to spend some time together again, regardless of assignments."

"You can count on it. I like having my guardian angel look after me. Least I can do is return the favor." As he spoke he rubbed his face against her cheek. "What really sucks is the fact I just got comfortable with the idea of bunking with you. Not sure if you heard that or not already?"

"Yeah, I heard you were gonna be spending nights in there when I was told to start packing... It was pretty rude, really." She sighed, "Well... I'm sure it'll be fine. Well, except Matsuvo and Meissa are really, really loud down there sometimes."

Miko let out a big sigh. "Will think to myself every night that could have been us getting noise complants filed against us." He let out a little laugh. "Its tough, I enjoy being on my current ship yet feel a calling for something more. Plus going to miss you like crazy. Still so much more I want to learn about you." He looked at her, giving her soft puppy dog eyes.

"Aww..... Miko, we're not gonna be apart for that long!" She snuck a kiss in again to cheer him up, soft and quick and graceful. "We can make up for the lapse in time when we meet up again!" Sora laughed a bit, "Okay?"

"I will hold you to that. I will fix the food and you bring the nerdy shows to watch. We can snuggle together being two dorks." A soft chuckle left his mouth. It would be tough but hearing her say they would meet up again made the wait feel just a little less long.

"Good. I like your cooking, and it'll suck to have normal stuff again." The black-haired woman smiled again, her eyes glittering as if to challenge Miko somehow.

Miko really perked up when she said she really liked his cooking. As he embraced her tight a short announcement came over the comms that they would be landing at Fort Minori in a few minutes. "Seems we have almost reached your stop."

"Yeah... End of the line, for now." The shuttlecraft wobbled a little bit as it cut through the turbulent upper atmosphere of the world. "For now." She repeated. Kissing him again, a bit more slowly, Sora seemed to relax again, the worry and stress that had been building from when she been told to transfer melting away on Mikodimus.

Mikodimus leaned back out of the kiss to look her in the eyes. "This isn't the end of the line. It is just the beginning." His eyes were screaming out words to her. Yet he did not speak, instead he reached into his pocket and pulled out a fairly long piece of cloth. "Sora, back on the ship you shared words with me that at the time I did not know how to reply back too. I do not know how long we will be apart but I wanted you to have something to remember me by." He took her arm and reached it out in front of them. He held one end of the cloth under one of his fingers. Slowly he started to wrap it around her wrist. After two wraps the letter A followed by a W then a Y showed up. This was followed by an A[/] then a D then an O. "Sora, while we are just starting on our journey I wanted you to know how I felt." As he spoke an E appeared followed by another E. He then finished the wrap and tied it off so it fit snug. It was normal for Miko to wear a cloth around his wrist. He took his hand and held hers so that the wrist wraps would be touching. As he turned his arm slightly he spoke to her. "I say this today and look forward to proving it time and time again with each time we meet." Her eyes would see the space left between her letters matched perfectly with the letters Miko had on his wrist cloth. ALWAYS AND FOREVER "I love you Sora." As he gave her a deep kiss.

The angel was ensnared by the message shared between Mikodimus and herself, Her lips parted loosely a little as the man pulled in a kiss, until the words finally range clear through her mind. Sora suddenly seemed to move all at once, meeting the vigorous kiss given to her with her own, Miko's world becoming a deep hue of purple as her blanket-like wings surrounded him. The message broke as she flung her arms around him, the black-haired beauty holding on tightly.

"I love you too, Miko. Always, and forever," she said. "May not even a thousand suns keep us apart for long." Her lips graced upon Miko's again, soft and wonderous and beautiful as the shuttle descended with its passengers embracing within.

It warmed his heart so much to be wrapped up with her in those beautiful wings. This was the first time Miko had the pleasure of enjoying the embrace of an angel, and it was without a doubt amazing. The sweet touch of her lips warmed his soul. His mind melted away and for the first time in his entire life felt a warmth embrace his soul. He had really told her how he felt. Showed and said what was on his mind. He was worried how it might go over but was so happy he said it. The one thought on his mind now though, what does the future hold?

The midnight-haired beauty inhaled deeply and then sighed into Miko's ear. "I'm sorry that I must leave you, Miko... But know that I will always hold you close to my heart." She pulled back for but a moment to gently kiss his cheek. A curt tone crashed through the interior of the shuttle as they began to slow down their final descent.

His hand started from her cheek run up and over her brow. "Don't be sorry, I'd rather have the lonelyness that comes from missing you than to have not gotten the chance to fall for you." His words, calm and soft as he looked into her eyes. Without a doubt Miko was very taken by Sora.

She laughed a couple times, sadly, her beautiful pale face centimeters away from Mikodimus's. "Perhaps... But it is such a shame we spent so little time together, only to be pulled apart..." She sighed as the shuttle lurched a little bit, depositing itself onto the landing pad of the estblishment quietly. There was a light hiss as the interior door released its locks, and slid open to let the fresh planetary air inside. A free hand released the buckle starpping the birb to her seat. "Well... It is my stop, I guess. I'm told to report to my commander as soon as possible..." She kissed him once more, sadly but beautifully, lovingly. "Always... And forever."

Miko wrapped his arm around hers, the pair that spelled out the bond between them. "Always and forever my dear, till we meet again." He said softly giving her another kiss. "Welp, don't want to keep command waiting. Oh if you happen to run across my brother Alastair, let him know he needs to write more." A smile crossed his face as he leaned his head against hers.

JP with @SpaceEye
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