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Neshaten Information Network Success in Ki'kayshea'ne System and Tragedy at Zui'tashe'ne

The following broadcast was played during the evening news by the main radio station within the Kingdom

"Good evening people of the kingdom, for those of you unlucky enough to be finishing up a long day shift stay tuned for our first story of the night which will hopefully lift those spirits while you're stuck in a horrible sleep cycle. For those of you who're just getting ready to start your day, I hope you all have a productive night, now our first noteworthy story details the recent success of our brave mining teams in the Ki'kayshea'ne system, as some listeners may know our government has recently been in close contact with our foreign residents over at Galactic Horizon and decided to invest in a few more pieces of their technology."

"Now, the mining efforts in the outer systems are nothing new but in the last quarter, both the workers on the ground and the board members have sung praise for the added efficiency brought to operations across the various planets with the introduction of the Balaena Industrious Platform. A purpose-built vehicle designed and manufactured by the good outsiders over at Horizon, I've got the chair of the board of "Ki'Kay Excavations" here with me tonight, Mr Mazzio Rogetta and one of his Open Pit Supervisors Mr Gilo Bed'Na, good to have you here tonight gentlemen, would you like to start us off Chairman?"

A brief shuffling of a chair can be heard before someone clears their throat.

"Certainly, it's quite a privilege to be on your show Miss Ni'La and hopefully it won't be my last visit. Now as for this new vehicle, it is true the group has seen an improvement in several areas of our activity and going by date provided to the board by our financial team it's lead to a slight profit increase in this quarter. The Balaena as it's called has allowed us to cut out the costs of several machines entirely with its multi-role design focus and existing additional modules, a number I have been told is only going to grow as our dealings with Galactic Horizon increase."

"Following on from what Chairman Rogetta has already stated, this new technology has been something various engineers for our group as well as others had pondered, it cuts equipment running costs in half by doing more jobs. Due to the nature of our work we had already been using ground-based equipment before it came along but not to the same design quality as this. However, the obvious drawback for now at least is that it's still completely foreign technology, our mechanics take far longer to make repairs and if they don't have the schematics and manuals on hand a single unit can be out of commission for a week or more. A lot of the workers and other supervisors on the site have been pushing to bring them on board more permanently so that we can get access to proper training for operation and maintenance, but overall they've still been a noticeable improvement over existing and outdated machinery we had on the sites."

"Thank you for your input gentlemen, so for our listeners out there here's the poll for that segment. The Balaena, should we trust these outsiders enough to equip our workers with their vehicles and gear? We'd especially love to hear from any other miners in the outer systems where they're being trialed, and now for a quick break."

--- A short break follows with various product advertisements along with a few reminders from the Royals to keep a watchful eye out for any suspicious behavior within the kingdom ---

"Welcome back and welcome to anyone tuning it now, I just finished a brief interview with the chairman and a supervisor from the Ki'kay Excavations Group discussing the recently tested Balaena vehicles, sadly our next story doesn't have such a positive ending. As of four hours ago, a search effort has been ongoing for a team of scientists operating out of the arctic city of Zui'tashe'ne. The team consisting of two senior professors from a local college and six of their fifth-year students went missing during the day and failed to check-in at sun-down prompting an immediate search team mobilisation. This team was investigating the recently discovered ice caves in an area roughly an hour from the city outskirts, due to the dangerous nature of such an expedition and the resources required to mount the search effort it's unclear how long it will take the first rescue team to reach their last known position. The families of all the members have been alerted and told to prepare for the worst, we will keep you updated as more information becomes available."

"That's all we have for this evening's news, as always I'm Ni'La Pesscio your host for Netoshen FM, join me again for the Midnight segment but for now enjoy the finest collection of music played on any station in the Kingdom. Stay safe out there."
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