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Approved Submission Star Army Unit Citation


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Hello! A week or two ago I was thinking about future awards my characters might receive and I realized that many other characters don't individually ever do things to get a gallantry award but participate in collective actions that are certainly impactful and worthy of recognition. I had the site's ChatGPT bots whip something up really quick and modified it.

Wes hasn't responded to my IC post about creating it, but he gave my AI forum post about it a like/ so I went ahead and made it for submission. Even whipped up the ribbon to go with it, but haven't uploaded it to the wiki yet just in case this ends up being unwanted as a whole or a different looking ribbon is made.

I'm not sure where it should be worn in the stack or separately, so I didn't put anything about that in.

Open to giving it a thematic name instead of "Star Army Unit Citation" but couldn't think of anything cool right now, so if anyone has suggestions feel free. Imperial Unit Citation? Merit of the Taisho? Favor of the Empress?


  • saoy_unit_citation.png
    2.7 KB · Views: 5
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I for one, love it! Was thinking if we had something like this while doing the awards entries on the order threads for the Gashmere folks earlier!
Reactions: raz
I am glad someone was on the same page as myself about unit awards. Unless there are going to be tiers like the US Army, I think Star Army Unit Citation is good enough.
Unless there are going to be tiers like the US Army
I considered giving it tiers like I did with the OBS and Red Tessen but figured just one was good enough for the Star Army and roleplay's scope. The intention here is equivalent to the Presidential Unit Citation or French Legion of Honor (when awarded to a unit rather than an individual).
SAUC, sounds better then MUC
Every unit is going to want to be slathered in SAUCe to prove their worth.
Greetings! I have done some adjustment to the ribbon itself and made an alternate version.
  • The original one used vertical bands of 3 for the center stripes, which off-set the thing to the left. This bothered my attention to detail, so I made the center stripe 2 pixels wide instead.

  • I made an alternate version with Star Army Piping Blue for variation, because it kind of incorporates the color of a Mindy (since the ribbon is supposed to evoke the Hinomaru anyway and piping blue does that well).
Just some options.
Meritorious Unit Citation, Empresses Unit Commendation, Admiralty Command Award, valorous unit citation are all options that could be created for this kind of thing. Recommend that awards earned by the unit are only authorized if the individual was serving with that specific unit at the time of the award citation.
Recommend that awards earned by the unit are only authorized if the individual was serving with that specific unit at the time of the award citation.
Already got ya, bud

"All members of the unit who were assigned to it during the cited action are authorized to wear the ribbon in perpetuity, but it is considered inappropriate to do so when representing a unit to which a soldier is subsequently reassigned."
I like the one with star army piping blue best!
Reactions: raz
I love this idea, but since it possibly affects art etc, I am going to leave this one to @Wes
Reactions: raz
Thank you for the support.

One concern I have myself about this is that it adds overhead for Wes because it is a high award from Star Army Command. On one hand I like this because it keeps it rare.

But I went and looked into solutions anyway and took some inspiration from the Israel Defense Force's regime of unit commendations, wherein they have varying levels that are awarded by different commands (Brigade Commander Citation, Regional Command Unit Citation, Chief of the General Staff Unit Citation) with affixed devices to the same ribbon.

Thought about doing something similar here. A regime for the Star Army could be:
  • Squadron/Legion Unit Citation, plain ribbon (GM-level, given within plots with no overhead)
  • Fleet/Army Unit Citation, ribbon with triangular gold embossed fleet insignia bit attached (OOC manager-level, approved by Taisho players to plots within their fleet)
  • Taisho's Unit Citation, ribbon with gold embossed Hinomaru bit attached (Wes/Yui approves it on recommendation of a GM but can theoretically say "no.")
The issue I ran into here is that 1) this creates too many new awards and I personally prefer simplicity and 2) the little attachment devices look bad on the size we use for ribbon art, so the solution is to make different color scheme ribbons, which refers back to point (1).

There's been no feedback other than player support and Yui saying in-character that she likes the idea. I'm for keeping it simple as it currently is, but have thought about alternative paths with more variation if such has interest.
The main concern I have with this is that I think unit awards should only be awarded to units and this is an award issued to individuals. The way it works in the US Army which is kind of my personal experience is that everyone in the unit wears the unit award and only when they're in the unit. Because it's the unit's you get it even if you weren't in the action that earned it because it's not about you as an individual.
I mostly took inspiration from the U.S. militaryโ€™s permanent wear guidelines, which say soldiers must have been โ€œassigned to and present for duty any time during the action cited.โ€

The temporary wear guidelines were left out to simplify it for RP and art purposes. I figured if everyone who is currently assigned assigned to, say, the plot ship YSS Battle of Nataria got to wear it temporarily that it would complicate things like art commissions and wiki upkeep since the player world only be entitled to wear it during their assignment to said plot ship.

I could put the latter in if you want, since it seems to be about wearing the ribbon rather than how the unit gets cited.
In the U.S. Navy if a unit was awarded a medal, everyone currently onboard the command; for the time period in which the award was granted had it added to their record in addition to permanent wear permissions. This was to recognize the individual's contribution to the team effort, which ultimately resulted in the awarded recognition.
I don't remember if it worked like that in the army if the unit got it while you were in. If you had a regimental affiliation, then you could always wear them.
It can be an individual award as well. If you were assigned to the unit when the award was presented (and participating), you can wear it outside of the unit. I got to wear a MUC permanently as a result of that. Also got to briefly wear the foreign unit citations my battalion had earned too before we stopped
Reactions: Wes
Bragg units are just DRIPPING in fourragรจres, your arms are all tangled
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