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Starship Speed Standards Update


Banned Member
  • Submission Type: Article Update
  • Submission URL: Linky
  • Original Article URL: Linky
  • Faction: N/A
  • FM Approved Yet: No, @Wes
  • Faction requires art? Nope.
  • Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? Nope.
  • Contains Links to Unapproved Articles? Nope.
  • Contains New Art? Nope.
  • Previously Submitted? No, though I could've sworn I did submit something similar at some point...
  • Changelog: Linky
A minor update that fixes a few typos, updates the formatting, and includes what @Wes said here regarding STL boosters and doublers.
I think the NTSE is a weird place for guide: articles. From what I understand, all you need is setting manager approval from @Wes for these types. He should probably say exactly how guide: articles should be submitted/added to the wiki.
Wes will determine that.

Can you give us a summary of the change? Looks mostly like math and the end explanation?
@Doshii Jun Here's a complete section-by-section listing of the changes I made.
No, not yet.

Moved to setting discussion because it's not a IC setting submission.
I've added the following note to the Hyperspace Fold Drives section...

The note said:
NOTE: Missile-based weapon systems such as missiles, rockets, and torpedoes are no longer required to have a listed STL velocity as of August 1st, 2017.

...in order to reflect what Wes said here.

Also, does anyone have any constructive suggestions they'd like to make - and would you mind officially reviewing this on August 31st, @Wes?
This will not be reviewed until at least September 5th due to Dragon Con.
I'd say the biggest, and most relevant changes would be the bold notes at the bottom. Most of them are just that, notes, but the part stipulating that missiles, torpedoes and the like shouldn't have STL speeds listed anymore is the newest change.
This remains a discussion. It is not a submission, right?

There's no need to bump it, Jaegerman. People viewed it. They didn't have much to say.
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