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Star Army: Disrupted Galaxy (Expansion Pack) - Author Signups


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As announced in the meeting, we're starting to lay the foundations for an "Expansion pack" to Star Army which includes new high-quality enemies, places, and plot seeds to go along with the expansion out of the Kikyo Sector into the larger Kagami Galaxy. We're going to develop it out and then release it when it's ready instead of kind of half-baking stuff like I did with the Kuvexians (haha). If you're willing to contribute to this expansion pack and write articles, make art, give ideas, etc, I'd love to have you aboard. I'm thinking we're going to use a special new WIP namespace (XP) and I'll need to assign permissions. The tentative name for this expansion is DISRUPTED GALAXY.
I think the totally-not-tyrinids make for the better guilt free extermination war. I think 'something something chaos hive war, something something it's all the Mishhu's fault' would work well
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