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Approved Submission [Star Army] Assignments

This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
This is pretty good, Wes! This actually gives players a better idea of how the assignments work.
"... soldier has met a minimum time-on-station of 6 Yamataian Calendar months..."

I can see this restricting players, but I bet you have a reason for it being this length. What is the benefit to this length of time?
Cool stuff to know!

Since the 1SF Ketsurui Samurai detachment was disbanded (and only the detachment), could you add a provision regarding bodyguards accompanying imperials wherever they go because Ketsurui Samurai no longer have an equivalent SAoY rank?

Maybe it'd work as a subsection to the family section, since it can be reasoned that the samurai are technically a part of the Imperial family. Of course, the wording would have to be broad enough to accommodate a dynastic change (unless we're just going to be confident about that not happening IC and OOC lol).
"... soldier has met a minimum time-on-station of 6 Yamataian Calendar months..."

I can see this restricting players, but I bet you have a reason for it being this length. What is the benefit to this length of time?
This is to prevent soldiers from creating excessively frequent transfer requests. Do you have a better suggestion?

The samurai aren't part of the Star Army anymore (effective once the new year arrives), so I don't think there's a place for mentioning them in a Star Army article. Clan samurai are considered civilians for Star Army purposes and I don't think they really belong on Star Army ships.
Reactions: raz
This is kind of strange, since imperial family members have always been entitled a Ketsurui Samurai. I know Hanako's had a bad run with them, but other yojimbo have fulfilled their duties well (there's my Aiko's Rei, there's 5tar's Sumaru, there's Rikou's Masami who is still with her in the background).

Moreover, the Imperial Guard, while not part of the Star Army, is a wiki approved independent "Enforcement Agency" somehow chartered with the government. And more than just Ketsurui Samurai are a part of it, if what I've seen @Fred talk about is any indication; I've seen him state that Ketsurui Kotori's "Black Knights" are supposed to be part of this "Imperial Guard," and at least one of them is now a civilian specially appointed to her detail (unless something has changed, I don't read all the posts there in a timely fashion).

I actually agree that such elements don't need to be formally detailed in an article about the Star Army, and further believe there's been a habit of needlessly connecting disparate setting elements in such a fashion. But it strikes me as kind of odd that this regulation specifically disallows something that hasn't previously been a problem and is still used in-character. The discussion over all that samurai stuff, which I don't want to rehash, made it pretty clear that Fred gets his plot device and that everyone else could keep roleplaying what they signed up for in spite of it.
In case I have to spell it out for everyone: The Star Army doesn't think that you're special because you have Ketsurui in your name, and doesn't recognize non-constitutional titles like princess, and samurai from any clan are basically unwelcome on our land and starships unless they're an invited guest or an actual member of the Star Army.
I understand that and regularly inform people of such myself because I know that's how it is IC.

I mentioned what I did in my last post because those are either wiki-approved details or ongoing, canonical RP (not even just my RP, fyi) that didn't seem to have been considered. Those details further don't really suggest any "special" treatment within the framework of how they exist and were approved. I'm just wondering how those elements line up with this newly-detailed setting element because there is a mismatch.

Your decision is your decision. If the operating assumption is that those other things don't matter then that's how it is.
So no princesses allowed with NEKO PRIVILEGE? #HumansInYamataiRejoice
This is to prevent soldiers from creating excessively frequent transfer requests. Do you have a better suggestion?
I am just happy to have an answer I was looking for.
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