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RP: YSS Resurgence Star Army now, Farm boy forever (Silent Voices in Uniform)

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Convention Veteran
RP Date
RP Location
YSS Resurgence
YE 44.5

Sometimes not having a personal life paid off. Vec had done his usual practice of banking leave days and taking off a large chunk of time to go on a backpacking trip. Today, he sat in a diner, ruck taking up the seat across from him. The coffee was trash, but for once he didn’t care.

Vec stared in wrapped attention at the news broadcast behind the bar. "Well, surely he has a right to speak for his people and express other opinions? People come from all kinds of cultures and experiences-" the Nepleslian on screen was saying.

Yeah, people like me, if I’d stayed on Tallus, I’d be a large animal vet, and pulling teeth on local rangers. The Rescue Jumper almost spit out his coffee at the Neko commentator’s tirade. He’d spent enough time out in the edges of Yamatai space to know how wrong the woman was. Vec managed to get his blossoming rage under control in time to hear the Neo-Caelisolans Senator's words.

"Unless you were born and raised in an imperial family, or the Star Army, or never visited another nation, or even a suzerainty.. You understand that people vary. Beliefs vary. Perhaps the way we do things CAN be improved. That by pooling our thoughts, experiences and intellect together that we could build a better Yamatai than it is. And for that purpose I would like to announce Yamatai's first political party. The Discourse Party. We hope for--"

To Vec’s surprise, a Neko rushed the stage and the entire feed erupted into chaos.

—-About a month later—-

Vec was settling down nicely in his new post. His quarters were still pretty spartan but it was hard for it not to be when he only owned a small handful of non-Star Army issued items. A music player and accessories and an old acoustic guitar he was plucking at as he laid on his bed. Something niggled at him from the meeting. That science officer looked familiar. But why? A flame-winged Neo-Caelisolan shouldn’t be hard to forget. Vec struck an off key chord as it hit him. He was the Discourse Party Senator!

Within short order, Vec was on his feet sprinting down the hall to the science officer’s room. “Taii Iemochi!” he said rapping at the door, “You’re the Discourse party guy, right?”

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Mochi opened the door, a set of tinted safety goggles over his emerald green eyes. The Elysian was dressed in his usual working uniform, with the addition of a labcoat that appeared suspiciously new. No doubt the Science Officer went through them at a rate of knots.

He appeared wide eyed, almost shocked, as he opened the door. Mochi looked Vec up and down before it seemed to dawn on him who the other man was. "Ah! Wilson-shoi!" Mochi greeted, a slight urgency in his voice. Strangely, he looked left and right down the corridor to see if anyone else had overheard.

"Come inside, please. Come, come." He welcomed the medic, lifting his safety glasses and stepping aside. Within, one half of the science lab was in what might be considered 'controlled chaos', while the other was clean and well laid out. In the centre of the room, there was a volumetric display projecting countless readouts and graphs into the air above the tables and workbenches. On one of the workstations was a boiling flask being heated by some sort of plasma flame, with a technicolour fluid inside.

"Sorry if I seem startled. I wasn't expecting that from behind my door!" Mochi gave a nervous chuckle, gesturing to a couple of spare seats for them to occupy. "I can actually get in trouble for talking about ..er.. politics, while on deployment. It's not strictly allowed, but Euikoshi is out and I'm fairly sure it's only if I bring it up myself, or if it comes up around people who don't know-" It seemed like Mochi just realised something, cutting himself ofd.

"Ah, I totally forgot! We haven't been introduced properly, have we?" He offered a warm grin to Vec. "Taii Iemochi Seinosuke, Chief Science Officer. Although, I've done a lot else besides that over the years. Everyone calls me Mochi, like the dessert." The Elysian bowed his head a little, stretching his impressive wings out slightly in display. It was somewhere between a courteous civilian greeting and what was known as a 'Elysian salute". Mochi felt like he had to greet Vec somehow, and had chosen apparently the most awkward way to do so for one reason or another. Perhaps he was just flustered.
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After being whisked inside, Vec stood for a moment, blinking as his brain worked through a few buffering cycles. He hadn’t expected he’d get this far. “Uhh, Vec, the old unit used to call me ‘Malpractice’ though.”

He paused to recollect himself, “You’re probably right, let’s not jump too deep into politics. I just wanted to say that from a farm boy from the ass end of Yamatai space, you’re doing the right thing. Back on Tallus, my home…” Vec paused, pushing down a near-forgotten rage he’d managed to bury for nearly two decades. “I saw plenty of people die or live with permanent injuries from things that are a mere nuisance in the Army. I don’t know what I’m trying to say, I just needed that off my chest.”
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