Star Army

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RP Stoke the Forge

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Commissar Farzi

🎖️ Game Master
RP Date
YE 45.1
RP Location
Sandraker, Ternifac, Yamatai
Location: Sandraker, low orbit.

Year: YE 45.1

Steiner was currently browsing the current market reports while he did paperwork-not something he normally pursued, but in this case, it was necessary; while the Company was primarily a Mercenary unit, mercantile pursuits were not beyond them, as while military work was lucrative, it was not always guaranteed. Not to mention constant warfare could, and often did put a considerable strain on logistics. So, the manufacture and salvage of equipment were always on the table, and their ability to produce it internally also helped. Ammo, weapons, and various recreational substances were always in high demand in Nepleslia. While NAM supplied hardware to the DION Military, only supplying a paltry few small arms and equipment on the Consumer Market, groups such as Zen Armaments often filled this gap. The New Dusk Conclave, his former employers-now that he thought of it he should let them know he was alive and well; did not seem to be hurting for such hardware either-and as of Yamatai-the less said, the better. Simply put, the military hardware market was oversaturated, though heavy machinery for the agricultural and industrial sectors seemed to be somewhat lacking, while there were plenty of common designs out there, compared to the Arms Market they were absolutely minuscule. But a few small bits and bobs they manufactured did make their way onto the market, mostly a few handguns and vehicle models they'd opted to throw on the open market as a 'test the waters' campaign.

Honestly, this didn't really surprise him given the general instability of the sector, especially given the recent war over two years ago and the myriad of threats lurking about the first thing on everyone's mind was defense spending given that paranoia was the most popular mental disorder for those in charge of various governments. Creating jobs and peace of mind. He scoffed mentally as he checked over a logistical report, and 'blinked' at what he'd read-why was just this reaching him now?

They were low on tanks-they had the trucks and supplies, but not enough combat vehicles

With a grating sigh, and cursing the Smiths for saddling him with this he produced a piece of parchment and set to penning an order to build them with 'all due haste'. The Grandmaster didn't like ramming these sorts of things through-as he had been smith himself, he knew damned well what it took to keep them operational-though running out of combat vehicles was not necessarily beneficial to their long-term survival. Penning an order for vehicles plus parts, an article had caught his attention-the Star Army of Yamatai was looking for a new Fire Fighting Vehicle. Interesting...normally he wouldn't be bothered with the Cats given the reception he'd received when he'd tried to enlist in their army, and when he'd first arrived, and-Well...there were his associates in the Yugamo Corperation-though their contract stipulated "Security", not "Military"; the Star Army was handling that. and large he was not overly fond of them. But this was an opportunity; such a contract could be meant to further bolster their coffers towards the greater war effort against the Gribblies and whatever other horrors decided to rear their ugly heads; he thought back to reports his scouts had given him during the evacuation of the Norians. If the Craethel had managed to tear the Veil, no one could say for certain what else had crossed over...

'No...' He thought resignedly as he sent a drone off to deliver the order after he'd stamped it, 'The Company comes first-even before my own misgivings.' They'd make a bid for it, and offer a suitable prototype-the only problem was...what to build it on? It was the Star Army after all, and likely the vehicle would be utilized under less-than-optimal conditions, so it would have to be armored. Pulling up their inventory, he began to go over what they'd both manufactured and salvaged-a few teams had returned pulling derelicts and prepping them for breaking. Their cargo was mixed; a wide variety of equipment from across the various factions of the sector-Ancestors knew given the sheer size and scale of some of these debris fields they found how massive some of these battles had been-if anything, it gave them ample material to process and utilize. If their bid was successful, they could possibly start buying new or at least second-hand equipment on the open market to further boost their stockpiles. But where would they even manufacture the damned thing, let alone start designing...hold on. The list had the usual assortment of junk; vessels too damaged to be used, power armors that even if they could get working they'd have to slave to a half dozen different systems just to keep them working, and whatever miscellaneous cargo that was available-this included a number of combat vehicles... in fact...

Several relatively intact, save for the rigors of neglect-tanks had been retrieved; in some ways they made him think of the Defender; carrying a cannon and able to carry additional personnel; there was also that vehicle scale flame-projector that they'd needed a use for-a simple retooling would be enough to convert it into a fire-fighting implement. Modification of the cargo space would also be relatively easy to do-widen it out, put a high-capacity fluid tank in, and then hook the system up. Even better, as long as the vehicle was still in service logistics would be greatly simplified given that both machines would essentially be the same vehicle, sharing parts compatibility and thus, at least he hoped be less of a pain in the arse to justify purchasing.

And he had just facility in mind...

Quickly he penned a new set of orders for one of the Knights to take a few squads out to reactivate his old facility on Yamatai-designating it Manufacturing Facility A-434. The facility was sealed, and unless some enterprising malcontent decided to try and 'repurpose' it, the fabrication gantries should be able to manufacture them at a decent rate.

He just hoped the Yamatians wouldn't decide to try and arrest, or gods forbid shoot the lot of them for rebuilding one of their vehicles for this endeavor...
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As Steiner finished his order and sent it off, in spite of his misgivings, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. This could be a new avenue for the Company, a way to expand and grow its resources beyond the traditional mercenary work. And the potential profits...well, they could be quite substantial. With the tanks already salvaged and the manufacturing facility at his disposal, this seemed like a golden opportunity. But he couldn't forget the potential risks. The Yamatians had a history of being rather...protective of their technology. Not to mention the fact that they were essentially building a vehicle for a possible enemy, even if it was for a noble cause such as firefighting. There was a chance that this could backfire in some way.

But for now, Steiner pushed those thoughts aside. The Company needed this, and he was confident they could pull it off. As his massive form shifted, he gazed out at the blackness of space through the viewport, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. This was what he was meant to do: find opportunities that would ensure that the Company would be able to endure.

Location: Ternifac Desert, Planet Yamatai

Date: YE. 45.1-3

Time: 0430 hours

Dawn was just beginning to peak as a blocky spacecraft with a blunted, rounded front and a quartet of huge engines began its descent; its onboard computers attempting to mimic what many a Kikioan would say to be a "Swan in flight", but in reality was more akin to a piss-drunk buffalo attempting to paraglide-with predictable results. The soldiers in the transport bay; numbering four-dozen plus three tanks and the equipment necessary to convert them-including a number of cargo trucks-were jostled about as they prepped for landing-some of them were given several large cages with holes in the side of them a fairly wide berth save for a few of the braver souls that acted as the minders of what lurked within. The rest were being transferred to Njord for additional modification.

("So, we're gonna make equipment for these Kikyos?") Someone asked in the back-there was a low hiss followed by someone murmuring comfort towards one of the occupants of the cages. ("That's the plan.") Came a reply over the radio as the craft began the process of leveling out, ("Grandmaster wants us to give it a shot-preferably without getting arrested-means no fighting with the locals, and Ancestors forbid if the Star Army shows up cooperate with em'-we don't need this to turn into a shooting match.") The craft shook as the landing gear was extended, and with a dull thud, it touched down as its landing ramp lowered. ("Touched down Gideon, riders ready to go?") The yeomen rapidly began to clear the cages, standing to the rear and the side as the locks were released as a half dozen of them slid into the opening; a clang followed the sound of claws on metal as a half-dozen reptilian creatures shot out and down the ramp out into the desert sun-the creatures snarling and growling as they rapidly twisted and turned, churning up sand as their riders pulled them up. The facility; little more than a handful of fabrication gantries and a central warehouse lay before them.

("Did we really have to bring the damned thuroks?") A yeoman asked as they fired up the trucks and began to offload the equipment into the facility proper as the riders set about establishing a patrol route. ("Grandmaster figured they'd be useful as guard animals; keep people off the property.") The Knight known as Gideon replied as the smiths tinkered with the tanks, trying to get the aether powerplant going-and after a few unsuccessful tries they were rewarded for their efforts with the high-pitched hum of the powerplant. ("It supposed to makin' that noise?") Gideon asked the smith, as some of the yeomen began to rapidly evacuate the cargo bay under the pretense of offloading the equipment. ("I mean; the gribblies engines make the same noise don't they?") Gideon shook his head as the machines lurched forward. ("Just make sure the damned things aren't gonna turn into a sunjar.") Shaking his head as the vehicles trundled into the warehouse, the knight looked out at the wreckage and crag-ridden landscape...

At least they wouldn't be short on raw materials if it was required...
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