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RP: 188604 [Star Wasp] 7: The Hate Machine

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zack
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Where you at? I hear you got that spacership ready for space?




That's the wooden one? Not one of the ones ON the ship right?


-im in ur woodie, talkin to mah doodz


ON> Workshop


The distinct sound of rocket-power could be heard in the distance as Uso came in for a landing just outside of the workshop, the CRT organs built into her shoulder blades slowing her fall with an intense blast.

"ARCCOS!" Uso shouted, making her way towards the door, "You ready to go to space yet!?"

The grounds around the workshop had taken a different appearance over the last few months working on the Lament, no longer an irradiated cratar of glass-burnt sand, it was resembling something fully industrial. Huge stacks of scaffolding were piled around the little mid-way workshop, and beyond that even huger piles of what looked like little cannon-ball sized spheres made of dozens of different materials. Some stacks even stretching up two or three times the height of the squat workshop itself.

As Uso shouted, the door opened, a few Junkers tottering out and dashing off towards the now... Mostly patched up Mothership. Closely followed by Arccos who appeared quite decidedly different. Her usual sheriff's gear had been replaced with a tight-fitting black bodysuit reinforced across her body with flexible metallic strips, worn under a long coat trimmed with some sort of local furs. She tapped at her datapad a couple of times without looking to Uso.

"Yeah. Been ready for a couple months now, Actually."

"Well.... why didn't we launch!" Uso said, "We could have been tot he great lighthouse and back by now a dozen times!...... and uh, am I going to need a radiation suit?"

Vier was nearby as well, though instead of making a noisey entrance, she was setting up a power armored suit for Uso, while her Junker drones finished their deliveries to the white Lament.

"I don't know. Are you immune to radiation?" Arccos said, starting the walk towards the zone marked with signs reading 'DANGER, PROXIMITY TO SHIP WILL MELT YOUR FACE OFF'

"Highly tolerant to, but I don't know how much the Lament is putting out." Uso admited.

"Just wear the suit Uso." Vier spoke up, "You have been telling everyone else to anyways. "

"..... fine," Uso would head over to one of the few Impulse power armors the group had left and begin suiting up. "How come you waited this long? If we could have gone sooner we could have gotten more of those ships out of the blue rift expanse?"

"Ship wasn't ready." Arccos said loudly over her shoulder, not really stopping to wait for Uso to don her armor. "I meant more I wanted to leave."

"BAH! You know what I meant!" Uso said, closing the green armor around her body, and then placing the helmet over her head with a soft 'clunk'. "I've got a small fleet of drones ready too.... The people planetside are going to go nuts seeing all this stuff lift off!"

"Vier coming along? I gotta ask her something."

"I will get another suit." Vier replied, having one of her junkers fetch another power armor.

"You two don't talk by spacer-radio all the time?" Uso asked, "I mean, you're both robots right? Or, I guess 'people who prefer the machine-side of things'?... " Uso huffed a bit, "Is Robot even a useful term anymore?... you know what, unimportant. Lets get to the ship!"

It wouldn't take long for one of the Green junkers to drop off a power armor for Vier's more humanoid body... the woman suiting up in short order before approaching the Arrcos and Uso.

"I didn't know she was even compatible with my mindware. It's coming as a surprise to me that she needs the radiation protection right now." the two power armor clad women were led onwards into the blast zone left by the crashed mothership. Each step causing it to loom upwards above them. The whole thing was at least a kilometer long, and studded with individual intertialess systems that would dwarf most of the buildings from this planet alone, the whole thing softly floated with a near inaudible hum that rested in the back of the eardrum like a basso tinnitis. Up ahead a small service hatch lay open, a dangling rope ladder brushing against the sand below...

"Guess I've been kind of busy working on this and all the policing stuff..." Arccos scratched her neck under the rigid metal collar of her new model voidwalker, looking a little sheepish for some reason.

"Though this body is entirely artificial, it is made with mostly human-derived components." Vier said, "I am not filled with self-repairing nanomachines like you are Uso, and my systems are not as fault-tolerant as Spacer's."

"I think we've all been busy," Uso said, "But this is a time for celebration. You've got your first real spacer ship for your spacecaseness." She would take a moment to appreciate that something so massive was just kinda floating there... and that, "This whole rope ladder setup really makes the place feel homey." With a quick rocket assisted jump, Uso would bound up to the service hatch, leaving Vier and Arrcos to follow.

"There was something you wanted to ask?" Vier added, her full attention turned towards Arccos.

Arccos stopped at the foot of the ladder, seemingly not as mobile in this suit compared to her actual power armor. Putting one foot on the bottom rung, Arccos hooked a hand on to higher one, and turned to Vier with a look of grave seriousness.

"It's just something I've been wondering for a while. Personal." She raised a hand, pointing it loosely in Vier's direction. "Are you single?"

Without waiting for an answer, Arccos opened her hand with a snap as though dropping an invisible microphone. Her face splitting into the biggest, dumbest grin anyone had ever seen on her, as Uso would see the junker holding the ladder in the access shaft quickly start retracting it. From Vier's perspective, Arccos just shot straight up into the air. She'd been sitting on that 'brilliant' joke for months now. Perfect delivery. Mission accomplished.

Vier looked upward as the spacer shot into the sky, held by the White Lament... Uso sounding like she was dying from laughter on the group comms.

By the time Arccos was hauled into the service hatch, it looked like she was at about the same proximity to death from laughter as Uso was. The hatch shut behind her automatically with a loud clang, leaving the two in the dark for a second before a reddish light flicked on. Arccos straightened herself up after a few snorting laughs and tapped her hand on the side of the next bulkhead.

"Alright, take us up to stationary orbit." She said aloud, seemingly addressing the ship itself. The whole thing jerking as Arccos suddenly became more grim about the whole ordeal, a little whiff of air sounding from her as though she took a deep breath without lungs.

Outside, on the ground the city once known as Osman saw the gleaming white double-pyramid hull of the lament rise above it, slowly and steadily.. The air rippling over the city as the inertialess drives distorted the ship into a weird darkening rainbow in the process of lifting a ship nearly a kilometer long. Dust and cold air blown up high with it was pushed back down, chilling the city streets. Maybe pleasant in the afternoon sunlight of the desert world. This was cut by the sudden crackle of static as the ship's light sail array burst into being and steadily hauled the ship upwards to vanish into the sky.

The great hulk full of spiders had finally left the people of 188604.

In the opposite direction from the city, was the landed ship Pumpkin Eater, and the long stretch of ground that the I'ee had covered in concrete. This starship landing field had been dotted with Hexagonal ships that began following the white Lament's lead. Their anti-gravity systems would slowly lift them up a few hundred meters above the ground.... no doubt most of the people in the city were focused on the White Lament at the time as they all silently lifted upwards... Then came the loud rumble as the ships used their rockets to accelerate upwards, blinding light and an all-pervasive rumble swept over the city.

Luckily, it seemed that the population was getting used to loud noises and large, terrifying sky-things.

As the rumble of the Lament rising started to cease, Arccos led Uso out from the maintenance access shafts, and into the crew halls. Each movement would turn on another light, and shut off another behind them. Beyond that, the ship seemed deathly silent beyond the odd skittering of the Junkers in the walls. Moving about in their own maintenance tunnels. Everything was blank metal, unpainted, and lit with a dull light giving the whole ship the feeling of being caught in a mausoleum.

"So... Uh... There are places where the radiation should be low enough that you can leave the suit safely. I'll chart us a course to Freehold..."

"You know what. I'm happy with the suit.... it is like you built this ship with the intent of using it in a horror movie." Uso said, occasionally having to pause to get her bearings... even with her innate senses it seemed like the spacer ship resisted traditional concepts like, Up, Down, Aesthetics, and crew safety. "We doing this Freehold mission alone? Or did you want me to bring the troops? I can have Vier spraypaint our combat drones, have them look like spacer-ships in no time."

"There's some crew, they're just not... Set yet." Arccos said, looking down one end of the hallway then the other. To her, the Lament couldn't have looked more different. The whole thing was alight with color and shifting lights that indicated everything from power, to heading, to the flavor of nutrient mix available in the cafeteria. Little notes were scribed virtually on just about everything by the last crew of the ship, and had been retrieved when Arccos had restored the ship from its backups. But now they were mostly meaningless.

"Troops would help once we get to Freehold. The drones getting repainted would also work, but I should be able to do it in transit with the manufacturing unit. It'll be a different matter once we get to Null and Void, though. Anyone not a Freespacer will be pretty obvious without a lot of work, and I've got a... Well, I guess it's a plan."

"Well... our more fleshy friends will need more than a once over with spray-paint to look like a spacer.... What'd you have in mind? Dolling up their power armors?" Uso asked.

"Just tag them with little transmitters to give them a false polysentience signal, and slap them in a voidwalker" Arccos said, "And we're going to sort of do a con job to steal the fleet after causing a fuss with the Freehold wreckage."

"I can do con-jobs... but I thought we just had to ask? What happened to 'we need your help to save the poor defenseless bugs?" Uso asked. "Do we need to make the threat sound worse? Or are we talking about some more complicated con here?"

"Not so complicated, just more grandiose." Arccos' voice echoed down the corridors as she led Uso out to an open arcade with small vaulted areas that looked like living quarters for a crew. All of them were empty. "If possible, we want to get a crew and some others to come and help with all this, so you need to appeal the spacer way. Cause a fuss, do it in style, that sort of thing."

"I thought the spacer way was to not have a way and just do it your own way.... which... I guess is how I'd do it anyways." Uso tapped her head with her hand, "So hide the cat ears, pretend to be some poor Nepleslian woman, and make grand pomises about how we're going to save lives?"

"Well, you're weirdly spacer for a Nekovalkyrja. In some ways." Arccos shrugged, finally making way through the recreational arcade to where what looked to be another Freespacer was sitting. It wore a suit similar to the one Arccos wore, and white robes. Not far away sat two of the inert automata of roughly the same make as Truffleclub, one half-painted similarly white.

"I want to try and I guess trick people into thinking I'm something much bigger than I am." Arccos explained, "This is a lost mothership of the Exiles, who no one wanted to leave. We're returning to re-establish the Polysentience link lost at Freehold. Then we're rocking in to the great graveyard to bring back the very oldest things the Freespacers hold sacred... Essentially from there I want to make a big enough splash that we can get people to not think twice when we appeal to the Misanthrist. That would essentially give me control of a pretty big chunk of the automata assets of the former IWL."

"You should have lead with that..." Uso said, turning on her all hands comm channel. "Hey, Everyone who's got a ship... except for the Icepick I guess... Icepick stays, everyone else I need you to come with the white Lament. Destination co-ordinates will follow."

She'd then turn her attention back to Arccos,

"We'll have the ships painted up, that gives you 8 combat drones, 4 freighters, a Nepleslian-looking cruiser, one large freighter, and assorted small craft. Is that going to be enough or do we need to scrape together some more ships? There's a few hundred missile drones we could launch that'll look like small ships and hm.... I could Buy a few more small freighters off the Internep. Have them show up on the way there."

"Really, as long as the lament turns up, we shouldn't have a problem. We just need the support stuff to haul out the mothballed 'spacer ships, and maybe a few to watch our back in case shit goes disastrously wrong... The real danger doesn't start until we get the Misanthrist involved." Arccos said, looking over at Uso. Wrenching her eyes away from the assorted automata units around her. "If things go smoothly, I'll have the Free State's greatest Misshu killing engine on side, and you'll get to call yourself savior of the I'ee."

"Right, I should have asked what the Misanthrist was the first time around....." Uso said, letting her voice trail off a bit.

"IWL Strategic Operations Mainframe. Commanded at least one million Militant series automata." Arccos informed. "Free State didn't want to get 'poisoned by the passions of warfare', and decided to make a machine for the pure purpose of manifesting hatred as violence. Was intended for Yamatai, but got turned on the Misshu after the Great Lighthouse went down. Still exists out in the Blue Rift, and has probably been boiling away for years now with nothing to do."

"Is this one of those things where we're reasonably sure giving it something to kill will satisfy it? Or is this one of those things where we're probably going to have to fight the homocidal super-computer?" Uso asked. "... Not that I mind! I just want to know before going in."

"Its connections are tied to a very specific kind of Polysentience connection. We'll have a manual killswitch for it the whole time, as long as we're outside of Free State space; the Lament will be generating the connection medium." Arccos said, patting Uso on the pauldron reassuringly, "Besides, I thought you were a risk taker? Don't tell me you're afraid of the Deoradh InterNEP hate machine."

"I'm a huge fan of taking risks,... When I know what the risks are,... and when I know I'm going to win anyways.... I like cheating to win at games of chance." Uso replied, "I'm going to need more of my own killer robots sooner rather than later.... but I suppose that's my problem and not yours."[/quote][/quote]
The north-east part of the Nepleslian colonial expanse

The bright flashes of Starships winking into existence as they exited FTL briefly overpowered the rest of the starlight this deep out into space. The flat grey hexagonal combat drones that had lifted off from Osman City had been repainted a bright array of pinks and purples, followed shortly by the Queen's slave and the other transports under Uso's command.


This is Vier, please check in.


This is Uso, Remember to fly like a spacer... don't bunch up... fly casual.
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Center Fleet: White Lament.

At the center of the Usotzan fleet flew the dual-pyramid styled hulk of the White Lament, risen from the grave so to speak. The resurrected former shipwreck lazily drifted at an odd angle to catch as much sunlight as possible in its scintillating light-shield engines. Inside, the shockingly small crew looked out from the torn and patched observation dome to watch the stars that were once free drift by.

White Lament, Nuclear Power System

Largegear Cloudy Truffleclub glided silently about the halls, requiring nary a push to navigate despite the confined spaces. Many corridors were barely big enough for them to float through head-first. Still, it was a typically spacer design ethic to put the gravity plating on the person instead of on the floor. Most of the substructure had little of the way in that sort of thing even before the crash.

Arccos had not asked them to come on board. All of the newly hot-wired junkers and the basic ghost of a syntelligence system had brought the ship back up to scratch just fine, but on the eve of their return to space, Truffleclub couldn't help but feel that resurgence of old distrust rear it's head once more. The codebreaker was so much smarter than the automata, so much more productive, but even they had not seen the vessel at it's most accursed. Even if Arccos had been busy with this Uso-cat-leader-person lately, the notion of letting the ship eat them, just like it had all the others... That was something which Truffleclub intended to guard against at all costs.

The power system was looking fine. Just the faint hue of green and silver, as apposed to the old abyss of ghostly debased blue isotopes.

Soon enough, they floated through the multiple levels of the organic habitation system, and up through into the sparse garden domes on the top of the ship. Much new flesh here now. The machine knelt before the empty shells of their siblings first and foremost, offering their machine-prayers one and sixteen to the bodies of Largegear Honey Fungus and Largegear Splendid Waxcap.

"...Am... Am I also to receive this transmission kit?..." The thing spoke to Arccos whilst still cross-legged on the floor, voice prevailingly morose. "...This 'chatter package'?... I here. I cannot transmit. Do not want to let friend down."
You're Perfect the way You are, Truffleclub:

"The chatter package is for those who aren't actually part of the Free State." Arccos said levelly to Truffleclub, wrenching her eyes away from whatever she was looking at in an AR overlay. Ghosts, probably. Little clanks of her boots on the hull floors of the Lament, Arccos moved and sat down beside Truffleclub, likewise cross-legged. She just slumped sideways against the Automata, nestling her head against Truffleclub's chassis.

Truffleclub couldn't transmit. The only Freespacer she'd been able to talk to for months, and she couldn't fully talk with him...

"They're helping us fix the things that got broken in the bad times, but I don't know how people will react to using mercenaries to do it... So I'm making them see a bit of what it's like to be like us."
The Pumpkin Eater

With Smithee, Olena, and Akemi all in the crew lounge enjoying themselves together while Rubi and Ronin did the same together in the passenger lounge, Aashi peeled herself away from them to attend to someone outside of the ship trying to get in.

Aashi opened the hatch for Ace, saying, "Hey there, haven't gotten to formally introduce myself and Uso said you'd be running along to help out the cause today." She pushed forward a brown hand with teal blue lines running through it, saying, "So, hello, I'm Aashi Nath of USO."

Ace nodded. "Ace Ragnarok PMC. Pleasure to meet you." Ace had been wanting to meet with Aashi since Aries told him about her at the beach. "So what is going on? How are we going to do this?"

"We're going to pick up some junk," she said. "It should be a bout of fun if we play our cards, right. Come on in," Aashi added, getting out of the hatchway and moving down the hallway, hoping Ace would be hot on her heels. "We'll need to pretend to be Spacer Messiah or something close to, so we're going to have to play our parts well if we want to get enough killbots to defeat the Mishhu for these space bugs. My familiar here," she said, petting the slick skin of the manta ray-like creature in the air next to her, "wants to eat them for breakfast, though. Don't you," she said, petting under its wide mouth. The Matai Skyfish flew past her as the double doors to the bridge opened and Aashi took the pilot's seat. "You can sit to the seat on my right," she told him.

Ace followed after Aashi. "Acting isn't my forte, but I should be convinincing enough to get by." Watching as her familiar flew right by her Ace felt slightly uncomfortable. "Does that thing bite?" Ace was happy to sit down in the bridge. "I can take over, if you need me too. I'll just need to hook Aries in."

"It swallowed Ulysses Werner's hand whole the other night," she said with a giggle, "I'd be careful. Let's get Aries locked and loaded, then, I should have no problems doing so."

Ace sat up and reached behind his collar bone and pressed something, and pulled a small chip out. "Where can I insert this?" Ace looked at the bird. "I don't think it'll find me very tasty."

Aashi looked a little concerned for a moment, then, remembering this wasn't like the Devata at all and could take external software like the one Ace had produced, her face regained a neutral expression as she looked towards a slot apparently made for it next to the volemetric display at her fingertips.

"There is fine," she said as she continued to eye the slot.

Ace walked up and set the chip into the slot. "There we go. How is it girl?"

Aries's voiced chimed in throughout the ship. "Quite large and spacious Ace. How long has it been since there was a full crew on here? Productivity for the past few days is low very low."

Ace looked at Aashi. "Can you handle it though, Aries?"

"Who do you think I am, Ace? I'm one of the finest peices of Psychopomp tech of course I can."

"Productivity is about to reach an all-time high," Aashi said as she let Aries turn the thrusters on idle and let the 12 gravitation engines warm.

"Aashi Nath to Uso for USO, we're lifting off, now," she said into the comms for them to hear on the White Lament. "We'll be at the coordinates shortly. Aries, take it away," Aashi then said to the AI. The Pumkpin Eater got off the ground and landing gear thunked into place inside of the hull. Thrusting up, the 12 engines hummed as they pushed the Pumpkin Eater up and away from planet. Thrusters were turned on while dampers were off. Unlike how Aashi piloted the ship, Aries did not override thrusters at maximum and it took more than a few minutes to get them out of atmosphere. Once they were, Aries kept them going through 188604's space hill before they cold hit FTL speeds.

Aashi stayed quiet, not waiting for Ace to speak and not speaking herself while the ship got into the air and past 188604's atmosphere.

Ace decided to talk to Aashi about what was on his mind. "So what is going on between you and Alex?"

"Yo're not one for tact," she said aloud. "He is troubled and I am not. It's a good match to help him better understand what troubles him."

Ace leaned back in the seat. "I'm worried about the kid, too. He reminds me of some of the new cadets for the company. Not much to them. I never get why people get mindwipes to forget their past. It's part of what makes a person. You know?"

"I can't say I disagree, Ace. Aries, what do tou think about a lack of memories and how that makes up a person?" Aashi asked the AI.

"I think that it is up to a person on what they wish to do with themselves, but yes I belive that memerories help to shape a persons personality."

Aashi mused as they jumped out of the hill and into FTL speeds, "That is an important ascertation on your part, Aries. I see why you would say that. Do you think people have reason to want to wipe their memories?"

"Possible due to a traumatic experience in their past, such as the loss of their family or years of endless torture, would be high on the list." Aries said as she shuffled through the different systems.

After checking in with Vier, Aashi said, "What would torturing an AI be like? Not that I plan to do it, Aries, but what would one have to do to actually torture one of you?"

Aries appeared in the bridge. "One of the possibilities would be to put the AI into a low power mode, that way it would not know how much time has passed or what is going on around it, only what its programming told it."

"I can only imagine the type of pain that would cause," Aashi said, thinking back to her years spent locked in a cell, no clear passage of time set. "Has your current owner done any such thing?" she asked bemusedly.

Ace sat up in the chair. "I've only done it once during a mission when we were left stranded on a station and it was either using up the power in my suit and leaving me to the vaccum or putting her into low power mode. You can see why. It was only for a few hours until I was finally able to find a power cell to last me."

"So..." Aashi said. "When I asked for examples of torture, she immediately thought of what you had done to her in the past. Interesting, to say the least." She thought back to what Arccos had told her about Ace, how he had committed atrocities in tthe storming of the palace and held back telling him his repuation didn't precede him. "You're quite capable when it comes to that, aren't you?"

"I don't try to be. I kind of know it best since I've experienced a lot of it first hand. Also it wasn't torture. She agreed to it as a necessity of the mission."

Aries chimed in. "Yes I'd rather my operator alive then be decomisioned since I was tailor made for him specifically."

"I wan't chastising, just looking to secure my understanding of your abilities, Ace. Which I will say, I have. Where were you designed for Ace? At this Psychopomp organization you mentioned?" Aashi said.

"Correct." Aries said.

"What went into planning you? I don't know about Nepleslian technology as well as I know about my own people's tech," Aashi said.

"I as planned to help keep Ace's 'outbursts' in check as well as manage his prototype equipment much of which is still locked until further notice. Past that Ace has removed some 'uneccesary programming so that I'm not locked in the system anymore."

"Are you good with programming, Ace?" Aashi asked.

"I dabble here and there. Though I'm not the best at it I can usually get a job done." Ace looked around as if he could see something that Aashi couldn't and was following it.

"What is it?" Aashi asked.

"Hmm? What is what?"

"What were you just looking at?"

"Oh! Uh. It was nothing." Ace smiled before his eyes darted to his right."

"Okay..." Aashi said, taking over the controls from Aries as she did.

Finished Ace turned off his HUD satisfied with the what he had found. "I was just scanning the condition of the ship is all. I have a HUD installed in my brain that feeds me info on what I see." Ace sat back down.

"And what did you find?" Aashi asked.

"All I found as tech that mostly isn't in the database so I had Aries update it. I can fix small damages now. Given time I can fix more serious damage."

"How do you fix said damages?" Aashi asked.

"Handiwork. Rewiring pretty much is all I can do without tools."

"Oh, good to hear," Aashi said as she approached the console with her fingertips. "Almost there. Let me turn on this chatter package Arccos sent out."

"Great to hear." Ace said before Aries blipped out, and Ace grabbed the chip and reinserted it into his neck.

...Meanwhile, in the Cargo Bay...

Sitting on the floor of the spacious cargo bay, Alex was experimenting with his newfound connection to machines. It was strange, the way it worked. Like flexing a muscle that you never knew you had, or just moving your limbs. You didn't think about it, It just happened.

Looking up, he saw the massive humanoid robot move its wrist, almost without prompting. With another subconsious thought, the mecha brought up its right arm, and its newly installed guns popped open. Alex practiced opening and closing them for a few minutes.

Walking forward, Alex had the mecha hold out a hand which he stepped onto.

Aashi intercommed in to the cargo bay and said to Alex, "Suit up, son, we'll be getting orders shortly. I want you to do some standard piloting drills in your mecha before you start using it, then grab onto the ship's exterior. Remember, your mind and body are made for this sort of thing!"

Hopping from the hand into the cockpit, Alex reached out and told the combat systems of his craft to activate. He was rewarded with lights coming online all through his cockpit. Launching out of the bay, Alex fired his thrusters and did a couple of loops before latching on to the hull of the Pumpkin Eater. The rest of the fleet dwarfed him, but he knew that for what he lacked in size, he more than made up for in agility.

...On the Bridge...
"This is The Pumpkin Eater, checking in, again," Aashi said over comms to the rest of the fleet.
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Garden Domes Of Lamentation

"You are... sharing dreams..." Just a spark of understanding, but perhaps the part that counted. The eyes on the side of Truffleclub's head removed the need to look down on the smaller machine-woman at their side, but they still felt the need to place a large two-thumbed hand carefully upon Arccos' back. "If they dream like us, then... Maybe they will like what we like..."

An electronic shrug. Looking at the empty armor frames before them was a bleak reminder of just how few friends they had. But at least those that had become their acquaintances recently had proven states really were just a glorified line in the sand. Even the nekovalkyrja, surprisingly, seemed to be actual people.

"Cloudy not part of the great vision because it... i-it was decided my mind could... should not be changed..." Fingers tensed just a little. Questioning the wisdom of one's creators was difficult. More than a little necessary given the miles of empty halls about them. Their head spun just slightly after a pace, regarding their neko overlord with a mildly bellicose tone. "But, these people, if they change their minds too, then... I think this is fair..."

"Just... Just do not think Arccos is been fooling..."

The robot was both tense and languid. This could be both the start and end of a lot of varied things.
The Pumpkin Eater

Not wanting to be seen as a lesser member or partner of Uso's organization Akemi figured he better come along. Even if no one necessarily would say, imply or think he was he still didn't want to take any chances. He also wanted to improve his standing, not merely maintain it. He didn't have the opportunity to develop it by helping conquer what they now called home after all. Besides enhancing his general image with his participation he wanted to earn some points with Arccos after their far from ideal meeting. He had Sammy to potentially make actually talking to her without being shot on sight more likely but he still needed to increase his chances of being seriously listened and spoken to as well if he wanted to eventually be considered a friend.

Part of him worried about coming given he was a Neko as his presence might end up being more trouble than it was worth but then again Uso was going with her. Another thing that concerned him was whether his coming was likely to make any positive, noticeable difference. He wasn't bringing a mecha or ship of his own after all. Maybe he'd accomplish more remaining on the planet. Time spent on this trip was time he could use to learn more about it and make possible native partners. Thankfully the two he'd just recently acquired decided to come along out of interest. At least this was an opportunity to bond with those he'd already gained. Plus they were probably going to be fun to have along. Hopefully they'd make some good memories individually and together. What Akemi thought about more was that they might die given that they were only ordinary humans and they'd never left the planet as far as he knew. One was a knight and the other a champion of fist and blade but how would they fair if attacked by robots and people with technology they'd never seen before? Making sure Smithee and Olena survived and he didn't botch things for Arccos were the things that dominated his mind. At least until he had some witty banter to engage in.

Akemi greatly wanted to be on the same ship as Arccos so he could be with her and let his pals see the interior of the fanciest vessel but since the Spacer wouldn't allow him aboard he settled with Pumpkin Eater as it was owned by Aashi who he was on good terms with after coming to an agreement to develop things together and helping her safely get revenge for an assault on her friend Werner.

"Now I want you guys to do your best above all else to make sure you survive," Akemi said to his native buddies with a solemn look and tone after leisurely making their way from the lounge to the bridge and entering it, each of his hands clasping one of theirs and holding them at chest level. "I may be your little starman but you're my little planet people. I know that term needs work but what I mean is I love you guys or, since it's too soon to respectfully say that, I love people like you and I'd hate to lose you when we've only just met."

He then turned to call to Aashi. "Here they are, my new best buds, Smithee and Olena, a wonderful pair that can introduce themselves far better than I can."
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Pumpkin Eater

Ace spun around in his chair upon hearing Akemi. Ace was surprised by the locals who were on board, he stood up and walked over to the group, and held his hand out for a handshake. "New faces, cool. I'm Ace who are you three? I don't think we've met before."

Ace turned to Aashi. "I heard you talking to Alex, Aashi. Can you tell me anything about him since you've spent the most time with him?"
The Pumpkin Eater

Aashi nodded tersely to Ace, then said, "When you speak behind a person's back, you're likely to get stabbed in your own."

To the ménage à trois entering, she extended a greeting as she stood and bent down to give Akemi a gentle hug, then said, "I'm sure they will do a fabulous job of doing so, too! Tell me, Smithee and Olena, how can I accommodate you for this mission?"
Pumpkin Eater
Ace was confused with what Aashi said. "I would speak to the kid myself, but it seems that he is on the outside of the ship at the moment."
The Pumpkin Eater

The much smaller and feminine looking man took the hand and shook it gently. "I'm Koga Akemi. I run a bar, brothel and restaurant business that I'm setting up here. I'm looking to get into farming too." Afterwards he accepted the hug with a little, gentle squeeze. He was a bit surprised he'd be getting one as a greeting so soon. He realized it might have meant a lot to her that he helped her out but he didn't think much of it himself. Maybe she was a pretty physically expressive person. Whatever the case the Neko was very happy to receive the embrace.
White Lament

Corgan was having difficulty being still, mostly because he was afraid that the ship was going to fall apart around him. He was confident in the repairs Arccos and Truffleclub oversaw but something about the ship's design was unnerving. Maybe it was the half-finished look a Spacer ship had. It was as if they completed the ship but never got around to covering up all the guts of the ship. "Do all your people's ships look like this on the inside, Arccos? Everything being all exposed like this is making me nervous." He said as he paced the floor of the arcade, the sound of his armored feet echoing through the halls.

"I should have brought some sedatives with me. You have anything on this ship that might calm me down, or will everything on this thing kill me?" Corgan asked hopefully. "Uso, what about you? I need something, I'm freaking out over here. Worried those death robots are going to see right through us. If they do it's game over, ma'am. No respawns." An idea was slowly forming in the back of his head. "That's it! Let's play a game. I need to shoot some computer-generated monsters."
(Ig)noble guests of yon Devourer of the Kin of Pump:

As far as Sir Smithee and Olena were concerned, even the most humble of space ships was practically voodoo. Just watching take off seemed to send Olena into a fit of laughter somewhere between girlish excitement and sheer terror. Something which Smithee just brought her into a half hug to address. Watching the hellish world which had been all they'd known stretch away to a tiny dot in the distance was what eventually silenced the both of them. A long moment where they both just stared out a viewport in the ship, and just... Admired the eerily silent majesty of space maybe highlighted just how much the 'starmen' took all this for granted.

Eventually, they got back their constitutions for it all and started to look around the ship proper.

On being told by Akemi how worried he was about them, Smithee's expression softened into a little smile from his usual highly composed look. Olena's mouth split into a big stupid grin, though her long hair hid the rest of her face.

"Don't worry, my dear. We'll be careful." Smithee spoke for the both of them, maybe out of habit. The two heading up to the cockpit.

On Ace introducing himself, Smithee gave a rather languid bow, pulling his cap off with a little flourish. Contrary to his usual business attire, he'd actually gotten into his expedition attire. Loose fitting cavalry trousers, and tall boots. A loose fitting white shirt, and a rather utilitarian riding coat. His long silky hair pulled back into a ponytail and pinned in place by a bone clip. He looked like something off the cover of a romance novel, duelling rapier at his hip. Like some swashbuckler out to swoop someone off their feet.

"Sir Tabernacle Smithee, Former Knight of the Osmani court and humble collaborator with Akemi here. A pleasure to meet new faces from far flung places." He stood up from the bow, neatly tucking his hat back on. "And this is my boon companion Olena Sands, Boxing Champion of the Ragna-city ring, and title holder of the Women's Saber."

He indicated Olena. The rough and tumble little woman already messing around with all the neat alien stuff. Long shaggy black hair tucked under a voidwalker helmet perched at a jaunty angle atop her head. The whole suit was worn unzipped down to the waist, showing a narrow sliver of her rough-spun camisole and corsetry combo that was so common to the natives. By the looks of her she was having the time of her life.

As Aashi offered them some hospitality, Smithee checked with Olena. Just a little glance to which she shook her head, causing the helmet to fall down over her face with a little 'whomp'.

"While I appreciate the offer of hospitality, right now we are both quite content to simply be here." Smithee said, "Seems we have the dubious honor of being among the first from this planet into the stars in many generations."

Lamenting Freespacer Engineering:

Arccos moved her hand to put it on Truffleclub's huge manipulator. Giving it a little squeeze, whether or not they could feel it.

"Well, we're trying new things and they might work." Arccos said, clearly thinking on something. Trying to puzzle it all out. "It's easy to keep old things, but the old things never worked. Change is hard, and can even hurt, but if we don't move forward nothing will get better... If you want, we can do something to let you be part of the dreaming if you want, too. That way you can change any way you want."

As Corgan approached, Arccos shifted the way she sat, moving to adjust her lean on the big Largegear. Moving Truffleclub's hand down as she twisted around, so it rested somewhere around her midsection and she could look over it to address her guests on the Lament.

"If everything was covered up, it'd be hard to get to where the faults are if something goes wrong. Think of it like... Everything's there so that problems that come up can be fixed in record time." She explained. "And this is recently refurbished. So it's all a lot cleaner than a normal Freespacer ship. Usually everything's a bit more colorful and active. You should have seen the ship I grew up on, it was a mess compared to this... Feel free to use the arcade cabinets, though. I think they got fixed up. Don't get too comfortable, though. We should be at Freehold soon enough."
Pumpkin Eater
Ace nodded to Akemi. "So far I like you for a neko, though Uso set that bar fairly low."

Ace performed a quick salute to Smithee in response to his bow. "Looking forward to working with you."
Ace chuckled at Olena's helmet falling over her face. "So your a boxer huh? Maybe we could spar sometime, might even teach you my fighting style."
The Pumpkin Eater

"Well I'll have to thank her for that as judging by the look of you I'd imagine it starts out quite high. What'd she do if you don't mind me asking?" The Neko looked over at Olena and smiled seeing her act like a kid in a candy store. He loved her grin. What a beautiful person inside and out. He'd definitely need to get her and Smithee lots of gadgets space people took for granted. One obvious device would be a car. The man worried it might be stolen though given its conspicuousness. The idea made him wonder how much he'd give them to start. He didn't want to withhold things but he wanted to ensure they were well appreciated. He definitely needed to get them a drug to stop their aging and increase their natural ability to heal a bit. He was even tempted to give them brand new bodies but he'd prefer to use procedures to strengthen the vessels they already had to the levels of those who had theirs entirely artificially made. Kaserine was another obvious drug he'd have to introduce them to if only so they could have more fun with each other and really blow their minds in a way that appealed to the basest desires inexpensively and was unlikely to be forgotten quickly. Besides those candies Akemi figured he'd need to introduce them to the endless variety of ordinary, easily mass produced ones from beyond their world.

"Olena taught me a thing or two of hers and I must say it was quite exhilarating," Akemi quickly began when sparring was mentioned, "though I do believe she may find herself ill suited to the blinding radiance of the art of a starman like yourself given her humble, commoner birth and terrestrial origin." He certainly didn't want to risk his brave but far more fragile buddy butting heads with someone he'd never met before whose physical abilities might equal or exceed his own. She and Smithee were like his little children even if they were much older. The fact that they could visibly age much faster than him only made them feel even more as such. Without his intervention they had to fear something as trivial to him as time.
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Lamenting Over Electronic Colossus

"Looking like insides is only right." Truffleclub regarded Corgan with a curious glance, through perhaps still hunched in a position that was a little over-protective of the white-haired codebreaker. They were sitting side-long with a formidable hand upon each side of Arccos' torso now, not unlike holding up a little bird. "...Lament once had a mind, Cor-gun... Lament was once someone's insides... Understanding? This form true, is."

The mechanical whir and clunk of physical hard drives reflected a heavy deliberation going on inside the giant's head. To others, stealing this old computer core was probably more like jury-rigging an old ship with a new OS. Knowing what the old syntelligence system was like, and thinking about just how powerful the great artifact they were after was... To Truffleclub, it felt more like awakening some baleful titan. They didn't quite know what effect it would have on all of them.

"You should get the dreams also. There are many games in the dreams, hear..." They were still talking to the nepleslian, but their head was bowing back inwards timidly. Perhaps wondering if mindware would have the same effect on a free capitalist as it would on a humble automata. "Being hacked scary idea. But strength is in numbers. Numbers is processing power. This why junkers so hard for Ar-cus to fix. This why freespacers are strong."

"Clow-dee brains and your brains and cow folk on dust planet... We can help another in dream. This Clow-dee would like."

The automata had passed the arcade on the way up, and thought about how to sweeten the deal with the man. Enemy Forever was a survival shmup where the singular enemy just kept getting stronger... Maybe a bit stressful considering what they were up against. They did have Neko Busters II through, a classic run and gun. Maybe a nepleslian would appreciate that kind of thing.
Pumpkin Eater

At Akemi's question Ace burst out laughing. "What did she do? Ha Ha that is hilarious, seriously it is. You're friends should know this, I'm surprised they didn't tell you. Uso came into power by force by slaughtering a lot of people. I was tricked saying to just rough them up a bit and scare them so that she could talk with them. So much for that she said work for me, or I'll shoot you to all the people we captured." A large frown formed on Ace's face. "I rebelled a bit and it landed me in jail."

Ace returned to his previous attitude. "Anyways on a different note. I'm able to restrict my power quite easily, so I'm positive I won't hurt her more than what she usually gets. Another thing is that we don't even have to spar, I'm perfectly fine with just teaching my fighting style. We might run into trouble out there, and do you think that between Aashi, yourself, and I will be enough to protect these two if they get past Alex and his mecha and make it on board?"
The Pumpkin Eater

"Well no one told me how the whole war went down in great detail," Akemi admitted. "I only got here very recently. Feel free to share as much as you like about it, any of you that is." The Neko briefly looked around the room at everyone for emphasis. "I'm interested in all perspectives. As for preparing them in case they have to fight, whatever we do I think we definitely ought to get them some guns of ours and teach them how to operate them first. I bet they'd both enjoy that." He'd love to see Olena stare down the sights of a plasma rifle.
The Pumpkin Eater

Ace stared hard at Akemi in what could only be confusion. "You want to give high tech weaponry to people who've been using muskets and canons? Are you crazy I can think of so many ways that they could get hurt or killed if they get something wrong about it. I'll teach them how to shoot solid rounds but thats it. No flamethrowers, plasma weapons, grenades, or heavy weapons. Only small arms."

Ace turned to Aashi. "Do you have an armory on here or are we without weapons. I don't have my own since they were confiscated when I was locked up and never returned."
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