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Star Army of Yamatai Starships


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Since the Star Army of Yamatai's uniforms have their own updates thread, I figured I should make one for starships, too.

Off the top of my head, here's some starship issues that come to my mind:
  1. Naginata-class needs to be finished. If someone wants to help me with that, that would be awesome. Khasidel has alreadn't given it great artwork and it's sort of a nicer Irim-class.
  2. I'm still looking for designs for the T9 Blackfish dropship/gunship/transport
  3. Super Zodiac needs finishing.
  4. Now that the Kyoto carrier has art, I'm actually starting to like the old things and am considering kind of reintroducing them.
I request that you ask me first before starting work on a new Star Army of Yamatai ship design (this thread is a good place to ask) because I'm still trying to reduce or at least hold steady the number of ship classes used in the Star Army and eliminating some of the old ship types, especially the ones with little or no art, or art that's lame.
About the Naginata-class:
I think it'd be sensible to poke @Khasidel about this, since it's his creation in the first place.
Also, I'd like to point out that, as envisioned, the Naginata doesn't have anywhere near the expected fleet presence/role an Irim has. It's a battlecruiser; arguably more massive and powerful than the Super-Eikan heavy cruiser. In effect, the only reason why it isn't called a battleship is because it shed weight (i.e.: armor and other protections) in favor of mounting better engines for interception roles.

Remember how the Irim-class heavy gunship was a heavy brawler in comparison to the far-ranging Sakura-class light gunship being an 'interceptor'? It's kind of the same difference the Sharie has with the Naginata.​

The Izanagi-class Dreadnought:
Another design I know Khasidel worked on was the dreadnought-y Izanagi. It has art, it looks amazing, and already has an outline article for it. However, I think it's important to grasp the sheer size of it. It's 22km long. It's far larger than the dreaded SMX Shlarvasseroth ever was. It can not only contruct ships, but also create Star Fortresses. By itself, it's slightly larger than the Super Zodiac star fortress. It's probably better considered a mobile star fort, or...​

The Star Army of Yamatai's flagship role:
We have the Super Eikan, the prospective Naginata and the Sharie whom all have very high-tier artwork given to them. In contrast, we have the Yamatai-class, which still goes by with DOGA art. Another point in the Yamatai-class' disfavor is how there's actually very little reason to field it as a Sharie-class; the Sharie-class already has such a good presence on the battlefield that the Yamatai-class' status as flagship pales in comparison. Essentially, I kind of think the Yamatai-class is superfluous since the Sharie can effectively take over the same role.

If you want a flagship that stands out... I think it ought to be like the Izanagi Dreadnought. It ought to be a ship with enough presence so that no other can really match or replace it. It ought to be so important that it ought to be considered singular in a fleet... or perhaps singular in multiple fleets/regions (i.e.: the U.S.S. Enterprise was Starfleet's flagship... and Starfleet had multiple fleets). Like, if Yamatai fielded it, it could have one for Central Yamatai dedicated to serving 'Standard Fleets' and based in the Ketsurui Military Sector meant to support Expeditionary Fleets (for which it actually looks uniquely suited for).
Irim replacement?
I don't think this is necessary right now. The Plumeria-class' refit pushed it very close to filling the same niche, with the caveat of not really being a torpedo-using warship. I think that, in the aftermath of the 2nd Mishhu war, not going for a line torpedo boat like the Irim was previously makes sense, and that's why the Plumeria would be favored for filling in that niche in a more economical fashion. The Plumeria is supplemented with the Chiaki gunboat, which for system defense fills nearly as well role a Plumeria could've held, and more economically (it has no fold drive) - paired with a ship capable of folding, the Chiaki makes a great escort vessel. If you need something heavier to fill in numbers in ways the Chiaki cannot, the Urufu light cruiser more or less can do similar things the Irim could (though it's more effete/elegant and less of the fearsome beast the Irim felt like).

My Himiko Refit (which is still coming; I take my time because I still have time before I need to use it) would more or less fill the 30-35 SP category left behind by the Eikan and Irim, but I don't expect it'll really end up being used by the Star Army as a line warship when it's more of a long-range self-reliant exploration/ambassadorial vessel who'se best use is as a squadron command vessel on occasion. I view it more as a limited production ship that's seen by the Star Army as having the utility around the Tansaku-science ship, the Type 30 Space Yacht, combined with the uniquely plotship-like feel people have associated with the Sakura/Plumeria - and in a way where the ship is capable enough to not land itself in situation where it bites more than it can chew (something to which the light gunships are very prone to, and typically survive mostly due to plot armor). There are not many plotships in SARP, so, I don't expect a great many Himiko Refits.​
Don't forget about the Amatsuotome as far as command/flagships go. Sure, it's not as stupendously humongous as the Izanagi, but it is a very large, very capable ship which is intended to both command and tend to fleets both in and out of combat, with the capability of not only docking a large number of smaller ships using its ring, but also capable of repairing and manufacturing starships within itself to boot. I know Wes expressed interest in using the class as part of one of the other fleets, but as of now I believe only the namesake ship has been built, and is in service with the Fifth Standard Fleet.
First, Fred, kindly get the class correct, it is the Yamato-Class.
Second the type of artwork should not matter.
Third, the real issue is with people making new designs and submitting them, when Wes has not put out a requirement for them.

That being said, you can choose what you want, but I will keep using the Yamato-Class as the flag ships for my fleet because I prefer them over all the other designs.

As for the 22km ship, I have only one thing to say. What happened to the ruling a while back that starships were to be kept under 5k in length.
Duly corrected.

Nashoba, you sound short. I'm not attacking you. I very well know this was your creation. I was just expressing my opinion on things and making conversation. So far as I know, what I say isn't suddenly gospel that gets hammered in stone for Yamatai in this setting.

This said, my focus wasn't being tactful. It was trying to raise comments that were in line with what I perceive Wes wants of his titular star-spanning military.

To tell you the truth, I think the Izanagi is entirely too long. I'd rather it be 4km-ish over what feels like a ludicrous length of 22km - the size difference in comparison to the other ships Yamatai fields is mind-boggling. There's something about logistics and just the sheer accomplishment of building such a thing which really pokes at my suspension of disbelief. But I hate the idea of Star Fortresses and Space Stations being able to fold around even more. So if there could be a select few space station-sized monstrosities like that around to justify the existence, presence and repositioning of some of the mind-bobbling structures Wes wants in SARP, I'm willing to compromise. But in my head, the Izanagi isn't a ship: it's a mobile space station shaped like a ship.

Also, I kind of wanted to reserve judgment and present as envisioned by its author... because I may have mentioned it, but Khasidel has not. This is his stuff. Someone as meticulous and detail-oriented as he does deserves the chance to present his work when he is ready, under the most favorable light. Right now, it's not ready. I do think it's kind of pretentious of Wes to decide he can take it upon himself to complete the work of another who's invested as much in that already, and have the gall to bring others into it too... but that's not a issue for me to tackle.

Yes, I was being short. Partly because I'm fighting a summer cold, but most importantly because of this statement. "In contrast, we have the Yamatai-class, which still goes by with DOGA art." Since when does art determine the worth of an article. The Super Eikan and Sharie both had DOGA art for the longest time until Wes chose to spend Star Army money for professional art.

Other than that nothing you said bothered me.

As I already said, the biggest problem with Yamatai's Fleet is folks making ships without even checking with Wes and then when they submit it, he doesn't want to reject it out of hand because they made some nice art, DOGA or otherwise.