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Subspace-Encased Particle Cannon


Retired Staff

As I was designing the Kochou-class Long-Range Escort, it came to my notice that a smaller hull would never be able to hold as much weaponry as the Kochou's predecessor, the Arashi. The Arashi-class escort carries an extremely large amount of weaponry and LAMIAs that rival even the Irim gunship, so, if a new escort ship design was to be given consideration, it needed to have the weaponry that could rival it's predecessor.

I took the 'less weapons, higher firing rate' route and, on Wes' suggestion, planned to base the Kochou's main anti-starship weaponry aside from it's W2901 main gun on Mishhu weaponry. This has actually already been implemented with the Yui 5 scout destroyer, but it didn't seem widely used.
Again, for noobs and myself -- we've seen this weapon as the SMX's answer to aether, and we (kinda) know what stops aether. So what beats this gun? Considering "the cannon penetrates distortion and repulsion shielding, ignores scalar and "hard" shields, and burrows through Zesuaium and Xintium rather easily, while electrically draining the target ship at the same time through intense release of positive energy."
I think a higher level of detail would be useful to roleplayers and physics freaks alike, like just what is being fired by the weapon and how it works...
I sort of equate this to a Clan ER PPC in Mechwarrior 3 ^_^ (you know, like that. Probably even looks the same). I'd guess the countemeasures would be the same : hope the place you're hit on is really tough and have good shields - it's not because they can easily pierce it that it doesn't offer some amount of protection.

Dodging works too.
That is PPC, and the descriptions differ substantially as a PPC is not naturally penetrating to anything and follows the laws of physics like a good particle beam should.
Sorry, typo. I edited. ER PPC = Extended Range Particle Projection Cannon. I'd also say that any weapon that does 15 points of damage in a single shot (as opposed to missiles) in Battletech/Mechwarrior has ~high~ penetration capabilities.

Look, I just pictured the weapon of this thread, in my head, with how PPCs looked in the Mechwarrior 3 game. It's a sort of blueish bolt, it hurts, it crackles on impact and sure sends knocks my HUD out of whack when I'm in by one.

As for how the actual weapon itself would behave? Well, I didn't invent it - I'm just reusing it's concept. Ask Wes, maybe?
Wes, unlike the rest of us, can bypass the approval procedures. If more and more people are going to complain about the high tech setting then more explanation should be needed for tech.

I should also note that it had little penitration capability, it simply expended a lot of energy in one burst to defeat armor and the like.
Ah. To be honest, I probably could have had too since I actually was giving progress feedback to Wes often over the ship I was building... but I noticed the comments other creations recieved that included a vehicle and new technology at the same time.

Instead of posting up the Kochou escort with it's aether beam cannon, particle beam turrets and variable defensive pods... I decided to post them up beforehand as a courtesy. Anyone checking out the new variant of the Chiharu-class flagship should also notice the Polaron "Striker" Array Drew added to it (for which I'm saving the part ID W2902), the new polaron railguns (W2905... though I don't see how it's improved over the Sakura's W2801...) and heavy anti-matter turret (W2906?) along with the dual port Type 29 torpedo launchers.
It seems okay to me. ^_^;
I suggest that this be approved.

I would like to see more description on what the shots look like but that isn't a necessity.
Well, like I said before, my own mental image of that is a sort of whitish core surrounded by crackling blue energy that would leave short lived sparkling particle residues in it's wake in a way similar to a comet.

The discharge probably only leaves an after-image, since it needs to be fast enough to cover the 1 AU of it's range to be reasonablty able hit a possibly moving target.
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