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Approved Submission [Star Army] Discharge


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Submission Type: Lore
Template Used: N/A
Submission WIP URL: N/A
Submission Destination URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=stararmy:discharge

FM Approved Yet? Yes
Faction requires art? Yes, but not for this

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? No
Previously Submitted? No

Notes: Details of discharges were requested. This article is tentatively canon already and is being submitted for suggestions.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Bombastic language:
"...a dishonorable discharge when they think that person is scum."

But it's honestly up to you to keep it. My definition of bombastic is very subjective.

The rest is great, thank you for making this article!

Isn't there an article or part of an article that contains info on paying out of the military? It might be an important missing link.
Added a link to the enlistment contract page that has the buyout option info.
Perhaps a bad conduct discharge classification? It could sit in between the "General Discharge" and "Dishonorable Discharge" sections, assuming that they are organized in terms of severity.
Why is betraying the Empire considered a "general discharge" when military betrayal is far worse than desertion, and often itself involves desertion (and in this case did)? Is it some kind of retroactive ruling because the YSE didn't want to alienate a ton of returning expats after the UOC fell? Not objecting, just wondering how that works.
The Empress gave the UOC people a pardon to help heal the Empire and get the UOC people back into normal society, so they get better treatment than any other type of people who betrayed the Star Army. But they still abandoned their jobs so they don't get a full honorable discharge. So yes, you're basically correct, Raz.

Perhaps a bad conduct discharge classification? It could sit in between the "General Discharge" and "Dishonorable Discharge" sections, assuming that they are organized in terms of severity.
If you write this section I'd consider adding it.
Perhaps an Early Termination Discharge? Like how officers gain officer rank straight away even during training, so if they decide to drop out of officer training before completing it it's technically discharge?

Edit: That's close enough to General actually. Though they shouldn't gain any benefits from the discharge at all otherwise everyone would do it.
Maybe it's a footnote but Compassionate Discharge is a thing in some counties, when someone has exceptional personal circumstances that render them unable to effectively serve but deserves more respect than a General discharge.
How does Maternity Leave factor into this? I would assume it does for non-neko soldiers given that they would need to actually help with the development of their child rather than the like... three weeks or whatever it is that a neko child takes to grow while it has all the skills it needs already.
I don't think the Star Army has maternity leave at all right now. Seems like something to develop in another submission, perhaps I could make one on how leave (of all types) works in the Star Army.
Is there anything similar to a Section 8 or a general "mentally unfit for service" discharge in the star-army? It could fall under the preview of a medical discharge, Though psychology and medicine don't always go hand in hand on subjects like this.
It seems like the three approved discharge types cover all of the really specific types that could possibly branch off, honestly. In fiction, we have the great ability to cut down on useless minutiae.

But if we're going to be super specific and base it off of the U.S. military, why not include that whole thing about how officers cannot be given a punitive discharge and are rather dismissed from their commissions in cases where they've done something bad?
I'm pretty sure I already made two separate lines of punishment in the AMJ for CO and Enlisted that encompasses what you're suggesting Raz
Well, I'm talking about having it here on an FM approved article.