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[Star Army] Sylph Article Update


Well-Known Member
Submission Type: Power Armor
Submission URL: Sylph M4 Power Armor
Star Army of Yamatai
FM Approval: Yes
Faction requires art: Yes

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles: Yes
Sylph M4 Wing Pack

Contains New Art: No
Previously Submitted: Yes


These are updates to the Sylph M4 Power Armor done in anticipation to an upcoming plot. Though articles for the Star Army require artwork, the original came with none, and this is only an update of the article itself to bring it up to current format, as well as flesh out its appearance. Besides the Sylph article itself, the Sylph's Wing Pack article has also been gone over as well with some minor changes.

I've shamelessly bugged Wes about this multiple times, so I assume it is also has his seal of approval! XD
I decided to change the grammar of that one, so I hope it's better this time around.

But if you're referring to what the Sylph takes as pilots however, and believe it to be incorrect? Well, I'll be thorough as I can;

What you see is indeed what it is piloted by - it expressly takes only Mini-Neko. The 8 inch tall ones that can still murderize a person, as Fian had affectionately featured. Those ones? It's why we had them way back apparently, to pilot suits which are effectively mini-mini mecha. This suit is perhaps the most direct descendent of the original M1 LAMIA there is due to this feature in specific, and it's also why we're deciding to dust it off for the plot as well.

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