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OOC [Sticky] Timeline of Events


Retired Member
Inactive Member
Plots involving the Consortium tend to exist as cameos in other plots, with characters of the consortium appearing to lend a hand, financial aid, a watchful eye or as a malevolent shadow.

Over time, this thread will become a large ongoing timeline of events, listing by year and month when changes in the story have taken place. It is at this time, under construction.


The dates and times used are directly based on the Yamataian Era calender and may differ from local times at locations due to time dilation which may stretch or squeeze the rate at which time elapses.

Apr 05: The Lazarus Public Network is opened, as a subsidiary of LorCo communications ltd - in an attempt to ensure Lor doesn't become cut off from other nations.​

Jan 01
The Lazarus Consortium becomes a private contractor, independent from LorCo due to legal disputes with Yamatai and the nature of anonymous public messaging in the scope of information security - coincidence with the beginning of the Second Mishhuvurthyar War​

Oct 22
Lazarus releases Energy Management Software and Limiter Disabling software, the use of which violate a number of Terms of Use with a variety of known hardware.

Nov 03
The Lazarus Consortium creates the ROM Construct, allowing for the replication of individuals as AI in software. Combined with quantum universal modem and neural telemetrics, this allows an individual to operate in multiple locations simultaneously. Its existence is classified to the public.​

Feb 05
The Gravitic Centrifuge is released to the public market.
With minor software modification, the device is capable of generating the infamous combined field system with a greater efficiency than the StarArmy of Yamatai's own equipment - levelling the playing field in a disruptive way.
The device falls under control laws within hours of its creation - demanding extensive background checks and the approval of the StarArmy of Yamatai before sale will proceed.
Lazarus refuses to conform to these measures

Jun 24

Ketsurui Yui directly evicts the Lazarus Consortium from Yamataian space, leading a drop in the use of the Lazarus Public Network.
As a direct result, the Lazarus Consortium biruficate, forming the Lagrange Foundation as a separate entity.
In spite of information stated to the contrary, it is then revealed that employees are not in fact in the hundreds - with each company possessing just six employees and twelve total.
Among the twelve is Aiesu Kalopsia - who negotiated the bifurication personally.

July 05
The Lazarus Consortium begin military hardware development projects.​


Jan 09
The crew of the Maras stay at a Lazarus development station, deep beneath the crushing oceans of Nyli.
Following the loss of the Maras, the crew are not handling it well: Rebeka being hit the hardest -- the last other known Sourcian destroyed due to what she perceives as Yamataian ineptitude.
Her attempts to live a normal life fail miserably.
Sana's memory problems are becoming harder to manage (see original Sakura for details) -- there's speculation she may not live another year. In attempts to prolong her life, Miles has been gradually cyberneticizing her - and there's a very real risk that there won't be any Sana left when he's done.

Jan 15
Miles announces he is getting engaged to Sana - Rebeka's counterpart, the template for all of her humanoid experiences, whom she shares many of the same memories and feelings - granted, unrequoited - including an affinity for Miles.

Unable to cope with the stress, Rebeka leaves., finding greener pastures aboard the PHOENIX.

Jan 17th
Aboard the 147th Kith, another construct is acting as a scientific and tactical consultant, to recover stolen Lazarus apparatus while also negotiating the rights to reverse-engineer an NMX ship.

Jan 23
Aboard the Akahar, the construct the real Aiesu was using as a proxy went into a recursive error and locked her in, then Hakahn, the ship's XO raped her -- the construct, brutalizing and scalding her first.
Elsewhere, the real Aiesu ended up cutting her way out of the immersion suit she uses to act by proxy with a scalpel, terrified by the experience. Unable to see what she was doing, she nicked a vital artery and nearly bled to death.
Miles Gunn, on station at the time managed to patch things up. The blood-loss caused minor brain damage but nothing microsurgery couldn't fix.
The two (Miles and Aiesu) no longer hate eachother.

Feb 12
Elsewhere, one of the many constructs has met with Schlock Grunder (Sichylokgyunyadri), a Type 32 Mishhuvurthyar with allusions of forming a culture for his people and integrating with the 'lesser species' by assimilating them culturally instead of genetically, to co-exist.
Negotiations have begun for a staging ground, physical resource and an exchange of equipment and intelligence.
Schlock states he wants Aiesu, rather than money as his own personal play-thing.

Mar 07
Aiesu meets at the Shattered Shell with Seiren Isbala to negotiate a possible infiltration of KFY - and in return, to provide startup capitol for his company. Seiren is informed to await further instructions.

Mar 08
New rules instated say those living on Lor with an empty bed have to fill it on dormitory grounds after its revealed that there's a financial defect in the University and one of the buildings is due to be knocked down and the land sold off (mirroring a real situation in British politics with 'the bedroom tax').
If Aiesu leaves, she doesn't get to pick her room-mate. As a consequence, Aiesu has to put things on hold and figure something out.

Mar 09
Schlock proves he can fix Aiesu's broken aspectation. More mind-games.
Schlock is putting pressure on his offer.

Mar 15
Aiesu ROM-Reads Seiren and negotiates the legal rights to the construct.

Mar 17th
The ROM Construct Seiren is awoken, filling the niche of a room-mate. Since its an all-female dorm, he's an ideal choice due to his appearance and mannerisms - though mostly because Aiesu has registered Seiren as Nepleslian (he's Yamataian) because of the exchange program, altering details in the University Registry.

Mar 18
A few weeks later, Miles decides based on Aiesu's borked aspectation that the cause is psychological. With her step-father being her shrink, the two agree there's something he isn't telling her. He wants to meet.
Aiesu sweetens the deal: If Miles can figure it out, he gets the ROM Constructs and ST readings of Sana Nakamura and Rebeka Retena, which should go some distance to fixing Sana's problems.
Miles wants to meet in orbit, acting some form of assessment body for the board of psychiatric health on Lor (a lie, obviously) but its shot down.
She does however also state that she can't leave, since Seiren needs to be shown the ropes first.
Instead, he's registered as a consultant of the Matriarchy on behalf of Nepleslia (tied into the exchange program) and also as part of the Matriarchy House of Psychiatric Regulation -- as a regulating body to apply pressure on Aiesu's father.
There is also further discussion about the development of the M2 platform.

Mar 18
Schlock fixes the failed expectation of a specific construct, performing a number of aesthetic and technical alterations to make her more suggestible. The terms of the negotiation and elements of the Final Objective are discussed.

Mar 20
Lazarus begins recruitment processing with its first subject, Danny Hanley-Lewis after advertising anonymously in a variety of publications.

Apr 01
The Consortium meets with Dr. Weiss

Apr 02
The existence of quasi periodic materials becomes public knowledge. Ikkiki Ichirou - an engineer scouted by the PHOENIX team, recommended by Luca Pavone himself becomes one of the first members of the public to produce a useful device from them: a mainframe at least 4 years ahead of anything else on the market at this time.

Apr 03
A construct of Seiren Isbala is created for testing at a classified location, thinking the scan (performed Mar 15) has just finished.

Also noteworthy, this is the first encounter with MOTHER.

Apr 11
Miles and Sana depart Nyl II for Lor.

Apr 12
Miles and Sana arrive on Lor to meet Aiesu. In the process, they once again meet the parents of one My'ean "Blackwolf" Idoqu Fyunnen

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