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State of virtual reality tech?


Inactive Member
I'm thinking of adapting a concept I have into the SARP, but first I need information on virtual reality technologies that already exist in the RP.

I should hope you don't have holodecks - if you did, would anyone actually work? ^_~

(with apologies to Scott Adams)
Sorry, but we do happen to have rec rooms. They basically can do the same thing.

Wes said:
Traditionally, a recreation room would have thing like video games, books, and/or excercise equipment depending on the ship (Neko ships tend to have more mental recreation, while humans need to stay in shape). The Nozomi also used the recreation rooms to house virtual reality systems that would allow crewmembers to enter a virtual world of their choosing. Another option would be to make the receation room use a nodal system to function as a sort of "holodeck."
Sorry, but we do happen to have rec rooms. They basically can do the same thing.

Wes said:
Traditionally, a recreation room would have thing like video games, books, and/or excercise equipment depending on the ship (Neko ships tend to have more mental recreation, while humans need to stay in shape). The Nozomi also used the recreation rooms to house virtual reality systems that would allow crewmembers to enter a virtual world of their choosing. Another option would be to make the receation room use a nodal system to function as a sort of "holodeck."
Given that PANTHEON is everywhere and that the nodal system can easily project holograms (as long as atmospheric conditions are decent), I'd say the Yamataians have a very easy access to holography... though holograms wouldn't typically be solid - that'd only be available in rec rooms.

Now, would rec rooms or something similar be openly available in yamataian society? I don't see why not.
That actually should be something that should be discussed. If not whether it exists or not, then the cultural ramifications and any limits that should be placed on it.

For humorous commentary, here's Scott Adams (quoted from his book 'The Dilbert Future', and a section about how the future will not be like Star Trek):

Scott Adams said:
For those of you who only watched the 'old' Star Trek, the holodeck can create simulated worlds that look and feel just like the real thing. The characters on Star Trek use the holodeck for recreation during breaks from work. This is somewhat unrealistic. If I had a holodeck, I'd lose the door and never come out until I died of exhaustion. It would be hard to convince me I should be anywhere but in the holodeck, getting my oil massage from Cindy Crawford and her simulated twin sister.

Holodecks would be very addicting. If there weren't enough holodecks to go around, I'd get the names of all the people who had reservations ahead of me and beam them into concrete walls. I'd feel tense about it, but that's exactly why I'd need a massage.

I'm afraid the holodeck will be society's last invention.
Yamatai essentially is a society that's based upon unlimitted resources. It has the power to provide nearly anything to it's favored citizens... but it doesn't mean it should.

Yamataian citizens gain access to the PANTHEON in a measure equal to their contribution to their society. The more they provide, the greater access the PANTHEON gives to it's features. The same go with KS, which is essentially a way the government has to permit citizens to have the right expend resources.

While the need for actual labor is disminished, to attain a better quality of life, the common yamataian citizen is encouraged to better his lot by contributing to improve his society. This explains how a citizen earns rights to the PANTHEON/nodal system, how he periodically recieves KS - this can, by relation, extend to familly units as well.

An other important mention might be that regardless of social strata (as defined by the standing of the parents), all citizens have access to education - the truly motivated have the opportunity to rise and gain recognition. Those whom stagnate eventually prove that the resources given to them are perhaps mispent as a reward and might see their standing decrease gradually.

The message behind yamataian society is that it's okay to indulge yourself in flights of fancy... but you really ought to work to make your real life better instead. Yamataian citizens supposedly don't go below the soil of poverty, but you have to earn a better quality of life if you wantr one, (though what the Black Spiral Organisation and Hanako say about this actually contradicts this - I'm hoping Wes will it clear up because there have been a few contradictory mentions over this)
Okay, I get the point. So much for my idea. *shrug*

Though, I do seem to like the idea - a minimum quality of life with better available for those who strive for it.

However, that does open up another can of worms, so to speak: what happens to those who fall through the cracks?

But that's a discussion for another time.
Arguably, no one falls through the cracks. That's Nepleslia.

Wes or Yangfan can edit me here if necessary, but when SARP was formed in its current state, Nepleslia was cast as Yamatai's antithesis -- a planet wrought with corrupt officials, poor people, environmentally unfriendly, and capitalistic to its very metallic core. Personally, I always viewed Nepleslia as the Coruscant of the SARP, with some Coronet City thrown in for good measure.

Yamatai is the reverse, at least on the surface. The only evidence of "poor folk" are the citizens of northern villages and towns such as Ralt, which removed itself from a highly technologized society and retained a roughly agricultural governance. The rest of the planet, or what is mentioned of it outside the capital city of Kyoto, suggests it is a multi-veiled paradise. Think Alderaan without the wimpy exterior.

Yamatai's society, for lack of a better term, seems a mix of socialism and theoretical (pure) communism -- the individual is less important than the whole, but each person's needs are met according to their contributions to the whole. A longshorewoman in Port Xenn is taken care of to some extent, but probably isn't very well off. The focus on the state -- and especially the military -- reinforces the idea of pure communism.

So far, Ralt is the exception, which seems to have a strong New England-style democratic bent.
Doshii Jun said:
Arguably, no one falls through the cracks. That's Nepleslia.

Wes or Yangfan can edit me here if necessary, but when SARP was formed in its current state, Nepleslia was cast as Yamatai's antithesis -- a planet wrought with corrupt officials, poor people, environmentally unfriendly, and capitalistic to its very metallic core. Personally, I always viewed Nepleslia as the Coruscant of the SARP, with some Coronet City thrown in for good measure.

Yamatai is the reverse, at least on the surface. The only evidence of "poor folk" are the citizens of northern villages and towns such as Ralt, which removed itself from a highly technologized society and retained a roughly agricultural governance. The rest of the planet, or what is mentioned of it outside the capital city of Kyoto, suggests it is a multi-veiled paradise. Think Alderaan without the wimpy exterior.

Yamatai's society, for lack of a better term, seems a mix of socialism and theoretical (pure) communism -- the individual is less important than the whole, but each person's needs are met according to their contributions to the whole. A longshorewoman in Port Xenn is taken care of to some extent, but probably isn't very well off. The focus on the state -- and especially the military -- reinforces the idea of pure communism.

So far, Ralt is the exception, which seems to have a strong New England-style democratic bent.

Interesting, I just may have Miles buy a house out in Ralt.