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Sub-Space Refracted Plasma Beam Saber. - Lorath Tech.


Inactive Member
Sub-Space Refracted Plasma Beam Saber.

Introduction: The Sub-Space Refracted Plasma Beam Saber is intended to be used in limited numbers. The production of this weapon is highly limited and is intended to be custom made for each individual that the weapon is given to. ((OOC: I'm not sure when I'll put this weapon into use, but it will be after the current part of the plot involving negotiations between the Lorath and Yamatai.))

Producer Information
Designer: Velor Tomoe Tur'Lista, Lorath Warrior House.
Manufacturer: Lorath Warrior House Artisan Division in cooperation with Lorath Psionics House.
(Suggested) Price: 100,000 KS.
Individual Component Costs: Not for sale.

Nomenclature Information
Name: Divine Blade (Other names given upon preference)
Type: Melee sword based energy weapon.
Role: Personal protection, anti-personnel, anti-vehicle.
Length: 28cm /1ft.
Weight: 4.5kg

Discharge Information
Projection/ammo type: short range sub-space tuned plasma energy blade.
Firing Mechanism: Highly focused and charged plasma energy is passed through a sub-space conductor crystal. (Same type used for the subspace drive system.). Through the use of controlled plasma pulses and energy exposure the crystal is used to focus and refract the plasma energy in a subspace field. The field then focuses and concentrates the plasma "bladeâ€
Much like a lightsaber, the usage of a weapon like this would require incredibly precise senses because a plasma saber isn't like a regular sword where it has any kind of weight, so someone with mundane reflexes and senses would be more of a danger to himself with this weapon than to his opponent.
Indeed, I figured as much. Thats the reason why the weapon would not be put into mass production. otherwise there would be a new market for cybernetic limbs.
I would have to agree with Derran on this one:

Much like a light saber, the usage of a weapon like this would require incredibly precise senses because a plasma saber isn't like a regular sword where it has any kind of weight, so someone with mundane reflexes and senses would be more of a danger to himself with this weapon than to his opponent.

Now I am no expert on the Lorath, but I didn't see it mentioned anywhere that their senses or reflexes were advanced. Not to mention I don't see how a weapon like this could ever be useful in any situation. Especially as the following describes:

Damage Description: Thermal damages, limited electric discharges, subspace distortion in the wake of the blade for a few seconds.

A subspace distortion in the wake of the blade for a few seconds...sounds like a gamble to me. Its own user could be affected from accidentally handling it improperly.

So my ruling on this one is NOT approved . The technology just isn't practical for mass production or even custom limited use.

(I will ask Wes to give it a second look, but until then my ruling will remain)
While I don't quite agree with the end of the damage type description, Rune does bring up a good point in that any time you create a spacial distortion, no matter how big and for how long, it has the chance to go wrong and horribly injure anyone around it.

As to the point of being able to weild it, the Lorath Warrior house, or House Fynneun, are actaully enhanced to the point of being able to wield it. They have, as I stated in the CCG page for the Lorath,
"Breeding of the house has led to enhanced muscle structure, stronger bones, heightened sense of hearing, reaction speed, as well as amazing stamina, and a towering height as well"

But When Tomoe brought this point up to me, he and I talked, and we have decided to limit this weapon specifically to a certain specialized group within the warrior house, though others do have the chance of learning to weild these weaponry. Hoped this helped you all out.
[Moderators, I think this is relevant to the discussion at hand, but if not, just delete this post as I have it saved and i'll put it into a new thread.]

I'm afraid I don't really know that much about "subspace" within this setting. How exactly does it function? Would a subspace distortion be required to do work to contain the plasma, like a gravitational or electromagnetic field would have to? If so, wouldn't the weapon have to exert an unacceptably large amount of energy to maintain the blade (keeping in mind that two 1 coulomb charges separated by 1 meter would repel with a force of over 9e9 N)?
Although the question of Subspace is a complicated one, and will most likely be answered by someone who knows more about it than me *eyes Zack* I can say one thing that has troubled me about this sword for a long time.

Name: Bacterial battery pack.
Charge: 1/2-9 hours, depending on subspace field focus.

Name: Electrical charge pack.
Visual Description: Typical rapiers handle appearance.
Charge: 30 min to 1 hour, dependant upon discharge frequency.
Damage Description: Electrical damage, including; heat effects, muscle twitching, loss of bowel control, coma, death.

Name: Plasma Cartage.
Visual Description: Small canister shape.
Charge: 30 min to 2 hours, dependant upon focus, length, and width of the plasma emission.

You do realise how much power something like this would take right? The creation of weapon grade plasma, and its suspension in a subspace effect (itself debatable over what it would work), would require far more energy than you're feeding in. I'd attach an entire back-pack sized battery pack if you even want to start reaching that sort of energy. You bacterial power packs I doubt will cut it.

refract the plasma energy

Eh? The Plasma energy? Don't you mean the plasma?

In any case, this weapon requires very refined subspace technology. On a ship it's alright due to you being able to have a really large engine, however in something the side of a sword?! Or a hilt at that?! That sort of micro-technology would suggest great ability with sub-space technology, greater than what I believed the Lorath had.

Due to the weak nature of the subspace distortion wake, it would have a minimal effect on organic tissues, but it would have an ability to refract or deflect beam based weapons.

Alright, that has just moved from an energy sword, to a Light Saber made of plasma. Please PLEASE explain how that works. You are essentially making a subspace field have whatever properties you want "Yes its wake is weak, but still strong enough to difract beam weapons"!?

However the very biggest problem is that of energy. Making plasma 'aint that easy.
I'm planning to introduce this weapon later in the RP, such as after the negotiations with Yamatai, and hopefully after the Lorath acquire shared technology from Yamatai. With the absurdly near infinite power that Yamatai technology can produce, I believe that the saber is then feasible.

As for the issue of subspace, if a distortion in space/time exists in front of a directed energy beam, it would only seem logical that a beam of that sort would be able to be disrupted by an energy disrupting event such as a "subspace wake"

Well, if it gets rejected, I'll just head back to the drawing board.
As for the issue of subspace, if a distortion in space/time exists in front of a directed energy beam, it would only seem logical that a beam of that sort would be able to be disrupted by an energy disrupting event such as a "subspace wake"

Yes, but that if it is a disruption in 'space/time' then it isn't really subspace. It's a space-time effect, or a gravitic one, rather than sub-space which pulls on a seperate and yet bonded universe. In addition, yes there is logic in your words, however it work on the assumption that this distortion would work in the way you've said it does in the first place.

I'd actually like quite a bit more detail in how the blade works, as in how the subspace effect works, even how the plasma is generated.
So my ruling on this one is NOT approved . The technology just isn't practical for mass production or even custom limited use.

My advice, give up, start over, rewrite this from the ground up with less lightsaber-ness and a more objective orented approch to the weapon. It has no chance of getting approved because it is just absurd. Your time would better be spent elsewhere.
Heh, well... it did not seem too absurd to me, least in comparison to other tech thats in wide use. *coughAethercough*

Well, if it gets rejected, I'll just head back to the drawing board.

Perhaps you ignored me the first time or maybe question the validity of my ruling prior. So to clarify I will repeat it.

So my ruling on this one is NOT approved . The technology just isn't practical for mass production or even custom limited use.

Star Army, Administrator.