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Approved Submission Structol Substrate


Inactive Member
Retired Member
Submission Type: Systems Augmentation
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=lazarus:substrate

Faction: Independent
FM Approved Yet? N/A
Faction requires art? N/A

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No (please verify)
Contains New art? Yes
Previously Submitted? No

Major building block for things to come. I like Wes' approach of separating technologies into their own articles before creating a submission so components can be called instead of invented for new equipment.

Would like some help working out a price for selling this internationally and whatever feedback you can offer: I want this to be really polished.

You know the drill, kids: Break it so I can make it.
Last edited:
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Four days, nothing?

Seriously. Bite into this. Like wolves: F**k it up: It needs to be broken before it can be made.
Title headers need to be immediately followed by text containing an overview of the article subject. The article appears to contain links to unapproved sub-articles.
Title headers need to be immediately followed by text containing an overview of the article subject.


The article appears to contain links to unapproved sub-articles.

Phyliaus quasicrystal was approved under the quasicrystal article.

I forgot to strip out the WIP headers post-approval.


As for the 'graveyard of articles', there are specific dependancies I have to have approved before I can progress and actually write them the way they were intended.

There's two more biggies to go (a generator and a means of dealing with it) and then comes the influx of new units which all use these technologies.
Sorry you've been waiting Osaka - if you'd like, I'll review it, but only after an appointment with the dentist in....8 hours from the time of this post I think?
Sure. I just want to know what needs explaining or changing so I can get it approved.
I've read over the article already and will begin scrutinizing it more closely. I understand that this will act as the basis from which power armors, vehicles, frames, etc may be built off of, but is it present solely in suit form as the pictures illustrate, or is it simply flexible enough to be used 'either-or'? I'd like that to be clarified. I also notice that the sentence structure, and flow is different from the norm, but it can be left in as-is since it's just a matter of personal preference and such.
Essentially, its usable for whatever you want to build on most any scale. The pic shown is just an example of the aesthetic. I'll probably update it with better pics in a few months.
Alright, after scrutinizing it one last time to be thorough, this article will be APPROVED in 1 day's time
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