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Submarine combat and standards system?


Inactive Member
I never thought I'd be submitting a request for some kind of standardization, but some is needed. You see, I'm very interested in submitting a submarine for the SAoY for combat purposes, and I know that Dusk wants a system in place so the Azoreans can as well. I'm having trouble understanding exactly what Dusk wants, but I do know he wants Azorean submarines to be the fastest in the setting to match up with the race's development in water.

The kind of sub I want to make would be constructed based on these principles -- but for it to work, a standard system would have to be set for underwater combat.

First, the below would set the level of combat not to starship scale, but to a more terrestrial scale.

- No energy weapons (make them useless underwater at submarine depth?)
- No antimatter, Aether, or Plasma weapons (fairly obvious)
- Pretty much no weapon used in excess of a nuclear weapon
- Limited to no effectiveness of kinetic-only weapons like canon or bullets

Fred made the recommendation of converting the submarine's equivalent starship size class' structural points into armor structural points points to help facilitate this, and giving the ship an ADR rating.

Example: 150 meter sub (Size 2 = Base SSP 20 = Base ASP 100)

I also think that a submarine's hull would have to be extra thick to facilitate the pressures and also handle that much I am considering using the new starship stat table but instead either cutting the SRP pool in half, or simply making a sub the next lowest size class -- probably the former since it allows smaller subs and penalizes larger ones more harshly. This should serve multiple purposes:

- Deterrent against giving the craft CDD or Fold ability (maybe keep off for subs?)
- Limit SRP that can go to shields or weapons to fit terrestrial combat better with many high ADR weapons and lower CFS output
- Limit STL speed to values that will allow the craft to escape a planet's atmosphere for pickup by another ship but not operate well in space combat (not meant for it)

I would also like Mines, Thermonuclear Missiles (water to surface) and Biological Agents (water to Surface) to be considered under "Utility" other than weapons, as they are indiscriminate, and can help keep a ship in a specific niche rather than dumping it all in shields and weapons.

Each new entry below is in addition to the lines above it.

1 Utility: Can carry 2 shuttles or escape pods and Countermeasures
2 utility: Above plus Mines
3 Utility: Above plus Starfighters, Power Armor (usually surface deployment unless underwater craft are provided)
4 Utility: Above plus long range Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) Missiles

The submarine I'm interested in making would look something like this, if the above were used (note that 12 [10 x 1.2] points to be distributed have been halved):

Base SP: 100 Armor SP (Yamataium, Ship SP 20 converted)
STL: 1 (0.04c for escaping atmosphere to meet tow or for terrestrial propulsion)
CCD: 0 (None)
Fold: 0 (None)
Weapons: 4 (22 SDR split between 48 specific missile tubes)
Shields: 3 (ADR 75[SDR15], ADR 5[SDR1, reduce?] Mitigation)
Utility: 4 (Shuttles, Mines, PA/SF, NBC Long Range Weapons)

Another way to limit the submarine to terrestrial levels aside from cutting its points in half could be to make a different point scale entirely, and do it in such a way that the removal of CDD and Fold would not make up the difference -- but that could go against Dusk's wish for Azorean craft. As such, I don't know if that would really work. I really think Utility should be applied to the missile-based long range NBC weapons, and require a moderate level in it.

Essentially, I want everyone on the same page on this -- to come to some agreement so my sub wouldn't be the only one puttering around out there without Plasma Cannons or something like that. Some people say not to even use a stat system since it's not a starship. Dusky, please give input since this concerns you too, and if this is in the wrong location or in a restricted permissions location, please move it where anyone can see it. >.>
(1 of 10)
What do I truthfully want?

I personally want something create a standard that truly is fair for everyone. Basically I want to obey the first formulation maxim of Deontological Ethics:
One interpretation of the first formulation is called the "universalizability test".[45] An agent's maxim, according to Kant, is his "subjective principle of human actions": that is, what the agent believes is his reason to act.[46] The universalizability test has five steps:
1. Find the agent's maxim (i.e., an action paired with its motivation). Take for example the declaration "I will lie for personal benefit." Lying is the action; the motivation is to fulfil some sort of desire. Paired together, they form the maxim.
2. Imagine a possible world in which everyone in a similar position to the real-world agent followed that maxim. With no exception of ones self. This is in order for you to hold people to the same principle, that is required of yourself.
3. Decide whether any contradictions or irrationalities arise in the possible world as a result of following the maxim.
4. If a contradiction or irrationality arises, acting on that maxim is not allowed in the real world.
5. If there is no contradiction, then acting on that maxim is permissible, and in some instances required.

Therefor in general I don't want on anyone to make technology an exception for themselves or another race, if when the shoe was the other foot, they personally would not want to happen. Also I feel like fundamental Azorean's need to embody the standard because Azorea is an aquatic race, so our foundation is in underwater combat. I just hope though the Azorean's will more of be a race that people can/want to use as PC/NPC or at least that Fay's race through this process will be more appealing to others.

Therefore it not just that I think that Toshiro idea is good or awesome, I think is it a like a technological categorical imperative for the Azorean cultural.

I never thought I'd be submitting a request for some kind of standardization, but some is needed. You see, I'm very interested in submitting a submarine for the SAoY for combat purposes, and I know that Dusk wants a system in place so the Azoreans can as well. I'm having trouble understanding exactly what Dusk wants, but I do know he wants Azorean submarines to be the fastest in the setting to match up with the race's development in water.
Well yeah that is kind of a dream of mine for Azorea to have some fast ships. However, if people feel like I am making a speed that other cannot compete against then I have to sacrifice my desires for creating equality especially if other races have to make sacrifices in order for things to be fair. In other words, I rather sacrifice any "benifits" that Azorean's might get under this combat system than cause Fay race's to have or justify any exceptions that prevent standardization.

This is so that underwater technology is fun for everyone and not just one or two people.
2 of 10
Toshiro as you know I have started a wiki article, based on my interpretation of what you said. I like it to be though not an article .... so I have intentionally left things blank and I don't mind other people editing it. Here is the link:

Here is also the comments Sean made about ACS so far:

for the sake of argument, let me just list all the technology this standardization is going to affect:

Yamatain: (Built for Azoreans... ?_? ) <-(what the heck !? )





couldn't find any >>; Fred, what am I missing?



Yet to be approved:

Yamatain: This is not Toshiro's Submarine. This is a research sub.




... sigh I a going to take a break for a minute to recompose myself >>;

wait first I should also problably link to <--- info I found on Sonar and Stealth Technology.
This is where I facepalm and must point out:
Guys, this is Star Army, not Undersea Army.

There is absolutely no need to develop something so intricately complicated when we can get things settled with equivalences and the like.
There are a lot of atmospheric and underwater actions going on in a wide range of equipment from power armors and tanks to starships and sometimes starbases.

And after seeing the last few submissions (especially the mach speed thing) maybe it is time to move forward with a stat-table system for power armor level units and add an atmospheric stat for starships?
Submarine combat in the SARP:

*YSS Girlycatgirls targets submarine from SPESS*
Some scandalous Neko weapons officer: "Taisa, we have target lock!"
The Taisa pauses contemplatively before shouting: "UTEEEEE!!!!1~"
*Submarine explodes underwater because of DAT PRECISION STRIKE*
I really think this is unnecessary in regards to the site. While the desire to impose regulations is understandable, it's just another unnecessary roadblock for submissions and expands on a portion of the site where there is not real interest in the first place.

Maybe you should just take the time to design your own Azorean submissions rather than trying to shoehorn everyone else preemptively.
There is absolutely no need to develop something so intricately complicated when we can get things settled with equivalences and the like.
Fred, if I could trust people to make equivalences, I would totally agree with you. However, as you can see by the technology listed above people have not made equivalences even if they made promises to. What equivalence between any of the races can be established involving a maxed-out underwater Starbase, high damage a Lorath underwater destroyer, the high damage of a underwater Nepleslian Hammarhead, or the unrealistic stealth of a Harpy M5 Scout Armor? Thus, most of this aquatic technology are other submissions suffer from Type 2 submission rot. In fact, I would thought Nepesia H-ray would have an underwater rival by now; however, I have yet even to see equivalence established for the Acadia's plotship(*). I think if they where more equivalent then people would have more fun.

Thus Fred and Exhack, I am not standardizing because I want something for the Azorean or want Azorean to have a greater part in SARP. If I was doing this for Azorea's sake, then why haven't I gone on the wiki and started making Azorean ships? Why have I held back my own technology despite getting Wes positive opinion on it? I don't submit technology for the Azorean because I want people to realize that I am doing this for their sakes not my own.
(*) Specifically I mean equivalence of ships and vehicles underwater.
Fred said:
This is where I facepalm and must point out:
Guys, this is Star Army, not Undersea Army.]There is absolutely no need to develop something so intricately complicated when we can get things settled with equivalences and the like

Now that I had my little rant about equivalences, if Fred you still feel that the standard is unreasonably complex. Part of the reason its complicated is that I have been confused by what you where talking to Toshiro about by ASP and the engine speed table. So there is definitely a place for you, Fred, to help simplify this standard if you want it.

P.S. In fact, The only thing I really add that was my opinion was depth values from the utility as little mini-bonus for people. The weapon restriction on lasers, SDR 5 weapons, and antimatter was something I directly got fro from the Tech Setting Managers themselves and not what Toshiro said.
Uso said:
There are a lot of atmospheric and underwater actions going on in a wide range of equipment from power armors and tanks to starships and sometimes starbases.

And after seeing the last few submissions (especially the mach speed thing) maybe it is time to move forward with a stat-table system for power armor level units and add an atmospheric stat for starships?

I . Will it really help? I am honestly not sure one would. For one thing a standard just for power armors and nothing else, would be just another system the Azorean fundamentally cannot obey because of our canon history like the Anti-FTL and the first part of Extrasensory perception (*), which the Azoreans fundamentally cannot standardize to, so these aspects don't exist in rp involving any Azorean. However, I do think that their does need be a standard stat system for fighters, bombers, vehicles, and power armors.

Second just an atmosphere stat, still wouldn't solve some of the equivalences for large ships like underwater starbase and the lorath destroyer. Honestly, its such a hug problem that I think we should limit the structure points or size of ships allowed to go underwater. By putting in a SP restriction, greater balanced could be achieved for PA level Armors.

Thus, I think Uso their is still merit in developing something here for underwater ships, power armors, etc. even if it merges with a larger article later.

(*) Both the ESP and Anti-FTL thing are past decisions by the Moderators back in 2009. ESP one specifically mean you cannot read or sense an Azoreans thoughts just as Azoreans cannot use ESP.

Exhack said:
I really think this is unnecessary in regards to the site. While the desire to impose regulations is understandable, it's just another unnecessary roadblock for submissions and expands on a portion of the site where there is not real interest in the first place.
Exhack, while you say that, the fact still remains that it is hard to compare ships when underwater if their are no guidelines for underwater ships, vehicles, fighters, and power armors. I think that sheer volume of ships that can go underwater and the lack of equivalences between them makes this standardization very necessary. Second I have not even begun to specify what I think an aquatic combat standard should be. All I have done is began to traslate things Toshiro mentioned into a wiki article and added a few other little things, so we could have a intellegent conversation about this. Because it is a group effort, I don't even mind other people editing the tables or words on the standard I have made.

Exhack said:
Maybe you should just take the time to design your own Azorean submissions rather than trying to shoehorn everyone else preemptively.
Exhack, I find the it very offensive that you assumed that I am doing this to help the Azoreans be more a part of SARP. I thought I made this clear in my first post on this thread, that I was willing to sacrifice such things for the greater good.

I have postponed everything I been working on the Azoreans, in order to ensure the aquatic standardization happens as something for all of SARP's benefit rather than just for the Yamatains, Azoreans, Neplesians, or even the Iroma.
Second I have not exactly "shoehorned" submissions, Exhack. All I have said, like in the case with Uso tech with the K4, is that if they are going to be approved then they are also going to need to be updated at a later date.