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STs and Hemo. Spawning question (Also: Neko-Yam debate)


Inactive Member
Right... How potent are Hemo. tanks? Can they recreate almost all races? (IE: Mishhu, Sourcian, etc) And making them that race, not turning them into Yams or Neko.

Second question, more of a double checking, can a ST work on all of the current playable races?

Third question that just pops up in my head, can a person be spawned into a different race that isn't Yam from a ST back up?

... Mostly Wesley questions, but oh well.
Re: STs and Hemo. Spawning question

Once I get a how-to-play set of instructions down, I'd be fine with making the Sourcian a playable species.

Their more complex internal organs (brain, filtration, neural systems) are closer genetically to complex rock formations and coral or algae than anything in an animal body so I'm not sure spawning them would be possible without very specialist equipment.
Re: STs and Hemo. Spawning question

Hemosynthetic tanks are capable of recreating both organic races (evidenced by production/healing of Geshrin and Nepleslians) and inorganic races (neko, yamatains, mishhu, etc). If the tank has power, the material it needs and a blue print it could probably recreate almost any race - or even things like food if you were so inclined.

To my knowledge, ST should work on most races - though for one's who have never been ST'd before I imagine some sort of brain patterning would be required before hand.

and yes, it is possible for a person to be ST'd into a different body. The original Yamataian settlers became Geshrin (organic body to organic body) and many have upgraded to Yamataian bodies (organic to non-organic body). It's also possible to transfer from Yamataian to Neko and vice versa. In short, if a race can be ST'd, then you can transfer into it. And you could even create a body that looked similar to another race (but wasn't) and transfer into that.

ST tech is good stuff really.
Re: STs and Hemo. Spawning question

I could be mistaken, but I believe ST technology is restricted tech and avaiable only to medical and military personnel. Don't quote me on that though.

Also, the tanks themselves have always seemed quite complicated to me - they're not simple machines and require an embedded support network (raw materials to feed into them, computer systems to run them, trained personnel to monitor them) so I think stealing one would be a mite difficult. Someone who knows a bit more than me will need to elaborate a bit though.

Also, the actual laws surrounding the ST backups themselves are very restrictive as you may have noticed from the recent thread in the senate.
Re: STs and Hemo. Spawning question

Cannonball said:
Hemosynthetic tanks are capable of recreating both organic races (evidenced by production/healing of Geshrin and Nepleslians) and inorganic races (neko, yamatains, mishhu, etc).

Nekos and Yamataians are considered organic androids. It's not like they're made out of metal or plastic. :P
Re: STs and Hemo. Spawning question

An HS tank could create any playable race at the moment.

ST systems can (as played thus far) handle any mind.
Re: STs and Hemo. Spawning question

ST devices are illegal to own I think. According to the former Nepleslian/Yamataian treaty, it's a restricted technology.

Considering it's playing God for civilians, I'd think that the penalties for civvies owning one would be along the lines of owning Aether shock cannons (very, very severe).

Nobody wants a clone army spawned out of tanks rising up against them. :D

Of course, Wes knows best about this, so trust his say over mine.
Re: STs and Hemo. Spawning question

Nekos and Yamataians are considered organic androids. It's not like they're made out of metal or plastic. :P know...they are XD

Neko and Yamataians are bioroids - they mimic life down to the smallest details, that's true - but they're still constructs made with nanomachines and synthetic materials. No matter how they pretend, neko and yamataians are not 'alive' in an organic sense of the word; though they'd certainly consider themselves to be just as alive as anything else (and I agree with that view point myself).
Re: STs and Hemo. Spawning question

Actually, Yangfan is correct and you are incorrect CB.
Re: STs and Hemo. Spawning question

Wait...what definitions are we using here? I know neko blood is hemoscale nanomachines for starters - that much has been established numerous times so are we just disagreeing over different words?
Re: STs and Hemo. Spawning question

Nekovalkyrja, although complex, share a lot of common materials with humans, and definitely are living beings.
Re: STs and Hemo. Spawning question

Yes, let's be precise here. By Nekovalkyrja, I mean the NH-29 models. Yamataians should be self-explanatory. I realize that they have nano-machines flowing in their veins, but the rest of the stuff should be meat and bones.

Of course, they're built from the molecule-level up. But if you build a piece of ham from molecules up, it's still a piece of ham. No one's going to get sick if I serve it for Thanksgiving dinner. (Assuming no defects in its manufacture.) :P

Some of the special-services NH models might be more iffy. :?:

Then again, where do you draw the line? The human body is more than half water. I would certainly consider "hydrogen dioxide" an inorganic chemical rather than an organic substance.

I don't know. I would consider anything that can be "alive" or "dead" to be organic, even if it's not carbon-based.
Re: STs and Hemo. Spawning question

Aye, I knew you were thinking of the NH-29. It's just there's not a whole lot about them that screams 'organic' (used in a vegtable not mineral sense of the word) in a traditional, actual-fleshy sense. If it's not nano-machines in the blood, it's radio telepathy, anti-gravity control, sub-particle computer memory and direct mind/machine interface built in, etc. The list goes on. And, as you say, the 29 is easiest to classify this way.

So when forced to choose between calling them fully organic or fully robotic I picked the latter. Now, if by Wes' admission, neko are very complex...would that make them - if not deadly robots - then killer cyborgs ala the Terminator?

As for the alive/dead = organic thing...well, that just gets iffy. A car breaths, bleeds, eats and moves when you tell it too - so if I stab it through the engine and kill it then organic? Imo, as I said, I use organic in the vegtable sense of the word and don't extend that to the mineral groupings. But really, we're discussing semantics at that point and as long as we know what each other mean it doesn't matter.
Re: STs and Hemo. Spawning question

I'll have to disagree there. You can't "kill" a car. I can just replace the engine and it will run fine. Now, if you stab a human through the heart, a doctor can't just replace the heart and send him home. I would think that the distinction is obvious. :|

All those special Neko abilities you mentioned are caused by a combination of the nanites and the Neko's special biology. Is it so hard to believe that a post-singularity civilization can construct organic machines that can do this?
Re: STs and Hemo. Spawning question

Oh no, I'm not aruging that Yamataians 'could possibly' make organic machines to do this - they could very well be able to do that - it's just most of the literature on neko both OOC and ICly has favoured a far more mechanical explanation.

The nanomachines for instance which, if they are capable of making organics to replicate everything, would almost certainly be organic themselves - and they've never been described as anything but "mechanical" and "built". So, if one of the most prevalent compounds in the body is mechanical (blood) then there are almost certainly other mechanical, non-organic, aspects as well (I believe there are references to neko brains being built tech similar to PANTHEON - which, unlike Elysian computers, isn't organic to my knowledge). Regardlessly, incase of neko (and possibly yamataians) the distinction between an organic and mechanical component is probably impossible to make without a laboratory analysis.

Also, you're looking at the analogy the wrong way. Remember we're not talking about humans here. If someone stabbed a neko through the heart, it wouldn't kill them. In fact, it'd probably just piss them off (because they don't need a heart to function). In fact, the only way to kill a neko easily is to blow its head off - the equivalent of totalling the engine. Actually, it's exaclty the same because, yes, Yamataian scientists really could just replace the brain and the body would start to work again (if the few threads dealing with medical technology are any indication anyway).

That said, I think we need a new word here that describes a semi-organic sort-of-not-mechanical entity. Regardless, the current term used to describe an organism that has biological and mechanical components integrated into it (on any scale) is 'cyborg' so that's the best word to describe them atm.

Also, much <3 to discussions like this. Helps to flesh stuff out =p
Neko don't have hearts, actually. Muscles all about the arteries and veins instead.

See, I've always dubbed Neko Artificially organic. Why?

Well, you lot who say they aren't organic are thinking them as humans. They aren't humans. (Yams really aren't humans, although ICily they'd fire huge debates of this because the vast majority of them WERE a subrace of human (Neps, Geshrin, etc)... Losing yer humanity is a big deal to some.) Really, there is no real way to classify Neko. Sure, they are machinia in a way, but they are ALSO flesh and blood.

Cyborgs, really. (Because its usually a human/whatever with machine features.)