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Star Army Propulsion, Life Support and Damage Control?


Insane Story Writer Foxy
Inactive Member
Because this information doesn't exist in the wiki, I'm somewhat curious as to how they all work. I mean, naturally we know that life support circulates air through the ship so that the crew doesn't die.

However, in the terms of the Star Army universe, how do these systems work?
Well, I've found several life support articles, here and here. I don't know if you'd found them, but, I linked them anyways incase they'd gone overlooked.

As for Propulsion some can be found in the wiki search. Same for Damage Control with damage control, some, if not most designers incorporate a specific subset of systems and the like into the design, built specifically for the design. But, more and more seem to be using a stock version easily copy pasta'd.

I don't know if it helps at all, but, hopefully it does in some small way.
Life support links seem to be a rather simplistic explanation, easy for most to understand :)

But Propulsion is still a bit up there, as there are multiple types of propulsion and FTL drives - Fusion, Quantom, Anti-matter, various types - but what do the Yamatai use exactly and how does it function? (We have Aether, but I'm still somewhat confused on it's actual usage)
Basically, plasma drives.

Some propellant gets turned into a state of plasma by an aether tap and funneled out, and this creates thrust for the ship.

Well, as I understand it, anyhow.
Ok but here's the question:

Plasma is a dangerous substance, though like Antimatter. If Anti-matter came into contact with regular matter - it'd go boom (from my understanding of the science behind)

When Plasma comes into contact with the skin; either we can die instantly (depending on how big of a plasma bolt it is) or get midly injured.

So my question is; what stops the plasma from harming the crew? It's naturally 'very' hot and it must run through conduits to get to the engine or to a converter (Aether tap)

Sorry for all the questions; I'm just very curious here - plus it helps me build up a better image of what I'm looking at :)
Yes, you are right plamsa would be bad for a person to come in contact with.

However in most engines designs the plasma is generated in them, and then vented to propel the craft.

Unless a ship takes battle damage the internal systems are safe. And when damage occurs there are ways to contain the event.
Ok, I'm assuming that because we have shield technology, that shields can be generated 'inside' a ship as well? Such as to contain plasma fires and explosions? (We have shutters, but plasma might be to hot to handle those - then again - I haven't been able to find any information on shutters except that which is included in ships)
Depending on the ship most shutters would be able to withstand the plasma, that's part of their purpose. Some newer designs feature a combination of a door and a forcefield.
Obviously, nothing is infallible.

One way to figure out how stuff in SARP works is to use common sense. What would /you/ do in said situation? that's generally how it works, and, if you're wrong, we will usually politely correct you.
And honestly, if you've ever seen a movie where something in the engine goes boom, that would probably be the general effect of a containment rupture if the shutters failed. GMs usually play nice, but if you're being dumb enough (or annoying enough), they'll cause a very movie-esque failure of something critical. Generally though, you can safely assume that the Three big nation (YSE, Neplesia, and UOC) are all going to have developed their technology to the point where containment isn't nearly as big of a deal.
As far as I know, Yamatai and most of the SARP don't use fire control or blast-doors or have backup systems.

99.99% of the ship is walls and rooms... I've never seen cables and their engine rooms are usually quite small.
Osakan: All Star Army ships have, at mininum, the Standard Starship Emergency Systems, including blast shutters, fire stations, damage control stations, internal compartmentalization, and emergency telephones. Star Army ships also often have redundant critical systems.
Well, lets not forget, just because a ship might not appear to have something doesn't mean it doesn't. One of the things about ST ships is that a lot of their critical and non-critical systems to hidden away behind panels, you don't see to many cables here and there, doesn't mean there aren't any.

In terms of compartmentalization, what do you mean by that? (first time I've actually heard this used in a roleplay enviroment)