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Subscribe to Thread?


Inactive Member
Ok this is more a question for Wes to answer and maybe put on the Faq for either wiki or forums.

In the past, I noticed that both on the wiki and the forums you can subscribe to thread.

However, I am not sure 100% how it works. In fact one time I remember subscribing to something on the question thread; yet I kept getting reminders for everything thread posted on the question thread. I had the same problem when I tried to subscribe to Soresu's work on Iroma's energy/power technology. Originally, I subscribed to his work so I could keep Engineering Guide up to date as I work on it and provide feedback if anything was off. However, I ended up getting an e-mail reminder every time there was a change to any Iroma page.

Its not that I don't like the Yamatains or the Iroma, but notice every little change on the forums and wiki can be a bit... overwhelming.

So Wes could you explain perhaps how the subscription system works? If you haven't already that is.
The "subscribe topic" link is right under the "new topic" button on each thread. When you're subscribed, you will get an email whens someone posts in that thread since you last visited it.

There will be no additional emails until you visit the thread again. After you visit the thread again, it will send out another email the next time someone replies to it.
The "subscribe topic" link is right under the "new topic" button on each thread. When you're subscribed, you will get an email whens someone posts in that thread since you last visited it.

There will be no additional emails until you visit the thread again. After you visit the thread again, it will send out another email the next time someone replies to it.