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RP: 188604 [Star Wasp] 7.1: The Debriefing Machine

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zack
  • Start date Start date


Queen's Slave

"Alright, you've all had a day of downtime to rest and repair. Before we get started on the next operation lets go over what happened in the last operation."

Uso looked around at the assembled group, seeing who was there and who was attending remotely via mindware. She wasn't sure if Truffleclub had been fixed yet... and Alex was certainly experiencing the worst sun-burn of his life. The treatment he received would have stopped the worst of the radiation damage but his insides were going to feel painful and itchy for a while yet.

The group itself was assembled in the main room of the Queen's Slave. The ship still not having been cleaned up, having a display table in the center of the main room that was projecting a map of Freehold. Out around the edges of the room were chairs, along with one of the half-disassembled power armors.

"The space-stuff went as planned. We have sufficient assets, and we were able to clear out enough of their ground forces using space-to-ground weaponry. This should serve as a pretty good reminder of just how dead in the water ground forces without someone contesting the space around a planet."

Uso would pause for a moment, the map zooming in on the interior of the factory.

"The ground attack is where things started to go off the rails. This was Arccos' operation, so we rightly differed to her judgement on launching the ground attack. However I want to make it clear that this was a snap-call on her part and we should avoid these kinds of engagements whenever possible. Without a plan going in we all very easily lost the ground team to nukes or whatever other fail-safes they had.

Initial entry into the underground areas by leyline immediately showed that our ground team had problems. Namely, lack of armors and lack of weapons.

I decided to move the ground team along the larger passageway, since I wanted to keep everyone together. The idea behind that is that all our big guns were on Alex's mecha, The Hound's fighter, and the Junker Drones, all of which needed the larger passage ways to move through. If all our big firepower is together, we can quickly overwhelm our targets, and move to our objective.

You should all understand that this strategy only works if speed is maintained. If the formation slows down it is very easy to get surrounded and destroyed."

The map showed a red line where the team cut through the rubble blocking their path and started moving through the main hallway.

"We came across two of the spacer tanks, and our ground team immediately got bogged down.

Alex, you kept trying to fight these tanks head on and that isn't good enough. You have to give the enemy some respect, and understand that they are going to be just as dedicated and capable of shooting at you, as you are at them. In this case we were able to use our power armor drones to attack the tank's sensors, and you were able to come up with some on the spot spoofing of their thermals, but ultimately I feel our group under-performed here.

Arccos ended up breaking away from the main group and leading some of you along another path. Our initial push was getting bogged down, so opening up another front was the right call. I want to draw everyone's attention to this, because this is top level stuff. Coordinating, talking about plans, even trying to follow a chain of command... all of this slows down a team, and if you stop moving you die.

In this case Arccos knows what the plan is, she understands that her assets aren't going to be able to contribute to that plan due to how little space there was to move around, and she implements her own plan.

This is what we should strive for. Seamless Teamwork."

Uso then turned her attention back to Alex,

"Alex also pulled a dumb move getting out of his mecha to talk... and he is paying for it now. It worked though, so I'm going to say good job Alex, and not tear him a new one."

"Corgan, Akemi, Truffleclub, you all did great as well. Just because I didn't single you out here, doesn't mean I didn't notice your performance."

Uso cleared her throat... seperating her long rant about the mission and her conclusions about what to do.

"I think it is clear we need a ground team, small, well coordinated, and capable. Arccos, I know you're going to be busy but I would like to have you involved. The same goes for the rest of you Akemi, Alex, Corgan... Maybe ace if we fit him with a remote-explode collar until he learns to behave.

I think it is also clear we need some new, real, power armor. Appropriate weapons. A training area and some time to practice together."

"Now, are there any questions or comments about the last op?"
Dwarf Fortress Action Replay

"You won because you used a backdoor I didn't know about, and I couldn't keep track of all of you." A gruff voice sounded back, emanating from the short but robust form of Lycosidae. Cyborg hand was cuffed behind her back, linked into the exhaust vent of her deactivated gun-arm. They did not look best pleased. "Even with a massive computer like that to coordinate the drones, I still had only one brain to give them orders with..."

A prolonged shrug. They knew in their heart that Arccos, with a far more advanced cyber-brain, was quite clearly capable of doing a better job of it. Data on the deathcrawler tanks, and the potential to start building them on 188604, could quite possibly have been the only reason she was still alive...

But that didn't mean the short tank-treaded thing had to be apologetic.

Truffleclub was off replacing their vaporized arm, and more or less staying out of the more complex issues. Somewhere along the way they had attached a mindware antenna, however, and were spiritually attending the meeting as a photorealistic yellow mushroom sitting in a pot upon the edge of the display table.
"Yeah, you're right," Akemi said with a smile as he tilted his head to the side and turned to look at the short Spacer he was seated next to. "You woulda fuckin' slaughtered me with those braids and that adorable face one on one. They woulda totally overloaded my brain." While the Neko spoke he sat with his ankles crossed and his hands neatly resting together in his lap.
With a face turning pink and sizable eyebrows furrowing, Lyco just fumbled uncomfortably with their fastened hands, then darted an annoyed glance over to Uso.

"Queen Neko lady, you wanna tell this guy I'm gonna run him over if he tries anything?" The low voice was interrupted by agitated nasally squeaking as the struggling only succeeded in hurting their shoulders. "I'm... a d-dangerous subterranean killing machine!"
Akemi loved the Spacer's big bushy brows and how her arms started out thin from the shoulders and ended with thick forearms. The gun in place of a hand was pretty cool. It pleased him that it felt like something out of a comic book. "Fuck man, this is what I'm sayin'. You keep that shit up and I'm gonna have an aneurysm buddy. You gotta go easy on the cuteness."
Queen's Slave

"Not to intrude, but I figure now might be a good time if you're lacking some armor or an extra hand."

Ronin entered the debrief room with a cigarette in his mouth, the man had made his way over from the work he'd been carrying out in Tyben. As such, his jumpsuit was in-place and his helmet tucked under the left arm.

"More specifically," he spouted while approaching to the group's core without much care for if anyone but a specific Neko asked him to stop, "I've been busy while playing around with these locals. Making power armor. It's rough, but... it might be what you're in need of. Something tough to keep out the bad stuff? Between keeping an eye out for rape-squids going rogue, I've been trying to work on it alone. Kept me real busy since no one calls..."
Queen's Slave; Radical

Alex was slumped in his seat. He felt like something was trying to burn his innards from the inside out and the pain was leaving him barely capable of speech.
He managed to croak out a question. "Was it worth it?"
Arccos' contribution:

"Keep it in your pants, Koga." Arccos' voice came from two places at once, causing that annoying lag effect from two out of synch receivers of a broadcast. The Codetalker unit which led Arccos' portion of the assault seemed to have been put on guard duty for the captive Lycosidae, once more with its solid faceplate in place; while Arccos' white hooded polysentience avatar was broadcast right alongside Truffleclub's potted mushroom.

"And yes. You did a good, Not-Ronin." The Codetalker's faceplate swiveled towards Alex. Arccos apparently still didn't know his name. "While the Lighthouse unit alone would have given enough leverage to rally support from the Deoradh, we struck clear ice with the Strat-ops mainframe down there."

"Of course, it still needs programming if it's just being used to give commands manually. These things are meant to operate independent of a controller..." The Codetalker's spindly six-fingered hand came to rest on top of Lycosidae's head. "Which does make one curious about its intended use... I can use it to operate drone support for whatever ground team you want to work out. But yes. I will be busy..."
Uso got a good laugh out of Akemi's antics.

"...Play nice you two...." She finally managed to say, a smile still stuck on her face as she tried to address the more serious matters.

"... So we should probably name the ground team. Uso's Special Operations: Ground... Or maybe 'Land Development'... Though I suppose that is best saved for later.

You can even show up with your home brew armor later Ronin, Consider paying attention to team chat and showing up when we do stuff."

Uso turned her attention to Arccos, "So what exactly did we get?"

"... And if no one has any further comments, we can move onto saving the I'ee."
Both of Arccos' presences heaved a little sigh, as the Codetalker moved its hand from Lycosidae, and plucked a communicator from within the white robes it was swathed with. A press of a few commands with the thing's thumb, and it projected two small holograms. One showing a towering construct of servers, the other showing a cradled antennae.

"So... When the Freespacers returned from known space they put down two of those." The Codetalker indicated the lighthouse's peak unit, "These allowed us to coordinate our entire civilization, allowing us to handle navigation and logistics for everyone. Back before these things were bombed to hell, these were what you used when the ice harvest failed and you had to barter to keep everyone from dying of thirst. When rigged properly, they can send or receive anything, from anyone, anywhere within the Kikyo sector. None of the data bouys or networked satellites needed to link a network together like the interNEP or Yamatai's various networks."

The Codetalker moved its finger to the towering construct of servers and network modules.

"Which is swell when you link it to one of these. It's a Strat-Ops mainframe. When Yamatai started the war with us, they killed every living being on Freehold to stop this thing being implemented in force." Arccos' voices had an extra edge of grumble to her voice while she spoke about it, "Freespacers don't like fighting as a rule, and when the Independant Worlds League became a thing, they decided that rather than having a generation of Freespacers be 'tainted by the passions of warfare', that we would instead create..."

A little noise of thought from the Arccoses. As if trying to work it out.

"It's something like the hub for an artificial intelligence, like a... Stable technological singularity. But they were rigged to work like a doomsday device. They could command isolated cells of automated war machines anywhere in the sector. While in a straight up fight with an enemy fleet, the enemy could block out anything we broadcast sooner or later, it was able to use real time strategic data analysis to perfectly coordinate strikes and hit where it wasn't being actively engaged. If you engaged one cell, it would activate another which would hit something important. At peak, there was about a million of these cold cell combat automata floating out there. This thing? It could well possibly activate them if we dig into it..."

Snapping the communicator into the Codetalker's composite palm, the holograms cut off.

"Chances are, most of those cells were destroyed in combat after the League turned Misophist; the second mainframe, on the Misshuvurthyar. And the Astral Locksmiths probably pilfered as much of them as they could, but every single one of those things was hidden well, and no reports on the 'sentience have been made to account for all of them. Even if there's only a handful still floating out there, we did also steal a bunch of tank drones it can use."
Lyco just squirmed under the Arccos-machine's grip, uncomfortable about not being able to swat them away. When they finally did, the motion was replaced by a squirming of motions, failing to pat down the 'tainted area'. After that, it was back to silence, giving Akemi a sour look whilst turning their chest in the other direction.

Listening to the white ghost's analysis, however, did not allow them to stay that way for long.

"Aren't you forgettin' sumthin?" The raspy voice started back up again with a blurt. "The yammies were terrified of AI at the time. Guild of Cyberempathy made damn sure most of those thousands of NU-militants were upgraded to sentience capability rather than getting left in the dust."

"Now, I'm just a type two builder, not some fancy codeweaver... That's why the deathcrawlers are so simple in the head, but..." A look left and right, as if paranoid about giving away her true original goals. "I suspect the reason why I couldn' tap into all of those missing metal hobos is because they all went and got smart in the last eight years. The ones that ain't dead, anyhow."
Seeing Lycosidae squirming about Akemi gently stroked her head to remove the blight and test the feel of her hair. "It's okay little buddy, I wouldn't do anything bad to you." He suddenly began to smile wide. "Unless you wanted me to."
Corgan's avatar stood near the avatars of Truffleclub and Arccos. It was virtually identical to his actual body. That was where the similarities ended. He had a full beard and instead of normal clothes, he wore a horned steel helmet and lamellar armor, which was lined with what looked like fur. His boots appeared to be mostly leather and also lined with fur. A red cloak hung from his back. He held a kite shield in his left hand and a broadaxe in the right.

While Uso and Arccos spoke he practiced swinging the axe. He stopped when they were finished and directed his attention to Ronin. "Hey, Ronin right? Is your armor light and responsive enough that someone could operate a vehicle while wearing it? If it is, I might be interested in buying a hundred of them soon. Think you could get me that many?"

(OOC: @Legix)
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