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Starship reactor detonation radius?


Insane Story Writer Foxy
Inactive Member
This might be wierd of me to ask, but whenever I've watched a sci-fi show I've always wondered why large ships with large reactors don't have a large explosive radius.

The only show that I've seen where this isn't true, for the most part, is Star Trek.

However, within SARP, does the radius of a ships reactor exploding along with the ship depend on the size of the ship? Also, what kind of damage was an exploding reactor (along with the FTL) cause to surrounding spaces?
Likely depends on ship size, what type of reactor (Fission, Fusion, Plasma, Anti-Matter, Zero-Point, Aether) and if it was in the ship at the time or ejected like a Warp Core Dump. Since the radius would be influenced by munitions on board the ship if detonated while still lodged in the vessel.
Freespace has fusion reactor cascade failures, that resulted in massive explosions.

The explosion itself wasn't a palpable compression wave that could do damage but the accelerated contents of the reactor were very potent and utterly raped shields despite doing minimal hull damage because the plasma was charged.

In addition, the shrapnel could do massive catastrophic damage, since the ship broke up into huge chunks you had to lean and boost to evade after destroying cap-ships and microshrapnel that could fracture your hull - causing critical damage to systems or making you more vulnerable to oncoming fire.

This is why ships have [BLAST] indicators and why bombers are fortified with microshrapnel absorbant gel on their exteriors that's scrubbed off every mission that doubles as ablative armour for the plasma.

In addition, there was also the [WASH] indicator: Getting behind a ship using a subspace based engine system (which was how they explained them moving like WWII with cornering instead of 3D motion) also absoloutely shredded shields so often attacking cap-ships inside their firing solution envelope from behind where they were lightly armed wasn't usually a viable solution -- and attacking from infront could be catastrophic if they performed a jump (you'd be crushed) so you had to match speed, flank between creases in the ship then pull out, hit reverse and dump cyclops warheads on twin fire to do meaningful damage against super-caps.

So with these things in mind...

However, within SARP, does the radius of a ships reactor exploding along with the ship depend on the size of the ship? Also, what kind of damage was an exploding reactor (along with the FTL) cause to surrounding spaces?

I think it isn't just the reactor scale but its rated output and operational mode. For example, I always thought if an aetheric generator were linked to a large weapon, containment failure would vaporize the interior of the generator if severely damaged and the massive thermal expansion would vaporize compartments of the ship into moltern plasma and blow its husk away in dangerous chunks.

But remember, a shockwave classically needs a medium to propagate through, just like sound does.

The primary effect of nuclear weapons is the blast wave. No medium, no blast-wave.

That said... I can see big generators causing distortions in the shape of space that would really mess with gear using gravitational control - ripping gravitationally based equipment off the body, warping it and crushing fields.

If you let a wave pass around you, its usually harmless. If you put up resistance, you provide a medium for it to propegate through.

To this end, I think something like a graviton bomb would overwhelm gear typically "unaffected" because they're like a wall or sinkhole, pushing it around the craft.

I can see them being crushed by those fields because of those gravitational shockwaves in space.

Rambling. Sorry. Nevermind. Postulation.
That depends. In Atmosphere or in space? In space, there is no air. An Explosion is caused by something expanding faster than the "container" can suppress it. Science has stated that Nukes would be Fashes of light in space because there is no air to push out of the way, and thus nothing is "moving". That is the shockwave. The Explosion pushing air away from the detsite, because air is the container. Nukes are actually really lack luster in explosion size in space, however they would be really bright!