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Approved Submission Star Army Unit Citation


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Hello! A week or two ago I was thinking about future awards my characters might receive and I realized that many other characters don't individually ever do things to get a gallantry award but participate in collective actions that are certainly impactful and worthy of recognition. I had the site's ChatGPT bots whip something up really quick and modified it.

Wes hasn't responded to my IC post about creating it, but he gave my AI forum post about it a like/ so I went ahead and made it for submission. Even whipped up the ribbon to go with it, but haven't uploaded it to the wiki yet just in case this ends up being unwanted as a whole or a different looking ribbon is made.

I'm not sure where it should be worn in the stack or separately, so I didn't put anything about that in.

Open to giving it a thematic name instead of "Star Army Unit Citation" but couldn't think of anything cool right now, so if anyone has suggestions feel free. Imperial Unit Citation? Merit of the Taisho? Favor of the Empress?


  • saoy_unit_citation.png
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This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Lol, Libertyland had BRAGGing rights after all.
What’s most important is how the Star Army does it or wants to do it

After reviewing the article’s text, it already seems to achieve what Wes asked for a few posts back. The only possible missing element might be for later assigned characters to the unit getting to wear it temporarily.

Ultimately it’s my goal that the award be meaningful for characters to attain, and earned through actual RP. Sometimes that won’t pan out over the years but it’s the intent.
I think there is enough past RP that could be used to retroactively given to plots/ships and whoever was there at the time.
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I would respectfully request that retroactive citations for this not be granted if approved. That happened a few times with my original valor awards (red tessen, obs), and I feel it very much against the spirit of such honors and counter to how such things work in real militaries during their historical introductions.
This is also how it works in the USAF. My previous unit won a Meritorious unit award while I was in it, and though I am currently assigned to a different unit, it's an award permanently attached to my record and still exists on my ribbon rack. If my current unit were to also receive a meritorious unit award, I would get a device on my ribbon to signify that I'd been in two units that won it, during the time period that they won it.
Now that Wes has FM stamped this I will get my review up shortly.
Reactions: raz
Okay then. FM Approved.
Oh! Well if there is anything you want changed specifically please let me know! Even though I couldn’t find the issue from your original post, I am willing to tweak it for how you envision the Star Army to grant such an award. Either way, thanks for the check mark
I was thinking the statement about these not being retroactive should be slid into the article somewhere. Would that be possible @raz ? Otherwise, I don't see any major issues with this.
Reactions: raz
I've added:
to the history section.
Hello! Let's see if this submission meets the requirements for inclusion in Star Army's lore...

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[ ] 9. The article complies with Star Army's rules in terms of damage ratings, speed limits, etc.
[ ] 10. The Faction Manager(s), if applicable, have posted approval for this article in this thread.

This is approved.
Cool! I uploaded the ribbon art I thought was best and added it to the article, as well as the boilerplate about wearing it. Up to Wes where it gets worn in the stack.
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