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Closed Stop Using Nomenclature in Main Headers

These suggestions have been dropped by the suggestor or rejected by staff.


SARPiverse Culture Dreamer
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This is something I think Wes and I have touched on in our conversations and have even made effort to already have it in place in the things we approve.

Stop the use of nomenclature, especially alternate nomenclature in product main headers (======This Header On The Wiki Article======). I'd also like to see "Already Approved" actively used products move away from this practice well.

I'd like to get this added officially though into the Submissions Guide:

  • Add to the submissions guide that Nomenclature/Alt Nomenclature should not be used in main headers.
    • ie. The KRK-946 Frog-Shaped Dish Sponge should just be Frog-Shaped Dish Sponge.
    • Nomenclature will remain in articles and struct where it belongs.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Be mindful to remove/reword these from the style guide:
1. ALWAYS title your pages! The first header determined your page title and should generally match the page URL.
6. Titles should be consistent with page URLs.
Wes brought it to my attention that something; I guess there are some items in which the nomenclature is the name. I think we'd need to strike out for a happy medium. Either way, it would be nice to especially get some of the strange non-standard nomenclatures off certain items.
Can we just change this to 'discourage nomenclatures in page titles" and call it implemented?
I like the nomenclature for certain articles. I grew up, like I suspect many of us did, excited about things like the F14, B52, etc. I don't think everything needs it, so I'm okay with the use of 'discourage' and letting the submitter/reviewer figure out if it makes sense. Sort of a, "if the nomenclature is part of the name you want people to use, then include it in the title - otherwise, it lives in the stat block" kinda deal.

I think factions should have some leeway with how they want to name their articles. So long as they're consistent, there is some flavor in the decision to use or not use nomenclature, nonstandard text arrangements, etc in titles.

That in mind, if Yamatai would like to bar the use of nomenclature in all the titles for their articles, you've got my full support. In addition to the 'discourage' idea.
I think that the title should keep the searchability of the article in question mind. If you use nomenclature it should also include what it is too.

Discourage is good wording.

Maybe everyone could play a part in suggesting title changes during the review process if something looks off or might decrease the searchability of the article?
I guess it is time to find a product name generator. Lol
It looks like the original idea wasn't feasible but we got some good ideas out of this thread anyway! I'll mark it as closed and the submission guidelines can be adjusted to encourage people to give names to things when it makes sense to do so.\.
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