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Star Wars: The Last Jedi [Contains Spoilers]


Convention Veteran
Ok, The Last Jedi just came out, what do you think? Remember to use the spoiler tags if you want to say spoilers.

I for one am glad that Rian is getting three more Star Wars movies as that is what it's going to take to make it up to me.

I loved Holdo! If you haven't read the princess Leia book, you should. She plays her cards very close to her chest. I was very sad to see her die. But what a death!
Without spoilers, this is my favorite Star War. I am admittedly not really the target audience; I didn't see the original trilogy until I was 20ish, nostalgia for them is not strong. But this and Rogue One both manage to make me care, and that's a feat.

Two things that really make me happy. First? Rey NOT being another scion of a space wizard dynasty. Second? Benicio del Toro's role, and how it's used to shine a light on the human cost of this endless war. We're at four straight generations of constant war now. It's not just the biggest business in this galaxy, it's pretty clearly the *only* business in this galaxy.
Haven't seen it yet, but I plan to on monday. I'm a big Star Wars fan (My name on here is even a reference.) so I expect it to be good. At least that is my hope.
Haha, I use spoilers to determine if the money is worth spending money on. Usually the answer is wait until it comes on DVD and convince someone else to buy it.
I've read the spoilers, and I'm more excited than ever.

Bottom line, it's not how the story changes. It's how they change it. As long as "hope" remains, then I am in 130 percent.
@Doshii Jun there is lots of hope in this film and they have taken things in an interesting direction! The series is now not going to end how I expected it too!

Also, when you go see it, Poe Dameron gets my new favorite quote early in the movie

@Soban ! Dude, I dub that, from now on, the Holdo Maneuver! That was EPIC
We still don't know where Snoke came from at all.

Also after Rey fights him on his flagship how did she get back to the Millennium Falcon? *head scratch*
>We still don't know where Snoke came from at all.

I'm not sure it matters, I think he's probably more like Maz with a bit more ego. I've also heard some theories that he's actually still alive. Afterall, Maul survived his bisection.

>Also after Rey fights him on his flagship how did she get back to the Millennium Falcon?

They mentioned that she stole his shuttle.
@Wes Kylon Ren tells Hux she took Snoke's private escape shuttle, so it's more than assumed that she piloted that out, met up with the Falcon and transferred over via airlock
Reactions: Wes
I enjoyed the film very much. I can understand where the mixed opinions on the direction they're going comes from, but I loved it. The cinematography in my opinion was great, and I enjoyed seeing some of the revamped tech designs from older movies making reappearances.

I do agree with Wes, Snoke in general was a big letdown. I feel like they'll probably shove his lore into another Rogue One styled prequel, but he was just flat in general. I'm hoping we get more Rose in the ninth episode, as well.

Also, those First Order AT-ATs though!
Hmm, lots of off-screen assumptions in this movie. I don't know, I mean, I love Star Wars, but I just can't seem to get behind this movie.
Because I only like change when it's for the better.

I guess a better answer that is more personal is that I look forward to a certain sensation from movies like this. Fantasy and sci fi movies usually give me spine tingles, make my head race, and generally push me out of the confines of day to day thinking and immerse me in a world I don't know but want to know. I watched the Force Awakens expecting this and was let down, immensely. I think there were too many things that were meant to make me feel those things, but felt hollow and without substance rather than mesmerizing and mysterious.

I think one of the best things that came out of these new movies are that they made the prequels look good and now I see a lot more prequel love going around.

One problem I face while disliking the new movies needs a little context to explain. A generation before me grew up on Star Wars the original trilogy and it was -or may have been- their intro into sci fi and space opera storytelling. The prequels were what I and many of my generation grew up on (I didn't even watch the original trilogy until I was done with the prequels) and what intro'd me into sci fi. Now for the problem: there is a whole generation of kids who are growing up with these new Star Wars movies as their intro to sci fi. I wouldn't trade the new movies for anything, given this. I think that alone justifies them, whether they have bad storytelling and bad immersion doesn't matter so much as they exist. Hopefully there is a new and more gripping series of space opera for the generation after this current young one. For now, it's all they've got though.

If you know of a sci fi franchise that is accessible to children, let me know, but I don't know of one other than this. It would be nice to have the bar raised.
I finally saw the whole thing after almost two years or so.

Still happy with it. The good or bad of change is in the eyes of the person viewing it.

The last film is the thing I want to base it on. If (for me personally) it works well with the second film, I'm good. The trailer's got me hopeful.
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